General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick check if my items were right this game.

Quick check if my items were right this game. in General Discussion

    I'm so glad I revisited this topic. I had a great laugh.

    I guess Silver Edge was better, it's just that I thought going SB/SE against Slardar and their team wasn't that good.

    My thought process is SE/SB is bad against Slardar if your primary use for it is to run away from fights. Otherwise purchased against a Slardar makes no difference than just a regular support buying detection.

    BKB was needed in that game, I was just hoping I can bypass it because I expected Kunkka to be decent, which was a huge mistake. Once you get stuned by Sven or Slardar, or even lifted by Rubick, you['re pretty much done, since the amount of damage Sven( even Slardar lategame) can dish-out on you is insane. That's why AC was needed aswell.

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

    Now lets all take a gander and what ture insanity looks like.

    Stay out of my way and maybe you won't get hurt, but I doubt it.


      he just plays a mod called defense of the slark


        honestly, i wpouldntget AC on SF to be tankier tho. i'd get skadi and satatnic


          @ Plebeian

          Yeah man, I've realised it. :D

          @ Affect

          Mate, as you can see I barely play Dota lately, and yes, I'm not interested to dedicate my time to Dota exclusivly, but I do want to improve slowly.

          I want to take a good advice and change what I'm doing bad. It's just frustrating getting advices from people that are WORSE than you.

          Not because I think it's impossible to get a good answer from low-mmr players, but because it's unlikly to happen. Exeptions may be found but are just a few.

          Now just to point out one thing here:

          There's no reason to roast me. We all want to improve, it's a natrual thing(at least it should be like that, unless you're depressed or some shit).

          The path we took to get better at something is different story. As I said, I'm fucking 26 and outside of this game I have responsibilites to do.

          Frankly I'd like to dedicate myself and get better at this game, but currently it's impossible. Now I'm sure that if I tried to manage my time better I'd be able to get better, but honestly I do feel lazy and unmotivated.

          Regardless of that, I never said I don't contradict myself from time to time (we all do, we're fucking human beings), there's nothing wrong with my questions and there's nothing wrong with my rant if you look at it objectivly.


            you couldve won if you just bought silver edge and bkb instesad of going some wananbe pro level build (i used to do it) you can do sometimes if you know youj will win no matter what otherwise get bkb butterfly aghs if u want

            i really like aghs cos it can deal alot of dmg and heal you

            Giff me Wingman

              but i do want to improve slowly

              Ranked MM 3,358 49.58%

              There's no reason to roast me.

              As aFeect demonstrated, there are plenty

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                your whole page is red. you need to find your groove. obviously the way you've been playing is completely wrong. its understandable that its hard to change habits (esp after 4k games). but yu can't go into games with the same mindset. try to do something you wouldnt normally do to break the pattern


                  i feel u bro but im not tryharding at al but still its had to move from 3k if u play low games a day u must play alot