Man, Australia is so dope. Not even interested in playing Dota2 like I thought I would be. Just writing shit, playing pokemons, and doing some fucking shopping. Sold most of my Dota2 items on Lootmarket already and got shed loads of cash for it.
Nice to see you fgts are still being degenerates tho, it warms my heart.
swedistan ANELE
dont get laid with pokemon? FeelsBadMan
was my plan for tomorrow
it's lit fam
not even lit
I woke up at 3:22, no joke
should I
a) sleep til 6:30
b) play dota til 6:30
would u be able to sleep rn? cause i wouldnt for sure if i woke up 2 hrs ago so id play dota
but if u can go sleep imo xD Cx
wasn't thinking about that lul
dota it will be
maybe u get to 2k avg lul
gonna take the international mmr anyway xD
Man, Australia is so dope. Not even interested in playing Dota2 like I thought I would be. Just writing shit, playing pokemons, and doing some fucking shopping. Sold most of my Dota2 items on Lootmarket already and got shed loads of cash for it.
Nice to see you fgts are still being degenerates tho, it warms my heart.
Gr8 game m8
Glad you stop playing this cancer game
But you're still a furfag tho.
Well i'm glad i'm not getting perma ban on this acc.
I'll fuk ur mom
alright i just lost 25 pts and prolly gonna get lp because my ping wnet up to 4 digits for no reason as at all once i started the match
Nmm lul
I'm not talking to u fuckface
just like me yesterday, heh
80% packet loss storm spirit and random 1k ping spikes good shit
any1 up for lp? will go in 10 mins
don't wanna go there alone FeelsBadMan
oracle OSfrog LUL
what the fuck
i got just 1 lp game
i never heard of people getting less that 5 games initially
when u get fp for the very first time, u get 1 game
2nd time 3
3rd+ 5
at least thats i know about the system
is there a cooldown on this thing? i got lp earlier
though i don't remember if i did in reborn
Is lp still sd and u have to win a certain amount of lp games to get of lp?
No there's no cooldown for lp anymore from what I heard
Is lp still sd and u have to win a certain amount of lp games to get of lp?
^classic XD
tell em where ure from
You can get Low Prio by just playing bad or spamming heroes that are not in the meta
aw shieet
Damn it feels good to have a perfect game and pull your team from the shithole when you bet 500 tokens.
$11 for a pizza? This guy should go fuck himself first.
i had like 8 reports because of this shadowpool tjingy maging
caught 200+ pidgeotto drowzee and fearow
today was a good day
can u only start 1 incubation at a time? wtf