General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone coach me?

Someone coach me? in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    Mb you should try to accept criticism and the fact that you are bad at the game.

    so what i understood from your posts.

    -you are bad.
    -you want to improve.
    -you don't actually want to put any effort in learning the game, its better to put effort in legitimating your shit builds with the argument " i need to learn other things before item builds"
    -you expect someone will coach a stubborn hot-head for free.
    -you argue with people who want to help you, and who are actually good players: Andro, Kitrak etc.

    -And now you will probably turn me down because i flame you, while i am just stating the sad thruth


      Well unfortunately you have made way too many assumptions there mate, you dont even know me.

      I haven't said once I was not shit at this game. I know I am shit, but this does not excuse anything I have said.

      Again is this actually helping me? No it is not.

      I have found someone who understands exactly what I need and I have made more progress simply via him listening to me.

      People don't know how to listen these days and when you ask for help it turns into this.

      Sorry mate, but you gotta open up to the idea of actually helping someone genuinely by listening to their concerns.
      Not jumping to conclusions and assumptions without knowing anything about me or where I am at with learning the game.

      Everyone learns differently and if you take the time to actually find out what I already know about the game then you will quickly understand what you can help me with. But It's ok mate. I don't expect miracles from anyone, I expect respect and people to read the OP and not comment if they feel they need to act like a child.

      saving private RTZ

        You don't know jack shit about the game but idk who said it either Deadweight or Andro, your head is way ditched up your ass


          Again mate, you are making wild assumptions! Please don't be a trash talker like the rest. It does not suit you.

          Da Cosmonaut

            Hi Bro, if you would like to get helped, u can pm me in
            I will help you 2-3 times for free, and if u find me funny and friendly, i promise we can talk together more for dota. I am around5k mmr, currently 4950 and u can talk to me whenever u need.
            Bye brah


              what's your skype? I'll coach you for free

              saving private RTZ

                if you would know any better you would not be stuck in 1k mmr or whatever your mmr is.
                Look, people are offering coaching, instead of argueing with me contact them

                the realm's delight

                  nothings better than a normal skill coach SeemsGood


                    Lasă-l frate că şi eu am început de acolo şi am ajuns la 4000 de dolari. Kappa

                    saving private RTZ

                      ok so how many romanians are on this forums.

                      the realm's delight

                        esti special tu


                          Lets not coach you.

                          Синячий патруль

                            Just choose 3 heroes for mid and carry role and play ranked only on them.
                            Watch the replays of ur lost games and notice the mistakes, its so ez to find them by watching cuz in game they r not so spottable
                            Watch 7k + twitch games
                            Boost ur farm : Always try to have higher and higher amount of creps uve farmed
                            Its worth to pick support since 4600+ so ur choice is mid or carry heroes

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                              I learn by watching how pro player plays by their prespective, and i like to read guides.
                              but there are still many more ways to learn. cant mention it all, but all u do is just to improve urself. imrpove ur gameplay.

                              if u need help, u can ask it to me. i'd be happy if i can help u.


                                pretty sure i've replied to one of ur threads before and told u to work on ur versatility man.... razor is not really that strong at the moment, he's not one to have a huge impact either. i find he gets outshined by other safe laners/mids depending on where ur playing him.

                                i would recommend trying to branch out and extend ur hero pool to like 15 - 20 comfortable heroes if u can.. (do this in unranked at first as the guide suggested). then select 3 or so to play in ranked. think of some big impact heroes, spirit breaker is ok but u need a few other options.

                                play more selfish doto. try to communicate and ping out for ganks, but if ur braindead teammates dont respond u need to be able to get urself out of the firing line. die less. bait ur team out more if ur playing a core. most of this shit is just positioning. dont try to play the initiator in every hero. i know i used to do this when i was new asfuck because i didnt understand the difference in the hero roles properly. im still bad but i've come a long way and im still improving (64.71% wins in ranked this month).

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