General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck at 700 mmr and dont know how to improve

Stuck at 700 mmr and dont know how to improve in General Discussion

    easy ones:

    1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
    2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
    3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
    4. 30 min- 600 LH
    5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

    advanced ones:

    1. 11 min- 120 LH
    2. 30 min- 800 LH
    3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy glove of haste and a set of tangoes, you'll constantly have only 20 damage.
    4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

    all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0

    extra challenge: all hero challenge(win 1 game with every hero), done in solo ranked.


      sea tards LUL


        30 min 600 lasthit?How the heck?!


          the advanced one is 30 min 800 LH, the 600 one is super easy '-'

          it's almost not a challenge how easy it is

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            This might not be read, but play heroes that can solo 1v5 if your team is shit. Sven, morph, void, am, sometimes pa and alch are all great for this. That's how I got out of 1k and now I'm about to do the same for 2k bc you can't support these kids. But there is no difference in 1-2k players I'm telling you now, and there is barely a difference in 3ks-2k


              30 min. 600 lasthits my ass. He is 700 mmr he needs to have 60 in 10 min and 200 in 30 and its fine.


                it's an empty lobby

                if he truly wants to learn, then he does it.


                  I'll will try to reach that many lasthits ^^;
                  Might take a long while till I do though.

                  Currently my average is like...30 lasthits in 10 minutes in the laning phase when i play carry or core (less obviously as support, but there i try to deny more anyway) Ending up with about 100 lasthits minimum at 30 minutes.

                  So yeah :/ am way behind on that

                  some hero's I find easyer to last hit with, especially those I played longer already.
                  Also on melee heros i have lots of difficulty getting last hits without loads of harrass :c And under the tower might be safe, but that makes it only harder to last hit.


                    oh wait
                    empty lobby XD

                    been looking at my lasthits in games. not in an empty lobby

                    I'll see how far i get in an empty lobby then XD

                    casual gamer

                      yeah i can do the 800 lh version as shit like necrophos if you pick most carries its ultra ez


                        have to learn to pull creep aggro, check any of my recent sven games, gives you space to last hit, and last hit safely


                          Well 600 lh at 30 min as am is supah ez. But in real game where you lose really hard and if you go to any lane you are dead. People usually abandon at this time. But if youre am try going to their jungle and farm. cut creep wave if they tp just blink to cliff. I comeback at this stage.


                            So what hero should u use for the advance lh challenge ?


                              Use cm lul


                                Let's assume you're playing core. Obviously you will have to master your mechanics first. Go mid, make a challenge, can you dominate the shit out of the opposing lane? This shouldn't be too hard of a problem at 700mmr, even if the opposing team is ganking it should be quite obvious.

                                Some tips:

                                Never tunnel vision, always be looking at different heroes, pay attention to supports holding wards, the direction they're facing and adjust your farming patterns.

                                Don't waste time ganking unlesss it's a sure kill. Do carry tp for counter ganking tho, and always have enough mana for it.

                                Think of the game objectively; i.e, when you're behind is there a point looking at the other team take my t1/2s as 5 when all we can do is feed? Or can I split push and farm my items. On top of that note , KEEP YOUR FARM UP. If you're playing core you should always be top 3 net worth in the game, regardless of the circumstances. If you've lost map control, get blink / shadow blade and flash farm. If you have some idiot support farming, fuck him and steal it.

                                Of course this is all basic mechanical play and it should give you an understanding of playing other roles as well, how supports should ideally move/(I.e countering and ganking an opposing core and making space, and the general space a core needs) The best way to improve after being competent will then ideally be to find a stack to improve as a team. I probably wouldn't bother with climbing from 700 4K should easily be calibrated if you have the foundations mastered.

                                Sorry for the long post, glhf improving :D


                                  Why when people give advice do they always say the most obvious shit. If he's getting dual laned and harassed he sure as shit doesn't know to pull the creeps to his side. And I bet when he harasses enemies he just clicks on them and draws creep aggro instead of clicking the ground until u close enough


                                    Idk what to say. I've gone up a whopping 300 MMR solo (800-1100 XD) and my win rate is nothing like what this guy has.


                                      just pick techies and win the game


                                        Yeah, those things i still have to learn, less cause I dont know of them cause more that I get teh instinctive feeling for them.
                                        And eh. I had a stack for a long while, but most of them took a break from dota and tehy are all better than me, but not much. They are towards 2kmmr


                                        I do know how to pull creeps, but I dont knowwhat you mean with clicking the ground to draw agro. Could you explain more? I'm curious


                                        @dwight Schrute
                                        What do you mean? I'm a bit confused at your statement


                                        Techies doesnt win games :P
                                        He only creats space and helps defending.
                                        Everything else the rest of the team has to do.


                                          aggro is bound to an 500 units area around your hero

                                          meaning if you rightclick an enemy hero and there's no creeps 500 uinits around you, then your aggro goes on cooldown for 2.5 seconds

                                          aka during those 2.5 seconds you can walk up to a creep and hit an enemy hero, but hte creep wont aggro you


                                            Bro you need more passion in your game. Find the role that fits your style and learn 1-2 heroes until you get a better win rate


                                              Aghhh! That's what that is :D
                                              I observed that creep agro wouldnt always proc or not twice in a row right away.
                                              Didnt know what it was though^^ Thanks. That's good to know.


                                              I found those heros already :P
                                              They are Auroth, Weaver, Venomancer, Luna, OD, Shadow Shaman, Disruptor and Abbadon.
                                              And there are loads that I realy want to get good at. Like Puck, Rubic, Vengefull Spirit, Visage, Bane, Specter, Elder Titan and Io.
                                              My mains are Wyvern, Weaver, Ss, OD and Luna though.
                                              Especially the first two i greatly enjoy