General Discussion

General Discussion ranked win streak ends at 17

ranked win streak ends at 17 in General Discussion

    @ skim I think I will be canceling my plus membership , I have paid almost 200 dollars to it already and even paid while I was not playing dota to support u guys . There are post where people are trashing each other and talking about non dota related things with no moderation yet my dota related topic was moderated . Honestly the plus option is not providing much extra for a long while now. I was just helping a dota web site out since I know most do not buy the plus .

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      Side note , why is am selected for ban every game he's not strong enough to warrant that at all. I've been actually banning Sven every game cuz he's strong vs all heros I currently like . Axe is good too but I leave it unbanned incase a team mate wants to play it .


        Because they don't want a failed anti-mage who cant recover from bad laning phase in their team / get punished by enemy anti-mage for not ending early


          7 games today had today off from work, feeling pretty tired but the fam just fell asleep feeling the itch for more well see if I can keep up the streak .


            filthy am picker. no pun intended.

            he is annoying to play with/lose against.

            recently he has become a lot more viable and wins even with 30 min mantas. so im banning that shit everygame now

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            Riguma Borusu

              recently he has become a lot more viable and wins even with 30 min mantas. so im banning that shit everygame now

              Admit it, you are just too much of a "female reproductive organ entry, said in a way that it can also relate to kittens" to instapick BS every game.


                Woot , won game any ways . 230 mmr now today . Back to back games with no deaths either feels nice

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                  ? i instapick blood cuz i was trying to learn it. i dont know how that relates to am being a shitty hero

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ? i instapick blood cuz i was trying to learn it. i dont know how that relates to am being a shitty hero

                    I didn't even look at your games, I said you're too puzzy because you aren't instapicking blood when you see AM, or even before that. But I do realize that my wording might have been a bit confusing. And this is partially a self-roast because I am a piece of garbage that picks BS into 5 BS counters and I don't give a shit in general.


                      oh yea i was confused. even if i pick blood against am i still lose, but that's a whole different story


                        Lol , try pa then he good vs am too . Btw won another game gained over 300 mmr today I think this has to be the most I've gained in a day ever .


                          well good to know you've cured your brain cancer. you should get 80% winrate in normal skill. youre playing like a 4k player again

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                            You should perma ban Enchantress, that hero is worse than Bloodseeker, literally every game my team and me go against an offlane Enchantress we get completely destroyed.

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                              My ban is reserved for techies


                                ^ I might try that sometime if forced to offline . Won another one so 325 mmr total for the day off of ''twas a good day I think I'll stop now to leave the record untarnished plus I almost lost the last game so must be losing too much of my edge , almost got cucked by a blood seeker


                                  pls post on your lose streak also


                                    Tbh I just looked at your profile and you're playing normal skill games, It's not hard to win those.


                                      Well yes in the past it wasn't but I am just excited becuase I think I got some of my skill back . Started playing again a couple months ago and I was so dog shit I fell into normal skill .


                                        who is this am picker and where did he come from...he'S INSANE

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                                          Hey man good luck, I went from 2.6k to 3.7 in a month, but there will be lose streaks. As long as you don't get tilted the climb gets a lot easier



                                              Thanks bsj in training that's a hella lot of mmr fast . Fastest mmr I've ever gotten was from 3.7 k to 4.3k last year but I guess the 500 mmr I gained this week beats my old record from last year becuase it sure as hell was a lot longer than 1 week .


                                                @ korma , I already had posted my lose streak from when I dropped from 4K to 2k after taking 7 months off . @ Stan honestly no one knows where I came from, myself included .


                                                  Just won two more 13 straight now boys . Should take about four more to get back into high skill .

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                                                    any tips for the boys trying to climb 3k bracket>?


                                                      how are u able to spam AM in ranked without first picking him?


                                                        ^ well if he's banned or if other team picks him I just don't play him . Am is not a hero you can really afford to pick in the 1st or 2nd pick , 3rd is doable sometimes but you really wanna wait until 4th or 5th even if u gotta lose a little gold from no one picking . If I can't play am I'll just play jugg or spectre , I would say void but I've seen so far that you can't trust your team mates enough at this lower mmr to pick a void . As far as tips go , if playing am you wanna try to bully the shit out of the offline if you can starting at level 1 or 2. Been getting orb of venom to help with this . Also in very early skirmishes you can kinda wait until the enemies spells are used and jump the back lines to get a kill then blink out if y'all lost the skirmish or if it turns out y'all won the skirmish help chase down heros . It doesn't nessecarly increase farm much but it helps ensure enemy team doesn't get to snow ball off your team mates . Also I've been playing more patient in late game team fights waiting for the cc to used before going in or if I got a good initiator waiting for them . Those are the main things I've changed this week . A lot of my farming skills seemed to have come back recently too which helps . If I absolutely have to pick early in the draft I'll go with jug.


                                                          Also pretty much you can gaunrentee if you shit on the offlane , starting after 10 mins in someone on enemy team will say am getting free farm so often times your team can start off a skirmish in your safe lane while your getting some jungle creeps then you clean up the back lines . If your teammates dont come to help then preferably tp to another lane or if no lane available just gotta suck it up and hit jungle creeps .


                                                            People ban am for the same reason I ban invoker. I think invoker is actually an awful hero. I simply ban it so my teammates aren't allowed to play it.


                                                              Also cookie had a pretty sweet am laning guide I read and also watch some games of miracle playing am .

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                                                                Jack attack , meh I'd rather ban heros that seem op to me like that buff bastard sven .


                                                                  Fuck am banned and jugg picked by other team , well see how it goes .


                                                                    Won with spec in the late game the streak lives on boys .


                                                                      Racking up commends on the way too I guess 16 commends in past 25 games .


                                                                        I think I racked 16 reports already :thinking:


                                                                          Dayum bet you gonna have some toxic bastards now .


                                                                            Nah I'll just make a sub 1k mmr account where I belong


                                                                              Lol , just had a pretty bad start game with jugg , but was able to slowly chip away at there base with mepoo . Extended streak to 15 straight wins. Wish I had more double downs to increase faster .


                                                                                keep it up bruh nice la

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  Old man Filthy's still got it, gratz fam


                                                                                    @filthy: pls dont keep bumping up your own thread, if you have things to add and nobody else has said anything in hours, use the edit optino


                                                                                      skim jelly smh
                                                                                      truly smh


                                                                                        @ skim I edited my topic .

                                                                                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                          @ Filthy

                                                                                          what's your current mmr, mate?


                                                                                            3135 now.

                                                                                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                              damn you're getting close to my mmr. let's race to 4k?


                                                                                                Alright sounds good bro.😁
                                                                                                Actually maybe we can get some other low 3k on the race .

                                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                                  maybe, who knows :)


                                                                                                    taman da naucis mipa pa do 5k lagano


                                                                                                      Anytime I see somebody first pick am, I pick bs, axe or lc and just feed off the am