General Discussion

General DiscussionDo I have good enough stats to start ranked

Do I have good enough stats to start ranked in General Discussion

    i want 4k+


      I think u do.


        i think you will get 3.8 like me, i had all my games on vhskill and i got this shit.


          looking at last 2 very high skill games, how he did, might pull of 4k mmr.

          King of Low Prio



              pare kisha jep me dit SHKA jeni tu than


                I guess i should play more normal matches or it eill not make much difference


                  you need at least 20 more wins in very high skill in a row

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    lel, y would he need 20 more games in very high?
                    When from 3800 to 4k is 8 games.

                    King of Low Prio

                      you realize your hidden MM and visible MM are the exact same thing. You are currently 3700 it does not matter if it is visible or not we can still calculate it. Playing more until you win enough MM to get to 4k is the exact same as if it was visible or not

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        ^ the only difference is that in normal games hero dmg and kda matters in ranked only wins, so u can cheat on normal games and then get higher mmr when u get ranked.


                          Maybe you lose your very high skill games, if you do it now you will get 3.8-3.9 i think.



                            King of Low Prio


                              that is only for the first handful of matches after you play enough games it does not matter how much you stomp in a match you will not leap from 3k to 5k


                                its like te ELO in chess, first matches will get more impact on your mmr, you can jump from normal to very high on 1 game, when you have like 200 games the gain or lose mmr is less significant.


                                  x6 at 3.8.... rofl


                                    my idea was 10 games for -3750 to 4k - and 10 more for the tbd games that he will lose. amiright?

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      when he will be calibrating he will be going up anyways so can already start ranked, and even if he dsnt get 4k can still get it after a couple of wins for sure.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        I know how x6 feels, I have a friend who is 1500 mmr all he does now is make new smurf every time he losses first game. He thinks he is 4.5k mmr and getting retarded teammates every time.


                                          I just played my first calibration match why is it highskill only? I got 2 vhs wins in a row


                                            I dont think you will get a lot more then 3.7k, since most of your games are in high skill. Maybe if you have really amazing 10 calibration matches, but it's gonna be hard otherwise.


                                              wow, 3 calibration in only high skill , i m sorry for your lost bro...


                                                @concede @ynit
                                                I'm 4k actually and i think i'm not that good. My games on normal skill were so easy, i didnt lose my first game and after 10 games i was on very high skill forever (when not stacked with my cousin or friends who).
                                                I have a 100% winrate on slark 83 with sf and 70% with pa i think its ok and i did fine for get this mmr, whatever, i was on 3.9 on this account, i dont know why are you so surpised, my english skills have no relation with my dota skills.


                                                  still playing on hs and normal skill
                                                  OK BRO


                                                    X6, you make honest people like me very sad, you know that?

                                                    You don't deserve to get 4k. Stay in 2k where you and the other trash wannabes belong.


                                                      I'm not playing on this acc anymore
                                                      I never was on 2k, im not playing on 4k im playing only unranked games and seeing my beautiful 4030


                                                        I am tired of u all you can think im normal skill or whatever you want.
                                                        I am noob
                                                        Iam not 4k skill
                                                        I am a autistic kid

                                                        But u know, im 4k before a lot of people does


                                                          If u're better than ur calibrated ranking u will advance ultra fast. I have 3-3.2k unranked mmr & 4k+ ranked. I try to get my unranked to 4k+ & it's easy as fuck (won 26 of 28 games). Don't be afraid to calibrate, if u're better than ur ranking, climbing is easy.

                                                          SWAG DRAGON

                                                            x6 normal skill

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              x6 is hael


                                                                Rofl at people who think 4k mmr is an achievement.

                                                                and i laugh every time someone from 4k looks down at 3k or lower players like Zeus looking down at humans.

                                                                <secret thought>: I don't think people who make smurfs should brag about it, try improving yourself instead of wasting time making a new account and roflstomping noobs. After 100 games you end up in XXXX MMR bracket (doesnt matter which one), and then you feel sooo good and stop playing ranked, I guess. Or do you keep playing ranked? if you keep playing ranked then come back after 100 games ON TOP of calibration, and tell us what mmr you are by then.

                                                                i.e. make smurf calibrate at 3500 and then after 100 more games youre 4500

                                                                OR make smurf calibrate at 4100 and then after 100 more games youre 3400

                                                                OR keep believing, calibrate on your main account at 2400 and after 400 ranked games youre 5500 like me

                                                                I think making a smurf is trying to deluding yourself that you are better than what you are.

                                                                <end of secret thought>

                                                                Here's the thing: 4k is not a big achievement. I actually think 5500 is not a big achievement, either at this point. in the end there are people who are 7000 mmr by now. THAT is achievement.

                                                                If you play at 1000 or 3000 mmr it doesnt matter. Raising 500 mmr is just a number. you might fall to where you were within next month. but it DOES NOT MATTER. because what matters is: how much did you improve? You may fall 1000 mmr, so what? analyse your lost games. see what went wrong. maybe your map awareness is too bad. maybe youre not good enough with micro. MAYBE it was your team but try to disregard your team's mistakes as much as possible, you want to focus on yourself.

                                                                and dont stop improving. read dota 2 wiki, read dota 2 forums, check the facts of heroes who wreck you early/mid/lategame, check what are their cooldowns, learn 1 or 2 roles by heart and not necessarily midlane, it can be offlane or support too. THEORYCRAFT! try to predict what your enemies will do next. counter itemize against enemies.

                                                                realise how much potential your hero has, calculate mana and hp reserves before diving enemy jungle or ganking...

                                                                etc etc etc ETC ETC ETC SO MANY THINGS. dota is so complicated and when someone reaches X mmr and then says "im done improving, won't get any higher, surely i am too bad of a person" i facepalm

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  Think about it:
                                                                  I was tired to play in 3.2k mmr, the people never have tp, people rage me for buy mekansm on shadow fiend or mask of madnes on jugger, the people even rage me for go windranger mid (windrunner is a support you are noob)
                                                                  So i did another account (who the fuck cares aboit what i want to do).
                                                                  After some games you will finish in XXXX mmr, yeah in 12 ranked games after calibration i won 10. 10\12 not bad for a normal skill player.
                                                                  Why dont you simply do it on 3.2? Because i hate this people they think they are pros or they know all about dota and they DON'T. And play in 2k mmr wont make me improve at all, its just win games without learn nothing.
                                                                  Sooooo if i have fun smurfing and i want make a smurf i will do because i'm free.


                                                                    Fine, but do you tread switch every time you can? I know I don't always do it. Do you? Thats one easy small thing that might make the difference enough to win your 2k mmr games and practice this in your games. could i tread switch every time? yes i could. should i? yes. do i do it? no. if i start to, it will give immediate results. dota 2 is about efficiency and trading objectives.

                                                                    Are you efficient with stick charges? well i am not used to having a stick on naga terorrblade or meepo which are my best played but i surely buy a magic stick on a faceless void and use it to secure fights. sometimes i forget to use it, which is terrible of me. my fault alone. cant blame teammates for your own mistakes.

                                                                    this is how i reached 5k, not blaming my team. and i didnt make a smurf.

                                                                    you think youre tired of people who dont carry TP scrolls, but you might be the guy flamed by 5k player for not tread switching. and the circle goes on, everyone can point out other person's mistakes but nobody is perfect.

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      you laugh at people who want to get 4k while you are a 3k player?

                                                                      wp dravic.

                                                                      Clap Clap


                                                                        @dravic i allwas swithch treads, my worst item is the blink dagger (i dont use it properly), rest are fine, i dont forget to urn enemy near to death, i allways use stck charges etc.
                                                                        I was tired, no more.


                                                                          I havent said that i laugh at people for trying to improve - i approve and admire them. i laugh at people who act like this: "ok im 4k now, im so good, lets stop improving".

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            That's ironic, so you laugh at yourself?

                                                                            Once you hit 3k you thought you didn't have to improve anymore and spam meepo till 5.5k. You must be a very happy human being, laughing every day at yourself when you look into the mirror.

                                                                            Dravic: I think making a smurf is trying to deluding yourself that you are better than what you are.

                                                                            Normal Allpick Dravic:
                                                                            ~3.7k MMR No meepo Winrate:
                                                                            win Loss
                                                                            21 34
                                                                            Winrate: 38.3% winrate.


                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                              i really dont understand your point, youre seriously retarded if you cant comprehend that most of these are low priority games which you've been told already. its ok to be a retard, though, we need them in society too.

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                Oh, the most hilarious part is you do understand, you know EXACLY what i'm pointing out. You are trying to act as if you don't know but you do and knowing that is the reason i keep on going because you dislike the fact that i point out how utter shit you are without meepo. You are trying to impress 2-4k people with your shit but in the end you are nothing but a shit player who spammed meepo to 5k.

                                                                                You were even so shit, that a snowballing 5k+ slark and TA Waga couldn't possibly carry your inflated ass without you picking meepo. Not even the lowest 4k trash tier player could manage that, but you did.


                                                                                  I got 3470 wtffffff (5/5 calibration with 3.3kda) i dont understand why the hell my normal mmr bracket was very high i won 2 in row then played ranked


                                                                                    i said 20 , mmm i was close to your answer, give me the rare :v

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      all of your matches are in high what do you expect?

                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                                          Dravic: Top played:


                                                                                          Nice fuckin abuse of broken heroes dude, if u are legit 5k, i'm fuckin Dendi.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            the new smurf detection just stopped people from smurfing past 5k

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                                                When did you calibrate to 5k? I think recently the cap dropped even further to 4.6k or something.

                                                                                                whiskey waters

                                                                                                  if u want my advice hope for 3k not 4k which is the worst possible bracket.
                                                                                                  either u get 6k or stay at 3k


                                                                                                    OK its time for me to attempt to change your lifes, my friends.

                                                                                                    Here is a digital, free book that may positively impact your ability to win games. You guys can just ignore it but this book helped me on the way to 5k. You guys have to stop approaching game the way you do right now: stop creating additional rules to the game.


                                                                                                    Rules of DOTA ranked all pick are clear.
                                                                                                    No cheats. Pick what you want or random for 200more starting gold.

                                                                                                    Why shouldnt a player pick constantly the same hero that is easily countered just because it still gives him best chances of winning? What makes a player good? Decision making skills among mechanics and other stuff.

                                                                                                    What do you think pick phase is? Yes its part of the decision making skills. It's totally ok to play 100 different heroes and win games and at the VERY SAME TIME, picking same hero 100 times in a row is also totally ok which some people can't comprehend.

                                                                                                    Saying "picking X hero 500 times in a row is forbidden and makes you a X-picker shit who doesn't deserve ranking" is adding a completely unnecessary and silly rule that is not part of the game, thus limiting the mental vision of how the game works within your mind.

                                                                                                    if they nerf meepo then i'll learn the next closest thing I like to play AND wins games for me. who cares if its frowned upon to rat dota? I'm here to win game, not please my opponents.

                                                                                                    same thing applies to any game youve ever played or will play. as long as its not considered cheat, bug, glitch or griefing your own team, you can abuse anything inside game and play it however you want. ABUSING YOUR ENEMIES IS OKAY IN VIDEO GAMES GUYS!

                                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                      @dravic, you are just being an asshole. you spammed a broken hero to whatever your current MMR is and now just talk down to everyone. 5.5k would be a huge achievement to almost anyone, seriously get some perspective - although its preferred if you just fuck off, nobody wants to hear from you

                                                                                                      @OP - it doesn't matter what your stats are now or what your current MMR is. Continuing to play unranked isn't changing anything..start playing ranked and watch as your MMR changes as you improve


                                                                                                        when did i talk down to anyone? Im expressing my opinion, i believe we're on the same side of "continous improvement". i'd like to encourage people to just play ranked if they want to improve and stop caring about mmr because its just a number, its all about winning games and learning how to do it.