General Discussion

General DiscussionTo dotabuffers who do Daily Exercise

To dotabuffers who do Daily Exercise in General Discussion

    I am guessing you are still young which makes it the perfect time for you to start going to the gym, consult a trainer before lifting weights so he can help you to find the perfect place to start on, take things carefully in the beginning, dont push to hard. Gaining muscle needs a lot of time but with the right nutrition and meal plan you should be in perfect form in at least a year or 2


      ^if ur only trying to become big body, then ye lift an anal amt of weights and become huge.
      But general fitness shud have a variety of exercises.
      Imho run a bit, do lifting, do other exercises, and eat right.


        ^ i would start gaining weight and stop running in your situation bitches likes big biceps and triceps


          @FeelsBadMan You aid it yourself you are too skinny, and Im telling you running wont help you fix that it will make it a bit worse


            u wont become fat ugly guy but oppoosite if ur a cross guy then if u start gaining weight u gona get good nice looking body very fast


              If he did sprints in intervals instead of distance running he would build mass as well. And I'm guessing the guy that said you can't get big on squats is doing body weight squats becuase squats with weights is one of the best ways there is to gain muscle mass.


                ill 20 next month


                  I didn't say u shudnt lift
                  I'm not even saying u shud run as much as I do.
                  I'm fine with being skinny, but once I get out of highschool and into college I'll start going to the gym, so I can keep a decent level of fitness.

                  squats with weights is one of the best ways there is to gain muscle mass.

                  For sure


                    What I mean is that it isn't bad to run for 15 ish min as a warm up or to do other exercises, like how u say to stay completely away from running or squats.

                    Use chatwhell=mute

                      Im 186 and im 66kg is this okay?


                        ^no u should have more than 80kg


                          Long term wise I'd say swimming is the best . However with y'all being young guys you'll probably get more benefit from weight lifting since it makes you jacked which is more important for younger guys id say .


                            just do 200 pushups every day

                            u will see a bit of difference

                            a bit of difference

                            200 pushups

                            every day

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                            Pump Cultist

                              run a kilometer every time someone talks shit
                              push up every last hit with anti mage
                              10 star jumps every time you invoke


                                get more benefit from weight lifting since it makes you jacked which is more important for younger guys id say .



                                  @arin my dad said when u wake up u should do *ur age times 5* pushups to start the day (in 1 set ofc)

                                  idk man idk how to do that

                                  meteor hammer

                                    honestly 200 pu a day isnt life ending, hes not telling u to do 60 a session you can break it up as much as ud like

                                    meteor hammer

                                      maybe if u start when ur like 7 u could keep that shit up lmao

                                      BSJ. LGD

                                        reminder that form is more important than quantity


                                          ass to grass bois



                                            Trust me on this, no one on this forum will be able to give you good advice on this matter. Majority of the people are guys who play a dozen hours of games in a day and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. I'm one of the them. The minority that actually workout or train in some kind of sport will still have different opinions, because all their physique and requirement differs.
                                            I went to the gym only for three months towards the end of last year and had to quit because I was temporarily moving to a different city for work. But during that time, learned a lot from my trainer and gauged my performance. Two things you will work on: stamina and strength. Like a few mentioned above, they run several miles in a day, but that will improve their stamina more than strength. Through my gym training, I learned the difference between the two and worked on them alternatively. Go to a gym and get a membership. Just don't focus on "building a body" but more on "getting healthy".



                                              If you wanna optimize health then do yoga+rowing machine

                                              If you wanna optimize looks then do single handed bicep curls (I do hammer curls because it feels easier on my wrists) as often as you personally can fully recover

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                You guys need to eat more, I'm not that heavy but half of you guys are lighter than me. A fully grown, healthy man that's 170cm+ should not be under 60kg.

                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                  im 170cm and 70kg am i normal?


                                                    After years of training I can conclude the formula is easy:

                                                    Read this very carefully (Recommend getting his book):

                                                    Getting monolith strong is a marathon (years) not a sprint (months), the latter will only lead to damage.

                                                    Print out your 531 program here:

                                                    Calculate your daily protein requirement:

                                                    Buy your protein only from here as it is lab proven high quality and well priced:

                                                    Get a membership at a real gym with ample free weights.

                                                    Follow 531 program, eat correctly, sleep lots -> Get strong.

                                                    Not harder than that. You will thank me later.


                                                      If you wanna work on your biceps do pull ups instead of curls or better yet do both but if only doing one do the pull ups . If you just do curls you'll get decent biceps but that's it and no offense but that makes you a weak ass Wussy . Pull ups will build your back ,lats , core, biceps and forearms in one work out and it's easy to find something to do pull ups on . Curls is a workout you do to get some extra work on your biceps after you've done your other big lift excersises . Sorry the but the bicep curls only triggers me I've had to build a lot of guys from the ground up over the years becuase stuff like this . Literally if you wanna pick just a couple workouts to get big and just want to keep it simple . It'd be better to get more variance but literally you could get pretty big doing this .

                                                      1. Weighted squats , go hard as fk on this your weight / muscle mass will skyrocket . I would tell you to do deadlifts as well since squats and dead lifts are king but usually people do deadlifts wrong and get injured badly so I don't wAnt you to do those without a proper trainer . Squats will build your legs and core mostly .

                                                      2. Pull ups do these guys a lot they are pretty effective . Builds majority of your back , core ,biceps and forearms

                                                      3. Bench press, builds chest shoulders triceps , can add some shoulder press in too easily .

                                                      4. Hanging leg raises on same pull up bar you use for pull ups . Builds core and hand/ forearm strength .

                                                      If you only did these things you would get prerttt big and that's only like 4 excersises . Like mentioned before add in some cardio for health as well and make sure stretch a lot especially your hamstrings becuase we do a lot of sitting in modern society and are hamstrings end of being way too inflexible with all the sitting since your leg is bent ofcourse the other stretches are good it's just stiff hamstrings I've seen rampant on just about everyone .


                                                        quick question
                                                        i can deadlift and squat about 100 kilos but can only bench press 50
                                                        am i fucking up my body ? should i keep the weights even or am i just fine
                                                        im 175 cm 75 kilo


                                                          180cm and 100 kg is normal right?


                                                            Cleansing mist sounds like your just starting so that's probs why your lower body is a lot stronger . It's better to be stronger in the lower body / core than upper body anyways but usually bench will be 3/4 or 2/3 of deadlift or squat but I think your bench total will catch up if you are working it out . Your not jacking up your body your fine . Some people are stronger at different lifts just make sure you keep hitting them all .

                                                            I'll give example of myself I know you guys use kg instead of pounds so I'll translate .

                                                            Age 19 almost 20 .my squat record which I've never gotten close to again . 263.6 kg . Legs so thick I couldn't wear blue jeans . Wore gym pants to college every day .im a natural at squats so I coulda went a lot higher with a little more time at it . Kinda sucked having legs that big made it harder to wipe my Butt due to toilet being too small . I remember thinking i don't know if this was worth it lol .

                                                            Age 20 . A couple weeks before my son was born I was determined to set a new bench record for myself . Slammed out 177.2 kg . I have never gotten close again I naturally suck at bench had to work really hard for this .

                                                            Age 24 Dead lifts record which is my worst one 220 kg although I kept close to that level until I broke my leg in half last November . I never did get as good at deadlift as you can see I have several herniated disc injuries from my time in military made it harder to get a better record for this .

                                                            This isn't a major lift but at age 25 I set a pull up record for myself at 35 pull ups .

                                                            Currently thinking about setting a new record for myself for shoulder press , been doing a lot of upper body lately due to all the surgeries on the leg .

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              thanks for the info, and yea im still starting


                                                                Trust me on this, no one on this forum will be able to give you good advice on this matter. Majority of the people are guys who play a dozen hours of games in a day and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. I'm one of the them.

                                                                proceeds to give advice?
                                                                at least have confidence in what u say to the point where ur not shitting on urself lmao

                                                                make sure stretch a lot

                                                                stretching is so important
                                                                do this
                                                                like running this much makes u super stiff, when i first started running i was so stiff
                                                                started stretching more and now i can very barely get like 4 fingers on the ground when i touch my toes.


                                                                  If you are wondering what is strong and not for your weight as well as strength balance between exercises based on your training level group check these standard tables:


                                                                    I edited my last comment by the way mist .


                                                                      proceeds to give advice?
                                                                      at least have confidence in what u say to the point where ur not shitting on urself lmao

                                                                      If you read what I typed, you'd know I told him to get a gym membership and listen to what the gym trainer has to say, because they know best on what different kind of people need.

                                                                      But then I remembered that you're an autistic asshole with ADHD who can't bother to read something completely without trashing someone. I'm pretty sure telling you this is also a mistake.

                                                                      Fuck, why did I bother.


                                                                        ^i did read btw
                                                                        LMAO why tf r u so mad why hate?
                                                                        anyway u even said urself that OP shud focus on health not strength, which is ur own advice

                                                                        like if u think im autistic then u just kinda played urself
                                                                        i can be an asshole tho, but im not mean, i guess ur just a bit sensitive and get overly triggered at something benign and meaningless.
                                                                        dude if im trashing u then its obvious cuz i curse the fuck out of u.
                                                                        im literally just fucking telling u not to discredit urself and u think im hating
                                                                        wtf lmao

                                                                        even getting a gym membership is advice lol


                                                                          damn looks like uve been thru some shit with ur injuries
                                                                          but good advice


                                                                            ^ ya man but pain lets you know your alive plus with even perseverance you can over come a lot of crap . I'm broke all over but cam still pretty strong , I still can't run again yet but I think I will in the next two months , I can already do squats again . The most long term injury I gotta say are the herniated disk cuz those never heal however I keep my core strong as duck so I can do what ever I want without it holding me back . Without my core strength I've built over he years I can honestly say I would be bed ridden right now . I get guys coming in all the time saying there crippled then I show them all my injuries and what I can do and I feel it gives them hope . I think once my leg heals more I'll be back to full activity it literally gets stronger every day .

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                                                                                Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

                                                                                  I think Filthy is giving the best advice here. I'm pretty active myself and I think you should start with compound exercises - push-ups, pull-ups, sprints, tuck jumps. I'd suggest doing 50 of these every day (in sets over the course of the day) and do them daily as a start.

                                                                                  squats and bench press is good but if you're new to gym i'd advise you go with someone who can show you the ropes, esp with those 2 exercises you're liable to get injured pretty quick. there are tons of exercises but if you're new to exercise you should begin with compound exercises (those that work several muscle groups at once).

                                                                                  and eat right too at your height you should be almost 60 kilos.

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                                                                                  Showtime |

                                                                                    Alongside many personal info that he gave,which is probably because of his big ego, filthy gave some good advises overal
                                                                                    If i have to add something to what he said,is that you never stretch your hamstrings if you have an anterior pelvic tilt which is quite common amongst gamers.this extra extencion will cause your pelvis to lean forward even more which leads to bad body posture and back problems in this scenario you need to strenghten your hamstrings not stretch them
                                                                                    Care with that cause yor back is precious
                                                                                    Thats my 2 sents


                                                                                      Fuck filthy how are you so damn jacked


                                                                                        I can't do heavy squats cuz of a weak core. Any advice ?


                                                                                          What kinda rep range for squats btw?


                                                                                            Diox et al, read my post above and the links in it. Do a little googling and you will find 531 is well proven to work for beginners to advanced lifters.

                                                                                            Strong core etc are built through compound exercises following a program like 531. First step of getting stronger is not so much about building muscle but about adapting connective tissue, loading central nervous system, learning proper form, attaining muscular balance etc otherwise you end up broken and irreparable.

                                                                                            As a general note when you read people giving big numbers in forums and you find yourself wondering about your own performance please keep in mind that all weights you must be compared with body weight and also apply critical thinking e.g. when the lift was done will it pass competition standards for that movement (too often its no where near). To give reference the International Powerlifting Federation at a recent championship competition in the -105kg 18 year category the winner squatted 310kg and and the 3rd place person lifted 230kg. These are genetically gifted elite lifters supported by professional coaches. If you attain these weights with proper form please apply to IPF supported competition asap.

                                                                                            Strength standards that can be a reasonably expected for what you should be lifting was linked above.

                                                                                            Wonder how to execute a movement with proper form?:

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              @ diox I don't think I am jacked now days , I would just consider myself a bigger guy but most muscle gains were from hitting it hard when I was younger ,all the muscular foundation was laid then . I do a lot more stretching now and a lot more dieting becuase my motabilism is a slower .Anecdotal example after squat days I could barely walk . One day I felll down at work carrying food on tray which flew every where and everyone asked me if I was ok but I was too embarrassed to tell them that my legs were just too sore to walk lol . I wouldn't recommend training that hard though I was probably over training which you can look up online .

                                                                                              Rep range I can't remember when I was younger but I am guessing was around 8 . Last couple years I have been squatting in the 5 rep range going pretty low but not using too heavy of weights making sure form is good . For building strength usually the lower rep ranges 3-6 are better , I find for building mass the medium rep range around 8-12 are good, most rep ranges above that are for endurance .you can find good articles about these things I'm just giving advice from past experiences . I just know some people won't bother doing the research so hopefully some of this stuff helps I know I've made plenty of mistakes . Also when I was younger I had a burning rage all the time and the gym was a place to release it . At age 25 I reached a turning point in my life and I don't seem to really ever get mad anymore . Rage is bad for you but is great motivator to lift some heavy stuff .

                                                                                              At trip , I don't believe I have a big ego these days although I am talking about times in my life where I did have a big ego so maybe that's why it's coming off in my writing , If I'm being honest I do like some of these memories was a fun time in my life before becoming broke lol .

                                                                                              @ Petrus , you are correct , my squat and bench totals I listed would not meet competition standards although the deadlift would . These were just personal records for me . Sadly back then I wasn't into lifting at competition standards so I can't give you any totals for that , I didn't get into that until 3 years ago .


                                                                                                At trip there is so many medical conditions that pretty much anything you do can be said to worsen what said condition is . Some people with copd it is bad to give them too much oxygen because thier body is messed up and thier drive to breathe comes from lack of oxygen . In normal people the drive to breathe comes from having too much carbon dioxide , so giving a copd patient too much oxygen can lower there respirations too much . Anyways I recommended To do a lot of other stretches but I know most people will not follow through with doing that. If you have some kind of injury or pain it would be a good idea to see a physical therapist but if not most lower body stretches will likely benefit you, the main stretches I do are hamstring, Achilles , glute and piriformis stretch . Ofcourse without seeing the person I wouldn't know what exact muscle they are tight on I can only give general broad advice on internet . I generally atleast 30 patients a day and probably 15-18 of those are ortho injuries . The most common injuries I see are shin splints , ankle injuries , knee injuries , plantar faccittis and lower back pain . The stretches I mentioned above will generally help with the shin splints , knee pain , foot pain and back pain .


                                                                                                  start powerlifting, move heavy ass weights, and eat mad cow.

                                                                                                  very good csgo player

                                                                                                    Raj is skinny because there isn't enough food in his village

                                                                                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                                      Btw whats the best way to get fat. Im kinda skinny