General Discussion

General DiscussionTo dotabuffers who do Daily Exercise

To dotabuffers who do Daily Exercise in General Discussion

    Start and end all sessions with "Limber 11" program of stretches:

    Should you strain a muscle apply hot & cold therapy immediately, like immediately at gym not "wait till I get home". The faster you apply cold the more you lessen the recovery time. Now you know why doctors run out to football players with ice packs. Serious gyms have ice machines/freezers, professional gyms will have ice baths. Visit doctor if immense pain or great pain still after 3 days:

    After most pain is over then apply the Starr recovery method unless doctor/therapist has said otherwise:

    @Filthy, Hope you stay strong and healthy!

    @IM GAWD, what a nice way to point out to the MadCow 5x5 program, also a good system for intermediate lifters :)

    Showtime |

      To filthy
      Ofc stretching is beneficial and absolutely nessecary,but we agree that people have different needs,and i repeat for those they have lordosis,this specific stretch is forbitten
      To summarise op needs to go out there and find a profesional to give him proper guidance,instead of asking these things in a video game forum

      Dire Wolf

        You need to just eat more if you want to put on weight. Christan bale went from starving himself for the mechanic to beefing up for batman by eating pizza and doughnuts. Of course you need to do anaerobic exercise to make sure it converts to muscle. I wouldn't do much cardio at all.

        Whoever said eat at least 2500 calories, that's way too low if you want to gain weight. 2500 calories is like normal consumption for an average guy 180 lbs, ~80 kgs. You want to eat more like 3500 calories a day. Which really isn't that hard anyway. 4 eggs + 4 pieces of toast for breakfast is going to put you close to 700 depending on the bread, and if you use any butter or anything on it.


          80kg LUL
          I'm barely 50

          ダイヤ 黒澤 Dia Kurosawa

            Go to any nearby gym and do these:

            Monday: Pullups, lat pulldown, dumbell flys, abs exercises, shoulder raises, incline bench
            Tuesday: Any cardio exercises
            Wednesday: Squats, calf raises, abs exercises, deadlift
            Thursday: Any cardio exercises
            Friday: Bench press, curls, skullcrushers, abs exercises, bent-over rows

            Saturday and Sunday: Rest

            If you want a muscular body with less than 10% body fat content, you need to incorporate some cardio exercises and watch your diet (eat more protein, and less sugar, carbs and too oily/fatty food).


              my fat content is straight like 1 or 2% no Kappa