General Discussion

General Discussion ranked win streak ends at 17

ranked win streak ends at 17 in General Discussion

    is blood really an am counter tho


      Yes, blood counters am starting once blood gets level 6 , and blood counters am all of mid game until am gets abyssal and just blows up the bs in 2 seconds . Pa counters am too but pa doesn't scare am much when am is split pushing . Don't like playing vs troll either but can usually just blow up trolls other teammates since you are way more mobile than troll . Axe is annoying all game . Lc is annoying until you get linkens but gotta have quick enough reflexes since a good legion will build something like a halberd to break the linkens . Axe is pretty annoying all game long , only items that will help you survive a call is building am extra tanky .

      Tier one am counters for me are axe, blood and pa .

      Tier 1.5 legion

      Tier 2 Sven / troll these heros you can play around all game but have to be 6 slotted to man fight for Sven , not sure how much farm you need for troll but minimum need 4-5 items .


        Yeah, Sven has a low mana pool and that cuts ams damage when man fighting, Sven throughs in a few right clicks and if one Crits am looses half of his health in seconds.
        Sb can also counter am, not just because the hero is broken but sb leads up to a gank from across the map.
        Cannot count the amount of
        Times I'll split push, blink into trees to tp to another lane only to get bashed by spacecow


          ^ true I forgot about space cow , I'm not sure what tier to put him tho becuase he doesn't seem to bad to play vs for me but I also I have recently changed up my am play style to not split push as much n focus put farming the enemy and wining team fights , becuase I think this meta it's kinda hard to win with split push then in years past , and teams are coming back from losing a lane of rax more often then ever now days . There are other counters for am but they aren't picked too often , obviously a good mepoo is the scariest thing a am can face , you would have to build a bkb vs mepoo but I dunno if u could pull it off before the mepoo ends the game unless the rest of your team counters mepoo to give u time .

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          Player 404335202

            well 15 win streak in rankeds is amazing !


              Pretty much smashed my previous record of 10 wins . Wonder what's the record for someone hat isn't boosting and is playing in solo mmr .

              Player 404335202

                even in my solo calib. games i managed to win 9 lul and lost 10th


                  ^ well I dunno if calibration games would count becuase sometimes it starts you out at too low of a mmr .


                    I think its about time I search so you can match vs me bro, so I can end that win streak...


                      ^ good luck man , hope we get matched , is your mmr around mine ?

                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                        @ Filthy

                        I support your decision to cancel your Dotabuff + membership. That was literally bad move from @ Scrim.

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          normal skill prodigy


                            Thanks vertoxity ,

                            @ kormorans, Ya man I'm the people's champ.


                              I'm currently 3233 solo I could join your little race to 4k. I don't ever seem to get crazy streaks like you have though. :d


                                I'm all about the streaks.

                                If am is farming like he should. And blood is jungler and doesn't go blademail, u just stand your ground and hit him it's funny.


                                  Nice edit btw. LMAO


                                    I find kunkka much more annoying to play against than BS as AM


                                      Lets race to 4k !!


                                        Ya i don't enjoy playing vs kunka as am either although I think if my teams ahead he's not too much trouble but if ur on the back foot then he's a pain that's true .


                                          Jack attack , vertox , chiwa , myself in the race to 4K ? I can probs other some kinda cosmetic for the winner unless I win lol.


                                            How do you keep a long win streak tho .-.? It's like 50% for me every day. 8 matches 4 wins 4 loses. Let's race to 4k I'm from SEA but we'll keep track of each other progress. Add me.


                                              I'll be spamming SF and Invoker and Am in a situational game xDD


                                                Ok , well as far as streaks , you gotta be in the zone , and have a lot larger impact than the guy playing your role on the other team . For instance right now I'm shitting on the offlaner so my offlaner out performs theirs and I'm also out performing the enemy safe laner so basically ensuring I have atleast 2 roles won every game , also it has a little bit of a snow ball effect becuase then my support can roam more becuase the offlane is just crapped on , so sometimes this will result in my mid laner wining as well so now we got 3 cores that are beating their 3 cores . Makes for easier wins , and on streaks you want as many easy wins as you can get , I prob got like 11 easy ways na in my streak and then 4 where it came down to the late game on who was going to win and the games were pretty even . Luckily I won those 4 games but you def want to get as many easy wins as you can . Also I hate feeling like I'm on a timer to win , it's a awful feeling for me . Am jugg and spec all do pretty well late game although many will say jugg sucks late I build him with battle fury so my farm never dips . On most of my nail biter games the enemy team had superior late game heros but we had a rax advantage .

                                                if not in the zone I dunno how high your win streak will be since even if your getting better you'll have some losses sprinkled in .

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                  Well u used to be 4k right. So you should get similar results to boosters. Your streaks arent unusual


                                                    Ya but I legit lost all my skill man when I quit , I even tried very hard on most games and still lost , although I def woulda lost less mmr if I didn't play mid , or tiny . Also it's kinda hard to admit but I think I was a kinda crapy 4K player that had to rely on decision making ,communication , taking good team fights to scrap out wins in 4K . I hope this time if I get to 4K I can be a legit carry . I guess you can say I was heavily reliant on the macro game , this time around I wanna be more balanced and have a good micro game as well . Honestly I think the streak will end tonight I am pretty tired but can't sleep , well see how it goes .

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      @Filthy your plan works man but I'm not lying it's kind of scare me when I make one false move and the enemy seem to be kind of come back. Really LOL. I'm outfarmed as an SF and outlaned and everything but I still begged my team to push because I was so scared they're gonna come back xDD. Add me by the way so we can track our progress.


                                                        Wow last game won by skin of teeth , probs didn't deserve to . For some reason it put a 5k shadow fiend on the other team and I had two 4K teammates . Streak to 16 now , first game in streak I had to resort to split pushing which I don't believe I can consistently win doing . Rose can u add me I haven't added anyone in a long time.

                                                        Game 2 of tonight I played pa and got my ass carried pretty hard by my mid visage to victory . I must not have my edge tonight gonna call it quits . Streak extended to 17-0

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          How do you have 2 4K teammates and a 5k SF on the other team and it's still normal skill?


                                                            It was a high skill game ^ . Avg mmr was like 3600 for both teams . You must be looking at the wrong match .

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              @Filthy sure bro I'll add you and yeah better stop the game for today xDD You know at that point it's a 50/50 of ending or continuing the streaks you know.


                                                                Finally lost , I probs shouldn't play with wife and son home awake was a little distracting plus slightly lagging although a big reason why I lost was I died while the courier was delivering my battle fury and got the courier killed . I likely won't have much time to play in September so I'm going to play anyways , hopefully I don't start a lose streak .

                                                                I think spectre will be more forgiving with increased lag today illl likely try to stick with her .

                                                                Two teammates insta picked mid and safelane carry not good sign boys .

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  I'm joining you guys soon with my spectre



                                                                    im sorry you feel that way, but just because we miss threads that are in need of moderation, doesnt make it ok to not moderate others. its not like im deliberately choosing this one in particular over others
                                                                    I moderate the threads that I come across and that need moderation
                                                                    also ive deleted at least 20 posts in just the last 4 hrs or so, so I'd like to think I do a bit more moderation outside of this thread

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      People ban AM cus he's super annoying to play vs and to have on your team as well. If he's on your team often times the player is bad, but also it forces you to pick around him like you have to pick a good lane support, you have to pick a space creator mid and offlane, you usually do not want a jungler, maybe axe or lc are ok if they go make space early, but passive junglers or carries you are fucked like lifestealer or wk.

                                                                      On enemy team same thing, if he's good you are fucked unless you pick all counters, he forces you to pick a bunch of counters. And even if it's not a good AM game he can drag it out really long by split pushing.

                                                                      I usually ban invoker every game cus I play a lot of carry and he can force you to buy bkb by himself, even if he's not that good.

                                                                      Also regarding win streaks, you dropped a fucking ton, what mmr were you down to, like 2800? I did the same thing, was picking a lot of bad heroes, trying to do compendium quests in ranked. Not throwing, but not picking ideal stuff. Like I had a daily to win with doom, lost like 5 games with him and gave up. It was dumb. I don't have huge streaks since then, I think my most is 7, but overall over 70% in ranked. At one point I was 13-3 in ranked. The thing is if you drop for dumb reasons, ie picks, it's pretty easy to climb back up for smart reasons, ie picks. Picks are THE most important factor in low level ranked play. Cus let's face it, actual skill differences are small so the team with the easier to execute lineup is almost always going to win. That's why super strong heroes like meepo and morph don't have high win rates.

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                        Am is not annoying in my bracket but i rly hate 1st pick am retards. Imo drow is big counter for am. Am is literally dead if drow silence him before getting his manta or after using his manta. Drow is good hero. But have a harsh early game.

                                                                        Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                          @dire wolf meepo has a decent wr and a strong hero vs non roamers. Disablers are fine if he gets fine. Riki is a problem for meepo.

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            drow is not a hard counter

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                              Imo i win every game as a drow vs am.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                meepo has a decent win rate? It's 45%. That's not good.

                                                                                Any half way decent am will have no problem with drow, just manta the silence off. Would only work if you have a lot of other stuff am has to manta off. It's not a bad pick cus drow is a fast tempo hero and can push all the towers before am comes online, but it's not cus drow counters am specifically.


                                                                                  Dire wolf , I dropped from 4480 to 2583 . Sitting at like 3175 right now . Realistically I'd be happy if I got 4K flat at this point , I've got back 600 so far so need about 800 to get 4K flat . I'd probs have to abuse some meta stuff and get more of my skill back to get back to mid 4K.

                                                                                  If I didn't have to stop dota I don't know how much higher I woulda got then mid 4K but I know I would atleast still be 4K right now .

                                                                                  Last year I used jugg to get to 3.8k while he wasn't meta , then used void to get to like 4200 . From there I had to use Riki / Mirana combo to advance any further which got me to mid 4K but at the time Riki and Mirana were very in meta .

                                                                                  @ skim , no hard feelings I just needed a reason to cancel my plus since I didn't seem to be using the extra features anyways . Maybe if y'all add more features I'll buy again .

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    @Skim what's the benefit of Dotabuff plus? Do I get to see my beloved Sophie Nelisse in life or I'll actually get a chance to date her? Really, I am planning on getting one can you tell me more about it?


                                                                                      it's really bad, it literally gives you nothing.

                                                                                      if you wanna just support dotabuff then get it, but if you're looking for an incentive then look elsewhere.

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                        @Cookie aye wassup man? I'm searching for Sophie Nelisse everywhere now. Imma get Dota plus after I get Sophie Nelisse.


                                                                                          Vertox if I win next game I will be past you .


                                                                                            shes not that hot tho :C