General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick check if my items were right this game.

Quick check if my items were right this game. in General Discussion

    I'm aware that I died a bunch of times and I failed to dominate the midlane.

    Just curious about the items above. Ty




        first thing that I see is you need silver edge instead of aghs that game and perhaps a blood thorn


          Silver for BB?

          Giff me Wingman

            no ac, no bkb, no satanic.

            loss + 3k rating deserved, uninstall pls


              I'd appriciate if I could get legit answers. I don't value writings from account buyers. :-/

              LISAN AL GAIB

                SE for BB, BkB for cc, Satanic cause at some point you will be force to manfight...I really dont like Scepter on SF at all, i would have gone SB into SE, Bkb or butterfly after depending on how quickly i could get it or if I snowball, Skadi, Satanic, Bloodthorn. And also your blink does not make sense this game, they have at least 3 stuns, you blink into death in that game...


                  aghs was bad as your 3rd item maybe a manta or sange yasha is good imo.


                    and you took your time farming up your items maybe u couldve bought sb after d-lance and try to force pickoffs and push instead of farming


                      Pretty bad build, aghanims is never an item yous hould go for, blink is also bad because they have a brislte and qop which it really does nothing against. AC and even a casual hood are good that game, hood is situational but vs a lot of magic damage its quite amazing on sf

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Ranked MM 3,354 49.58%

                        We done yet?




                            I'd like to know where do you see magical damage in their lineup?

                            Yeah aghs sucks. Pretty useless item in this matchup..


                              Rofl treads >dlance >aghs >blink

                              If the enemy team isn't pushing well, treads bottle >deso for farming ancients (you should have this between 14-17 minutes in nearly all mid scenarios) >force staff for fighting >sb for bypassing wards if they are invading your jungle

                              Then you get bkb, hpike, silver edge at your discretion. Silver edge if your team isn't complete trash for the bristle. Bkb if both your team and the enemy team is trash and its a scrappy teamfight. Hpike if you're just farming and dodging fights. Then finish the rest.

                              In this game you know you have no chance of either denying farm or reliably manfighting, so you don't go into bfly skadi after your core items. Best bet would be rapier, and just desperately trying to kite/position. Once you have rapier, you'd consider selling deso (14 armpen isn't enough for sven +ac) for moon shard or daedelus (if you're desperate) or linkens (if the rapier is going well). Slar was their only bkb pierce, so satanic is also an option.

                              If you skip BKB early, you'd just farm and carry a tp scroll around, only tping back for the mid T1 or T3's. Consider buying two couriers to bait out ganking enemies into revealing themselves.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                              Giff me Wingman

                                welp, at least duster is around the same range as vertox. So they can learn how to suck together (:


                                  the fact that u don't have bkb against sven, rubick, slardar, qop is so retarded.
                                  its almost mandatory this game.

                                  Giff me Wingman


                                    hood OD talks about itemdecision.
                                    Retard vs Retard


                                      Didn't watch game but if I was against that lineup I would probably go for

                                      Silver's Edge
                                      and turn DLance into Pike because I assume you get jumped a lot by Sven and Slardar and want some more manoeuvrability


                                        only time i buy aghnim is if i also for some reason intend to buy ethereal blade


                                          I didn't got jumped by Sven actually. I didn't want to go for the BKB becuase I could position myself proprely.

                                          Now the issue I had was not dealing enough damage and not being able to kill BB fast.

                                          I guess Silver Edge was better, it's just that I thought going SB/SE against Slardar and their team wasn't that good.

                                          I was expecting that Kunka will actually combo proprely and I'll be able to follow with aghs/requiem/etc.

                                          Now that I think about it, I see that SE was crucial in this game. And so is AC.

                                          Ty for help guys, just wanted to see your opinion.

                                          I'm out


                                            I feel like Aghs is a joke item on this hero that you only grab if you're winning pretty hard already.


                                              You should have build desolator, dragon lancer and butterfly to kill annoying rubick easily so he became useless in teamfight then kill qop or slardar. and you must also buy a shadow blade to be offensive againts a slardar (use it to gank than escape).


                                                5 hours ago


                                                hood OD talks about itemdecision.
                                                Retard vs Retard

                                                literally offtopic. why are you confusing him?


                                                  ^lmao diox god comes back with the slam
                                                  Also theres no way i cud afford bkb in that scenario and even if i cud half of their disable goes thru it. Hood was to try to stay alive. Its highly highly situational anyway, and ive seen plenty of hood od's and hood venges and other so called "non-hood" heroes, its just something they needed that game. There might have been a better item im not seeing but that doesnt make hood OD atrocious.


                                                    typicall low mmr players.


                                                      Next time I seek for advice, I'll write:

                                                      ~ No account buyers, egoisticl animals, mentally unstable kids
                                                      ~ Preferably at least 4.5k+, not people with bunch of smurf accounts, low 2k/3k people.

                                                      I mean, if I wanted to get the advice, OBVIOUSLY I want it from people BETTER than me. Not people equally or WORSE skilled than me.

                                                      Keep in mind I have 1100+ matches on SF, unlike most of you posting on this topic, I WAS actually 4.4k+ at some point and was stable at 3.9-4.1k for a loong time.

                                                      While I appriciate every answer, it triggers me a lot when I see what a bunch of crap some people have to write as "advice".

                                                      Magical damage team, when the whole team is based off mix of pure and phy. damage.

                                                      Yeah, BKB was needed, SE was needed, AC was needed and that's pretty much right.

                                                      Rest of the answers are pretty much the way to start a rant or just to laugh because, the amount of non-sense is spit here is just insane.

                                                      For fucks sake, get good yourself first if you want to give SOMEONE advice.

                                                      What makes you think I look for 2k/3k scrubs opinion when I'm myself the one? I fucking want answers from people who are better than me, and not only me, EVERYONE wants answers from good players.

                                                      Stick your answers and advices in your ass if you're 2k and 3k, because NO ONE gives a fuck.


                                                        your mistake was asking for advice on dotabuff


                                                          @Daddy : and its notghe situation at all
                                                          You go hood only because Rot?



                                                            Actually you're right.

                                                            What can you expect of bunch of unstable kids, egoistic unsecure beings and hypocrates.

                                                            I can get wrong items, but at least I've tried to be creative and see if it'll work.

                                                            The guy who gets hood on OD Against SB/Slark/Pudge/OGre is literally 600 MMR. OH, what surprise. A scrub with 600 MMR things he can give an advice to a guy with 3 times higher MMR than his.


                                                              Why would you need BKB when you can just kill Rubick to reduce the problem of being killed after an initiation starts (kunkka is a very good initiator in this match) and buy a hurracane pike, desolator and butterfly so Sven can slightly hit you it has 35% evasion and even if you buy a BKB slardar can kill you easily with Bristleback can just spam you with quils and stun you with abyssal blade also bristleback has pipe why would you go for aghs when bb has pipe.


                                                                "If the enemy team isn't pushing well, treads bottle >deso for farming ancients (you should have this between 14-17 minutes in nearly all mid scenarios) >force staff for fighting >sb for bypassing wards if they are invading your jungle"

                                                                I mean. Look at the amount of bullshit here? Treads Bottle Deso @ 17 min to FARM ancients... Let's waste 3500 gold to farm the Ancicents you can farm without it anyways.

                                                                "In this game you know you have no chance of either denying farm or reliably manfighting, so you don't go into bfly skadi after your core items. Best bet would be rapier, and just desperately trying to kite/position. Once you have rapier, you'd consider selling deso (14 armpen isn't enough for sven +ac) for moon shard or daedelus (if you're desperate) or linkens (if the rapier is going well). Slar was their only bkb pierce, so satanic is also an option."

                                                                I mean.. Get rapier, Get linkens.. (LOL).. No wonder you're fucking bad. No wonder you can't get VHS on your shitty smurf.

                                                                Please go fucking get good then come and give some people advices.

                                                                I fucking suck myself, but at least I don't come here to ADVICE people the way you do.


                                                                  You go hood only because Rot?

                                                                  Sb bash is magic, ogre had aghs, dismember is magic, slark even has some magic dmg.


                                                                    "Why would you need BKB when you can just kill Rubick to reduce the problem of being killed after an initiation starts (kunkka is a very good initiator in this match) and buy a hurracane pike, desolator and butterfly so Sven can slightly hit you it has 35% evasion and even if you buy a BKB slardar can kill you easily with Bristleback can just spam you with quils and stun you with abyssal blade also bristleback has pipe why would you go for aghs when bb has pipe."

                                                                    BKB was needed in that game, I was just hoping I can bypass it because I expected Kunkka to be decent, which was a huge mistake. Once you get stuned by Sven or Slardar, or even lifted by Rubick, you['re pretty much done, since the amount of damage Sven( even Slardar lategame) can dish-out on you is insane. That's why AC was needed aswell.

                                                                    I got aghs 23-24 mins into the game, does by accident something snaps in your mind that you realise he bought it later than me?

                                                                    Aghs was trash item anyways.


                                                                      aactually aghanim is pretty good when youre 10 slotted so you can have bkb aghanim and refresher in backpack, constantly running around with 48 souls.

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                        "Sb bash is magic, ogre had aghs, dismember is magic, slark even has some magic dmg."

                                                                        Enjoy your 3-digit mmr. At least you're honestly retarded and you don't hide it.


                                                                          @ Slithery Secret

                                                                          I had decent sucesess with the AGHS, it's just that in order for it to work, you can't fight against Sven+Slardar+ Qop and have no real carry.

                                                                          Now, honestly, it's not a good item if it fails to pay-off quickly, that's why it should be avoided.

                                                                          I'll build it from time to time still, I just have to get-rid of that desperate mentallty" let's see if this'll work, who know,s maybe it does"

                                                                          If I actually went for items I wanted, and not for the items I thought were good because I expected something good to happen, maybe I'd win that game.

                                                                          Now to be honest, the bigest mistkae here was not going SB into SS and dying 3 times at midlane.


                                                                            bkb was really good that game though because rubick lift, sven hammer and slardar crush can controll you until you die


                                                                              True man. I failed to realise that.


                                                                                Im about to give you some insights but I'm a 3K animal who doesnt deserve your attention. Kappa.


                                                                                  Enjoy your 3-digit mmr. At least you're honestly retarded and you don't hide it.

                                                                                  This shit is the most disgusting and triggering thing i see on dotabuff.
                                                                                  Lmao haHAA im gonna point out skill, state that ur fucking wrong then ridicule u in my supeiority xD.
                                                                                  Fuck off.
                                                                                  I never claim to be always right, rather than wallowing in ur mmr advantage over me why dont u fucking EXPLAIN yourself so i dont make said mistake again. All this behavior shows is that ur a fucking retarded shit who cant get it past his thick skull that not everyone is good, and that u dont have to act like a douchebag to them for it. You dislike blunt yet u act exactly like him. Fuck you.


                                                                                    "I never claim to be always right, rather than wallowing in ur mmr advantage over me why dont u fucking EXPLAIN yourself so i dont make said mistake again"

                                                                                    Because this topic is not about you getting good. Hell, you didn't even ASK for an advice. But now that I poked you you magically want to get some advices on why is it bad to get specific items.

                                                                                    You never claim anything, but I claim you're wrong most of the times and that fact you're aware of it is triggering me. Why?

                                                                                    Because you know you suck, yet you try to be smart because you probably think it's cool.

                                                                                    I dislike blunt not because he's bad player or because insults me, but because he's a hypocrate and he indeed does have some mental issues.


                                                                                      Honestly I'm sorry if I ofended you. I got triggered by the amount of bullshit written here.

                                                                                      I usually don't poke people, but it's been a while, and EVERY time I make a topic here trying ot get some LEGIT answers, mentally unstable kids show up and try to spit the words of wisdom while failing to realise they're worse than me.

                                                                                      It's fucking annoying and I had to start a rant




                                                                                          No its not, u know who brought up my random OD game? Blunt the cünt

                                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                                            3k mad cuz bad LUL

                                                                                            Ranked MM 3,354 49.58%

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                            mentally handicapped

                                                                                              i fucking love vertoxicity threads. theres bound to be namecalling and a heated argument over something that has been argued about before, in the same exact scenario. sure you can see that every day but these threads seem to have a certain intensity to them that shows that the participating parties are actually trying to think of viable arguments while colorfully insulting at the same time


                                                                                                Without reading any of the comments, because I sense this is gonna be a juicy thread so serious answer first,

                                                                                                Replace aghs and blink with PIKE silver edge and satanic.


                                                                                                  I find it very confusing. He keeps on making threads "what should I do" "what should I build" "how to fucking something" then I remember someone told something in some thread some time ago and he responded "I'm not interested in improving" "I don't need a coach" but with all that fucking shit it really seems like u are trying, but u fucking fail and get mad, cuz ur mmr sux dik, so u say "oh no no, I'm def not trying to improve, I'm playing for fun, def not giving a fuck about improving, no no no..." then why ur asking about items and all other advices if you're not trying, if I played to fuck around and have fun, I wouldn't give a single fuck on what I build and what/how do I play. Cuz it's all casual and about fun right? :thinking:


                                                                                                    i like blunt triggering 3k Hehehehhe


                                                                                                      he used to be 4k. that must be really triggering to lose to 3ks and get advice from 3ks who think they are better than him.

                                                                                                      it sucks, try to understand what it feels. lul