General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone coach me?

Someone coach me? in General Discussion

    Hey folks. I am looking for someone who can help me out and see what i'm doing wrong in game. I need some guidance as to where i'm going wrong and help with some decision making as this is affecting my game badly. I have potential but it can't progress right now due to not fixing something.

    Please no trolls or what not, just don't waste your time commenting please, I have had enough of that.

    Hopefully someone can help me out and put me on the right track to improving and not continuing to be stuck.


    acc buyers in my team

      Ima be str8 with you.

      You are a hopeless case.


        And you just decided you know who I am?


          Well i could coach you a bit, have experience which whatever role you play, if you want i can help you


            1st step, stop playing Ranked.
            2nd step, read guides.
            3rd step, watch twitch.

            I was in the same boat as you mate, with around a %47 win rate, but when I seriously wanted to improve, I did those three steps. Currently, in my ranked games, I am winning %68 games (around 50 games).
            I wouldn't spend money on a coach, there are just too many free options out there.

            A really good read that helped me improve:

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              I added you on steam OM3N thanks for your offer.


                Thanks also Elduryb.

                I have read so many guides and I don't think it's an effective way for me to improve. I have read purges guide and watched twitch, tourneys and been checking out all the top youtube dota teachers.

                There isn't much to take away from these videos I find.

                At least maybe that's where my problem lies, I think I need some guidance and hands on help rather than just sticking to reading and watching. If I can get to a level of understanding where I am going wrong then i feel i would be able to use these 2 methods to improve more.

                Thanks for that link though, haven't read that, so will check that out now.

                acc buyers in my team

                  I do know you, the problem is that you are a blockhead. People tell you exacly how to improve, but you disregard everything people tell you because you want to be pro in 10minutes and you do not intent to work for it, you blame everything and everyone for your mistakes.

                  Stay at 100mmr bracket forever.


                    @Kathy, delete your troll/smurf from DotaBuff if you aren't going to be any help. OP asked trolls to stay away, and you put yourself in that category.


                      didnt i coach you on skype 4Head


                        @kathy people like you are so fucking dogshit,so what if he's 100 mmr or 5k ? doesnt matter and doesnt make you any better than he is


                          you can add me if you need


                            "the problem is that you are a blockhead"

                            as harsh as blunt/kathy put it, he is right. OP's made several threads before, asking for help and still hasn't learned anything from them. I told him to stop building deso on razor as an example and he still does it. he has an assault cuirass on ember spirit for some reason. plus other people have already added him to give him advice and judging from his stats he obviously hasn't taken it in since his winrate this month is still sub 50%.

                            he's been coached before (or at least he's said he has been) and he's still in the same spot, so basically the only way he can win games is if someone is always telling him what to do, because he clearly doesn't retain the information gained from being coached.


                              "I have read so many guides and I don't think it's an effective way for me to improve"

                              yet you still can't skill or itemise heroes effectively. it seems like buying items and levelling up abilities is too advanced for you,

                              acc buyers in my team

                                Elduryb: 1k player flaming, s1ck bruh.


                                  @andro U JUST GOT ROASTED MATE


                                    blunt were are thou i tought u iz ded


                                      First step: never EVER stop playing ranked!! This is not league trash type of game!!

                                      Second step: analyze your performance and get better one step at a time at whatever you find yourself lacking or not excelling

                                      acc buyers in my team

                                        @Ragezeus: IRL shit. I cum @ 20:30 or so :3


                                          Kathy @ 4k trash - If you are who I think you are then frankly you have no idea what you are talking about.

                                          For starters everyone learns differently because everyone perceives things differently. I have a degree in psychology so I know exactly what I am talking about.

                                          Learning to play this game is a maze of information and when you haven't got off to a great start playing this game without some proper help in the way I believe will help me most. Not the way you see it. It's not about you as clearly your the next winner of TI6?

                                          Do yourself a favour and take yourself off as you are no teacher or anyone that will be helping me from now on.

                                          I wish to get some help to improve on this game and whatever way I feel helps me then that's the way I will do it.

                                          Thank you to those who have given me advice, I shall add those who have offered some help.

                                          See you around on the servers hopefully!


                                            I have a degree in psychology so I know exactly what I am talking about.




                                                Yes in regards to how people learn things, we all have different ways of learning so his way of teaching and his beliefs aren't the only way that I should be learning to play the game.



                                                  You ask for help
                                                  People try help you
                                                  You tell them to fuck off


                                                    Do you see anything wrong with that?


                                                      You're just shit, delete this game and go do something good with your life.


                                                        hahaha people try to help you, there are a few on this thread who have, the rest are just plain and utter trash who have no idea what they are talking about. As I said in the OP trolls dont bother commenting, but no, no one can read, so why are you here trash talking?

                                                        Do yourself a favour and go fish elsewhere, there are none in this pond!


                                                          Your head is so deep up your ass you're not seeing whats around you, good luck


                                                            my head is not so deep in my ass, I am clued in here. I am aware that I need a certain type of help to improve and I am simply asking for it and making the situation clear and concise. But as usual folks just come on with trash talk, not bothering to ask questions but jumping to conclusions and assuming things.

                                                            People make shit up and believe that all things have to be the way they see it. No I am sorry well that's NOT the way it works, everyone is unique and whether that is different styles of learning or different ways of playing a hero and so on.

                                                            Not everything is achieved in the same way by every single person.

                                                            So now we can see that if you don't have useful information like the few who have given it already, then don't bother commenting. You are no better than I, we are equal!

                                                            Thank you.

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                                                                Johno - google Duning Kruger, read it and when you get the catch, then come back and we'll talk how you actually become better.

                                                                See... you cant get better if you cant admit to yourself you're shit. You know pretty much nothing about this game, you cant farm, you cant position and your decision making is probably shit. Watching 6-8k mmr players from their perspective will actually help you understand a bit how they're thinking and MAYBE, just MAYBE you'll slowly improve.

                                                                Good luck.

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                    Which is precisely what I am talking about. I need that sort of help that you have just explained.

                                                                    So now you can see that I am right. Re-read my OP then read some of the ridiculous comments left that are of no help what so ever. There are a few who have read the OP and replied with something useful, those who are trolls I have no time for.

                                                                    And as for learning and being equal, every one of us are equal as a matter of fact, you are worth no more or less than I. That is common knowledge. You say these folk have helped me? How have they helped when all they are doing is trash talking, sorry but that is just straight up dumb.

                                                                    Thank you though for pointing out exactly the type of help I wish to receive as this is where I believe I can actually improve when I get help with it.

                                                                    On a side note, helping someone and telling someone are two different things completely. So this is where a lot of people need to wake up and actually offer help instead of trolling. If you don't want to offer help, that is completely acceptable, but there is no need to leave a comment which is nothing in relation to helping me.

                                                                    I hope this makes things much more clear again.
                                                                    Thank you again.


                                                                      Ohh and 1234 - I have studied David Dunning already and unless you studied psychology then I am afraid I don't believe you helping me with sarcasm.

                                                                      I don't have incompetence in regards to analysing myself and comparing myself with others. I am no better than anyone as I have stated, though I won't be taking any trash talk as I said before also.

                                                                      Thanks for your advice, but I don't need to sharpen up in psychology.

                                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                                        if u really wanna improve then why are u writing walls of text here instead of playing / watching replays / guides


                                                                          I am still looking for help and keeping my options open, I haven't gotten down to coaching with someone as of yet, and if you read my OP then you will understand a bit more.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                              I haven't disrespected those who have given advice at all mate. Re-read my comments. Come on man, I am genuine here, those who flame will hear me, I will not tolerate such treatment, I have had enough of that in my life thank you.

                                                                              You are misunderstanding my position mate and I don't want to waste anymore time now.


                                                                                Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                                  You have 400 fuckin games in Dota dude, how do you expect you'd be any good? You're most surely terrible at Dota at this point, that's a fact. Either you play shitton of games or watch a LOT of high mmr players or both, which is best. You should also play a lot with better players than yourself if you wanna improve quickly - you can't learn if you're playing with the guys of same skill. And if a way better player says you're shit, it's pretty much a fact xD You should take it with a bit of reserve tho, no one wants you anything bad.

                                                                                  Just watch/play with better players as much as you can and you will improve if you try your best.

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                                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                                    Is that your face OP in your profile picture? If yes you are pretty damn ugly.

                                                                                    Anyway, Kitrak is right. All you do is argueing with the ones who flame you instead of adding/writing to the ones who offered their help.

                                                                                    And you cannot take any criticism at all it seems, Andro pointed it out perfectly but you disregard his opinion because he flamed you a bit(well deserved).

                                                                                    You made like 2-3 threads like this before and people gave a lot of tips yrt nothing changed. The problem is you not anyone else.



                                                                                      this is his last thread, I didnt flame him in it.

                                                                                      "Yea I have accepted the fact I am shite at this game and I want to get much better"

                                                                                      bull fucking shit.

                                                                                      razor is by far your most played hero and despite people telling you how to play the hero you still can't follow instruction. if you can't do that for 1 hero that is supposedly your best hero, how the fuck are you gonna learn what 100+ heroes do.

                                                                                      also, change your item hotkeys so that you have 1 item slot specifically for magic wand, put it on something easy like space, tab, caps lock, whatever. and buy magic wand every fucking game like I said, so that when shit hits the fan, you mash your panic button for 300 extra HP, and ur gonna straight up win some games because of it.

                                                                                      edit- and who gives a rats ass about your degree in psychology, what does that have to do with your inability to press buttons on your keyboard and mouse to control a video game character.

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                        I'm only 2k mmr but I'd be happy to coach you for free if you want.

                                                                                        suc a lil weiner

                                                                                          ^ Hahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahaha


                                                                                            "Is that your face OP in your profile picture? If yes you are pretty damn ugly."

                                                                                            What the fuck his facea has to do with this thread m8? I thought you don't have to look like Brad Pit to play Dota? Am I mistaken?

                                                                                            Anyways, I'm 3.5-4k MMR on my main, and 4.4k on my smurf.

                                                                                            If you're below 3k feel free to add me on my main, I'll try to help as much as I can.

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              i can coach u safely and effectively via


                                                                                                I really don't get some people, no wonder this planet is fucked with so many imbeciles thinking they know it all.

                                                                                                If someone believes that coming on a thread and trash talking with insults and all sorts of other guff is an acceptable form of help then you have absolutely no hope. As I said I will not take any form of trash talk. Again READ THE OP! And don't comment unless it is within the intentions of actually helping. Simple!

                                                                                                My builds are shite because I need to learn a lot more about the game. Not just last hitting, not just do this or stop buying this. There are lots of things you need to understand first and until then item building comes naturally when you know how to exploit the weaknesses of who ever you are facing.

                                                                                                But as I said previously people learn differently and no one seems to be understanding that. It is simple really if you want to help then I will explain things as I have done but if you aren't going to listen, then quite frankly you are of no help what so ever.

                                                                                                Thankfully though I have found plenty of people willing to listen and help me in the way that I see will help me most, not what you other smart ass trolls believe is the ONLY way I can learn this game and those who seem to think they have known me for many years and who I am.

                                                                                                God damn it like, how hard it is to actually find some genuine people who have some useful words instead of all the flaming, and all the trash talk they actually think is acceptable.


                                                                                                  Thank you for that important piece of advice 1234!

                                                                                                  I can't learn or improve if im always playing at the same level. Now someone who actually understands it's not about focusing on one thing only but its many other things that need to be learned before you can learn the gist of one aspect of the game.

                                                                                                  But thank you, advice has been noted. I played with my 5k friends last night so that advice I will try to repeat more often.