D the Superior 03/02/2017Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur 24/01/2018Mekarazium 03/02/2017Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur 20/01/2018faw 03/02/2017public class HeyGuys { public HeyGuys { System.out.println(helloWorld()); } public String helloWorld(){ String a = Hello, world!"; return a; } }Ce commentaire a été édité 03/02/2017faw 03/02/2017print("Hello, world!")1-IceTea 🌟 03/02/2017https://www.dotabuff.com/players/358472299 300 matches 60.00 win rate Ahhh the figure is so beautiful faw 03/02/2017retard can u edit ur comment and put hello world in there in a language u know? D 03/02/2017it fucking triggers me why do I have to get all these trash fucking toxic retard players IN MY TEAM why they are not on the ENEMY TEAM... xD fuck this gamePale Mannie 03/02/2017goodbye world!faw 03/02/2017page is ruined gege it started so beautifully bearcat0611 03/02/2017println("hello world");zimzalabim 03/02/2017FrogrammarsMekarazium 03/02/2017Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur 20/01/2018faw 03/02/2017that looks ugly af Mekarazium 03/02/2017Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur 20/01/2018faw 03/02/2017that looks ugly afone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017begin writeln('spunki is a niggеr fаggot'); end.one syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/20172 games of lina mid so far, 5 russians, no lp casual gamer 03/02/2017id report you fyiD 03/02/2017JUST WHY IN MY TEAM one syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017good thing u can't thencasual gamer 03/02/2017u just need to win ~35 games dude ezone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017i'm afraid i'll also have to move 5k miles from my current location sirone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017or more like 25kD 03/02/2017nvm we're going for the records now casual gamer 03/02/2017no worries ill snipe you and play with 120 pingfaw 03/02/2017im afraid ure not autistic enough to play on NA servers LUL casual gamer 03/02/2017https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autismone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017flattered u think of me that wayone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017what's the case of the report anyway casual gamer 03/02/2017 his is acutally eveyrone on us east ur right sorry sir ability abuseu abused ur ability to pick lina at all and also as a coreone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017fair enoughone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017any1 got a free slot for dm party in 30 mins? 160739465faw 03/02/2017idk i think there are way more autistic people than we believe there are, considering how big the spectrum of autism is the realm's delight 03/02/2017i just got 14 points fuck methe realm's delight 03/02/2017gg steam is TripleSteal- 03/02/2017i will play dm in 15 minsMekarazium 03/02/2017Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur 20/01/2018one syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017if steam gets up by then, send me an invPlayer 345996680 03/02/20173rd highest post on /r/ memeeconomy, arin truly a gem for meme venture capitaliststhe realm's delight 03/02/2017i wanna play dm tooPlayer 345996680 03/02/2017does the techies land mine bug still work?the realm's delight 03/02/2017think soPlayer 345996680 03/02/2017zz steam is down should i sleep? but when i wake up bug will be fixed :(Mekarazium 03/02/2017Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur 20/01/2018Player 345996680 03/02/2017 lmao memeeconomy is a fucking goldmineTripleSteal- 03/02/2017im here, rdyone syllable anglo-saxon 03/02/2017https://my.mixtape.moe/cyfcln.mp4the realm's delight 03/02/2017Ce commentaire a été supprimé 03/02/2017Veuillez vous connecter pour publier un commentaire.Se connecter avec Steam
public class HeyGuys {
public HeyGuys {
public String helloWorld(){
String a = Hello, world!";
return a;
print("Hello, world!")
300 matches 60.00 win rate Ahhh the figure is so beautiful
retard can u edit ur comment and put hello world in there in a language u know?
it fucking triggers me why do I have to get all these trash fucking toxic retard players IN MY TEAM why they are not on the ENEMY TEAM... xD fuck this game
goodbye world!
page is ruined gege it started so beautifully
println("hello world");
that looks ugly af
writeln('spunki is a niggеr fаggot');
2 games of lina mid so far, 5 russians, no lp
id report you fyi
good thing u can't then
u just need to win ~35 games dude ez
i'm afraid i'll also have to move 5k miles from my current location sir
or more like 25k
nvm we're going for the records now
no worries ill snipe you and play with 120 ping
im afraid ure not autistic enough to play on NA servers LUL
flattered u think of me that way
what's the case of the report anyway
his is acutally eveyrone on us east ur right sorry sir
ability abuseu abused ur ability to pick lina at all and also as a core
fair enough
any1 got a free slot for dm party in 30 mins?
idk i think there are way more autistic people than we believe there are, considering how big the spectrum of autism is
i just got 14 points fuck me
gg steam is
i will play dm in 15 mins
if steam gets up by then, send me an inv
3rd highest post on /r/ memeeconomy, arin truly a gem for meme venture capitalists
i wanna play dm too
does the techies land mine bug still work?
think so
zz steam is down
should i sleep? but when i wake up bug will be fixed
lmao memeeconomy is a fucking goldmine
im here, rdy