General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck at 700 mmr and dont know how to improve

Stuck at 700 mmr and dont know how to improve in General Discussion

    U didnt waste anyones time :)

    Just dont take dota seriously and play for fun. Forget about ranked games before u know how to farm properly and know what all heros do.


      Dont give Kaitax, be positive


        @black Goku
        This is... I do like it, and I've been playing regularly for over 2 years now.
        I expected I know enough and am good enough to actually realy get better at the game now and wanted to focuse and learn and improve.

        But it seems I'm nowhere near good enough at the basics if the game with Lex told him that I still apear like a total newb and have no talent for the game.


        I'd be glad I guess.
        But seeing Lex already felt I'm nowhwere near done with the basics, I think coaching wount do anything :c
        I should just go back out of ranked and train things like lasthitting, pass teh all hero challange a few times, and properly study every single hero before I make my choices on which 3-6 heros I'll focuse on.
        Then I'll get their lasthitting and itembuilds and skill builds better, as well as get their spellusing to be proper.

        Basicly I'll do all the thims I though I can do. Cause it seems I can't do them good enough.

        doc joferlyn simp

          MMR isn't a pit. MMR is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given chances to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the old meta items or the hero spams or cheesy strats that disillusion them to success. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

          doc joferlyn simp

            stay stronk


              I guess what I will need is just a test like... every end of the month, with someone skilled, so they can tell me how much I improved or what I missed out on improving...
              To make sure I'm still going in the right direction.

              Coaching is propably something I'll need at a later time. To early for it.


                Kaitax its only a game. U can be 5k at life. If u never played dota 1, warcraft, starcraft or simmilar games it will be always a struggle for u to handle multitasking. And dota is full of it.


                  How should I say this.... I'm not sad or put down per se. I just.... I'm much worse then I thought I was. And that always is a very hard hit to feel.
                  I will not stop. Oh no. But I am rather frustrated that I have to go back on things that I thought I mastered enough to at least be decent at the game.
                  I never expected that I'm above 1k, and gove forbid I never even dreamed of thinking that I might reach 2k this year. I know I'm not good enough for that by far.

                  Just... to think that even with having learned the game and tried to get good and improve my skills for 2 years... and I'm still lacking in the basics like I've only just begun.
                  It's very discouraging


                  Thanks that you've been there to put me back on my real skill level.
                  Thing is, asside from maybe rarely played heros like beastmaster or lone druid, I mostly know the skillsets of heros,
                  And playing for fun... I would do that... But I want to get better. I'm not satisfied with just playing and ending up messing up my team's day because I'm worse, or by messing up the enemy's day because they are worse.
                  I want to get good. I realy want to master dota at least on an average level.
                  Just having fun and such, eh it's alright. But seeing my personal skill (or the skills of someone I teach, which I'm faaaaaar of in this game) grow is what realy brings me joy.
                  I am a person who strives for growth. And I take joy out of seeing progress and growth.


                  I wount :P Dont worry.
                  Nothing can truly put me down.
                  Worst that happens is that my progress will slow down more and more the less success I have at it.
                  I never give up. No matter what.


                  WEll... I did try climbing that ladder three times now, falling every time.
                  Each time I stopped doing so because I felt, well... I'm not good enough yet, so I'll train and get better first.
                  But this was the third time I tried and I was still falling.
                  So i was getting realy...well... desperate and helpless.
                  Oh. And I refuse to stay with what I learned. That's why I want to get good so much. I want to be as adaptive as I can be at all times.

                  But I guess learning to be versative from the beginning is false.
                  I need a basis like spell usage and farming (which I know I'm not a master at, but felt I can do decent enough to at least be at something like 1k mmr.
                  But I dont have those yet even...


                    Hey dude, Im also raising my MMR.

                    Dont try to learn EVERY role, you'll be fine with all of them, but you wont be able to absolutely rape the enemy team with any of them.

                    Support is not just warding and buying courier, you are the play-maker, the teamfight winner, the early ganker, the hero the enemy team will hate the most. YOU HAVE THE POWER AS A SUPPORT. Support is actually the hardest role, it really is very very hard to play support. Also, you can perfectly play support at low MMR. Maybe you shouldn't stack ancients for your carry or Ward every single spot on the map. If you are low mmr, just focus on having at least 2 wards up all time and you are fine. IF you are using your strong early games for ganking, counter-ganking and just generallly making the other team hate you you are doing fine.

                    I agree with what people said, just focus on 2-3 heroes, make things more simple. For example: I my team has no disables I'll pick Shadow Shaman. If I have to go lane I'll pick Abaddon.

                    I mentioned these heroes cause you have 70% win rate with Shadow Shaman and 60% with Abaddon. If for the last 3 months you would have only picked these heroes for Ranked you would easily be over 1.5k mmr. You can still play other heroes when you are not playing ranked, but only stick to those two for Ranked.

                    Last tip: NEVER assume you'r enemy is worst than you. For example: If i'm laning against Riki, BH or Weaver I ALWAYS buy sentry's. If I'm playing as Anti-Mage and there is a Lion with me on lane and he doesn't get them because "I need dagger bro" I'll buy them myself. I've done this cause when I played those heroes I saw how much defensively I had to play when enemy team bought Sentrys. Now, when I play Riki, I always go out of base with sentry's ALWAYS. If enemy team doesn't buy sentrys its fine, but if they do, I can inmediately place my own and take down theirs. If I just assumed "lol noobs wont buy detection" and they actually did, I would be giving away first blood.



                      I did play these games.
                      Never multiplayer cause at the time my parents refused to let me on the internet.
                      But I did and I love these games

                      RTS, grand strategy, strategie games, economy games, all those are what I game 90% of the time.
                      I admit, rarely in multiplayer, but still.

                      Dota just.... I realy like it as it has all the elements I enjoy in a game.
                      It just is shorter then the other games mostly.
                      And well... originally I didnt want to play a moba.
                      Then though I took dota up on myself as a challange.

                      The challange to get realy realy good at a game, when most of my child time playing games I played them casually and just as they happened.

                      I want to be realy good at a game.
                      But I can't realy in grand strategies or rts, cause I dont have anyone to play with.
                      And those I could are way way above my league.

                      So I took up playing dota to get good at it.

                      I'm not saying I'm a tryhard, nor that I feel like I deserve more, or that dota is life or anything.
                      I just...
                      I want to be good at it.
                      I dont need to be a 5 or 7k player. That's not my goal
                      I want to be a player where I can comfortably say, I'm good at the game, without me feeling I'm overexaturating or wondering if I realy did just say the truth

                      Please dont come with "you can be good at life even if you're bad at the game"
                      I can distinguish those two very well myself. Thanks.
                      This is about my dota game skills and improving those, not my life.



                        So... you're saying I basicly took the most difficult role to master first?
                        Yeah. I can imagine.

                        And yes, I do generally look what my team needs and pick accordingly.
                        Thing is... in some games that wins us the game (like my last two Ss games) And in others it looses us the game cause my team cannot capitalize on what I do or they expect me to do something I can't or most of the times dont communicate it.

                        I never realy assume my enemy is worse then me. I assume they are of equal or ebtter skill until they prove me otherwise.
                        Thing is. I often get suprise with how very much better they are then me :c


                          its perfectly human to get frustrated in knowing that you actually suck more than you expect

                          especially if the expectations come from yourself

                          and i really like the mindset you have towards this and how youre approaching it

                          but if you really want to get better at this game, youre gonna spend a lot of time at this game, not just playing, but also for doing research, watching stuff, or analyzing games with someone. its all very time-consuming. at the very least, it'll take you a whole year of constant practice and researching to actually notice some kind of improvement

                          im not discouraging you or anything, but you have to prepare yourself for all of this


                            as for roles, carry is the easiest to learn at a basic level

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              however, even if you know all these things, all those timings BSJ's gonna tell you, at the end of the day everything you've been doing is paramount to bullshit if you cannot perform

                              therefore you should not only focus on studying hard for the game, but also practice whenever you can. memorizing every little detail about the game won't magically make you better. although it does make a better player overall, if you can't apply what you learned it wasn't worth the time and effort

                              stay stronk man you'll get through this lmao


                                I know, and I expected that it takes a lot of effort.
                                I wouldnt be so upset if I just started dota or if I've only been playing for a year.
                                But I've been playing for over 2 now ><
                                And I did a lot of research and analyzing of my heros and the different roles during that time, looking warding and farming patterns, studying teamfights, abilities, and lately a lot watching other people play (not purge I admit, but still) and study that too
                                That's what discourages me so much.

                                Yet a few weeks ago before I decided to go back into ranked, so I would hopefully get realy better, I actually noticed how I got better and how I had improved
                                yet... yeah... still fell in mmr and seem to be helpless in the game.


                                  one question



                                    I know. That's why i didnt expect much of myself before nor do I expect myself to be a pro player at this time.
                                    But I did expect that I was better then what I end up in ranked in.

                                    Yes, I know in the end it's all about the execution. And I know I'm not the best at those.
                                    But I figured I'm decent enough...
                                    But I seem not to be.

                                    I will stay strong, don't worry.
                                    Just going through a reality check basically.
                                    Wount let that deter me. But it's rough never the less.


                                      and well... I kinda feel bad for everything now ><

                                      I kind feel like I'm no better then the usual dota player who whine about their low mmr and how they deserve better ><


                                        I should, before asking for help next time, first ask if a good player can check my skills and capability first before I ask on how to improve


                                          same boat as you man. When I started playing dota, i was bad, got flamed a lot. didn't really get the concepts of last hitting, lane equilibrium, hero roles etc. After some homework and watching mid-level guides, I've started to improve. my MMR was 300 at one point.

                                          I'm now nearly 1k- and I've done it by spamming necro.

                                          Laning: take safelane. Harass enemy offlaners with aura and right click. heal your in-lane carry and grab the occasional CS with your Q. Builld arcanes first to help your laner keep up their mana. You can also stack the easy camp and blast it all away with a level 3 or 4 Q if you dont have an afk farming anti-mage who needs it more. keep your carry last-hitting. I dont like to put much into heartstopper because it throws off lane equilibrium. Sadist and death pulse are much better, imo

                                          mid-game: once rotations start happening, you should have your 6, arcanes and a soul ring meaning your ult should always be up. use it to secure kills either by locking down a kiting hero (most people forget the 1.5 second stun) or finishing them off if your carry isn't around to get the kill. They will flame you for KS'ing if you ult a hero in a 4v1 fight with 80hp left. dissassemble your arcanes for bloodstone and either go tranquils or build into greaves if you have a mek.

                                          late-game, if you've kept with your levels, you should be a nearly unkillable tank with blademail or heart. grab a radiance if you manage to secure some big $ kills. Continue to keep your team alive with your Q, Greaves or mek. Spam your ult as much as possible because at this point it is all about taking enemy heroes off the map for as long as possible.

                                          annoying counters are silencer, omni, and dazzle (of course your ult doesn't go thru grave)

                                          I've seen some blink-dagon necros out there and its probably difficult mechanics to master for <1k. Good luck.

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            but why would you even need the community's advice if you are gonna look for another good player beforehand anyways

                                            no, it was a good move on your part doing this, you were able to see other people's perspectives

                                            also, at least you are actively trying to learn instead of whining and looking for petty excuses for your failures

                                            the first stpp to improving bro, accept you are complete dogshit

                                            if you are as low as you can be you can only go up now right? :)


                                              Kaitax add me to friend list, in 2 days I ll do one coaching sesion with you for free if you like. Gonna talk with you about heroes and spell usage so we can discuss whats the fast way to learn when I can know at what lvl 700 mmr is. Before anything I ll suggest you go to dotabiff section heroes and read spells for all the heroes today or at least for 50 by now and start remembering it.


                                                Hey dude, If your team doesn't capitalize your supporting, dont worry!

                                                I read a thread about raising mmr, and one point just stuck:

                                                SOME GAMES ARE UNWINNABLE

                                                In the same scenario:

                                                SOME GAMES ARE UNLOOSABLE

                                                What does this mean?

                                                Some games are unwinnable, the other team will just be better. If you have someone on your team that is 1-13 at 20 minutes, yeah, he kind of made the game unwinnable. Don't flame him, don't tilt, just keep calm, do your best, and wait for match to end. You just have to assume some games can't be won, this will make you play much much more calm.

                                                Some games are unloosable. It has happen to me, sometimes I had a really bad start, my mid was also getting dominated. Suddenly that Jugger who is Safelane gets a double kill. Awesome! Match keeps on, I keep doing bad, I can't gank, I cant farm properly, Mid is getting owned at every rune. Suddently, that Jugger is dominating! OMG. Game extends and that Jugger ends up as beyond Godlike. I check his account and he is clearly a smurf. I gained +25mmr from that match, but I didn't do anything! That game was unloosable, no matter how bad the early game was.

                                                In the same scenario, that guy who is 1-13 will sometimes be on the opposite team, so that game is unloosable. That Jugger will sometimes also be on the other team, so even if you rocked early game, you won't have a chance and the game is unwinnable.

                                                Once you completely accept this I swear the grind wont be as frustrating.


                                                  I accepted that from teh start XD but i thought I was less dogshit then I used to be.
                                                  But yeah. I know what you mean^^
                                                  Glad to hear that at I dont apear like one of those people with petty excuses. Cause realy, that's not what I are nor what woudl bring me forward^^
                                                  I just always am afraid in such situations that people will just assume that I'm a person like that :c cause so many people are.


                                                  I'd be honoured if you want to look at my gameplay.
                                                  You'll propably come to the same conclusions as Lex though.
                                                  I'll be doing that and look over the hero abilities again as preparation.

                                                  But... you'd have to tell me how to add you over this forum ^^; Cause I still can't find the option to add people.

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    ^this mindset is alright, yes you wont be as frustated

                                                    but dont take solace in the though that some games are unwinnable. even if the enemy is better, even if your teammates are clearly shittier, play your best. always play as hard as you can, who knows you might work better under pressure

                                                    the point still stands though, dont take a loss or a string of losses too seriously, learn as much as you can. so what if teammates are braindead, next game a new set of teammates, then you'll do better

                                                    every failure is a learning experience and all that cheesy shit, cheesy doesn't mean ineffective though


                                                      ? its easy to differentiate people who want to improve from those who just wants mmr

                                                      people who want mmr just gets the whole dotabuff website pasted in their thread


                                                        clearly op isnt the latter


                                                          My worry about loosing isnt the loosing in itsself XD
                                                          I learn more every match.
                                                          What I am worried about when loosing is that I fall into a such low skill braket where
                                                          A) I can't learn anything
                                                          B) am not good enough to get out of

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            well if you think you are learning you should be slowly ascending

                                                            if you think you are going too slow however, try and look for help. 5k help

                                                            when i was getting good i thought i was the best shit around just bcs i could wreck with sf, little did i know i was so inefficient about so maaaaaaaany things like mana management, waveclear timings, lane equilibrium, itemization, basically everything in the game. what could you expect from a guy calibrated at 1.4k mmr

                                                            a lot of guys (from this forum, just dont remember) gave advice to other people posting. i never posted myself since i was a lil i examined myself based on what they wrote and holy shit i was dogshit

                                                            5 months later im about to get into 3k. still dogshit but a little less now

                                                            dont ever think there is a bad time for outside help. if you think something's amiss ask, no harm with that

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              i think you arent learning as fast as you should be, you seem smart enough to figure shit out by yourself

                                                              you just need to be steered to the right direction


                                                                still dogshit running head first into an es as ck that game kappa feelsblackman.

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  5 months later im about to get into 3k. still dogshit but a little less now


                                                                    Kaitax add me to skype: bogiii_93

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      bogiiiiiiiiiii beeeaaaaaarr


                                                                        at 700 mmr ppl hav trouble with camera movements man. its really really basic stuff u guys dont think about. are u an old man op?

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          Don't just support because no one does. Support by picking a heroes which is suitable as a late game also. Like silencer. When I support because I sense, and I know no one wants the position 4 or mostly position 5 or because I give way to someone better carrying the team so I support. Try Silencer he has an early and late game potential. I may only be playing on Highly skilled bracket. Not VSB. Just an option to help you.

                                                                          Also practice the basic wardings, which if you learn you still have money for both wards and item sets.

                                                                          Always remember the KDA ratio. You need that.

                                                                          You read this weird. Or maybe you don't understand at all or because maybe i'm just trolling.



                                                                            the thing that motivted me to improve was when kyle (kyle where u) watched me while i was playing a ranked game as am

                                                                            he would complain how im mising easy last hits so i told myself "m never gonna get watched by someone again and let them tell me im missing last hits"

                                                                            up to this day im still missing last hits but no ones watching me anymore anyway kappa jk

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              zer0 analysed my juggernaut game, we looked at teamfights we lost that led to enemy comeback. i realized how panicky i was, how i would just panic ult at the nearest hero, panic manta without dispelling anything, forget to put down ward every fight, panic bladefury

                                                                              cookie watched my am game. everytime i missed a last hit or make an idiotic move he cringed. now when i miss a last hit i cringe so hard that i cuss. my count of doing idiotic things has lessened because when im about to do the said thing i imagine cookie cringing, then i cringe, so i avoid doing that


                                                                                Well, fastest way to improve is to watch replays of each game you lose and understand how the game unfolded and what decisions in terms of item choices, skill build, awareness and positioning in the map and during teamfights that can be optimised. You want to be absolutely efficient and deterministic in what you do during the game. There's always room for improvement, especially in your mechanical skills, improving them to the most optimal standard to the point its second nature to you (e.g stacking a nearby camp if you are moving past it and the clock is close to the minute mark). Won't describe every mechanical skill here but its mostly for you to figure and understand.

                                                                                Other than that, my only advice in terms of playstyle in those brackets (if you are playing core) is to farm really well, always take advantage of space (esp in dire jungle if their safelane tower is taken) and to assess fights carefully instead of instinctively jumping in. Also, players from 4k and below tend to push very badly and overextend a lot, in particular when it comes to high ground sieges, be sure to split push really well and tp back to fight when they overextend or when you know you can fight (esp high ground t3 - most games are thrown when they push really badly at this stage with their key spells on cd or something)


                                                                                  I'm 25. Just added that cause I figured that might be important.


                                                                                    Clq has bsj visualisation

                                                                                    Haffy has cookie visualisation XD

                                                                                    Kaitax, if you want i'll create you a plan of fastest possible improvement.

                                                                                    I'll leave you with step 1: do all my challenges and then notify me when youre done.

                                                                                    Since youre very low, you dont have to do the morph challenge, but you do have to do every other one

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                                      I played dota since I was 13, back then I was super addicted to it and basically spent my free time zoning out visualizing builds/plays/situation for the game because I only played it in Internet cafes. Rofl.
                                                                                      I guess u lack visualization? Don't just play the game, think about the game.

                                                                                      Also maybe it's harder to learn stuff when you stopped learning things after graduating.

                                                                                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                        I was super addicted to it and basically spent my free time zoning out visualizing builds/plays/situation for the game because I only played it in Internet cafes.

                                                                                        also went to lans when i was meant to go to church

                                                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                          play 2-3 heroes
                                                                                          play only carry, i suggest slark + jugg to be your 2 heroes
                                                                                          watch 1 player and follow his builds

                                                                                          La Lumière

                                                                                            Honestly, Dota isnt worth your time. This game is trash. Here,

                                                                                            La Lumière

                                                                                              Also OP, what hero did you play. You probably didn't know what that hero can truly do. Or maybe how much dmg it can do. Lex, I don't think you should berate OP. Like, what can you expect he would know for being in 700 mmr? :v

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              La Lumière

                                                                                                And I personally think the best way to learn this game is to play with a friend that's at least 4k. I have two friends, one 3k and one 6k. Learned a whole lot about this game from playing unranked with them. And believe, getting flamed is actually where the learning begins. And you should hit up absolute. He's pro. Like miraclee--


                                                                                                  Oh? I'm curious what challanges those are^^
                                                                                                  I'll happily do them :D


                                                                                                  I do that too. Thing out strategies, have the game going through my head when I have nothing to do with my brain, etc. So I dont lack that realy.


                                                                                                  Sure, no game is realy worth anyone's time. And I did try League... And I like it less and am probably even worse at it as it requires even more timing and close cut and detailed reflexes then dota.

                                                                                                  I do know what my heros do, and on average how much damage they do and so on.
                                                                                                  And well... I agree that that would be the best way to learn the game XD
                                                                                                  Thing is, I odnt have any 4k friends :/ Nor do I think I will get anyone 4k who will regularly play with me until I'm good enough. That's why I wanted to get higher mmr in the first place, so I play with good players.

                                                                                                  Lex didn't realy berate me. At least I dont feel like he did. And eh. Flaming doesn't realy bother me.
                                                                                                  Flaming to me is basically just a more hidden way of passing information to your teammates. So instead of getting upset at it, i see it as like a riddle to decipher.

                                                                                                  mentally handicapped

                                                                                                    awww if only you played in the same timezone like us sea tards, shit would be fun


                                                                                                      I can still play with you XD just not all day