General Discussion

General DiscussionDo I have good enough stats to start ranked

Do I have good enough stats to start ranked in General Discussion

    Most of my high skill games were party even if all games were hig last ones was veryhigh


      so uve done all 10 matches? how much do u get?


        Dragic has pretty good mindset, i give him that. Still he is playing most op or even broken heroes all the time. That's probably the last and most desperate thing if u really want to improve your mmr, but it's far from improving you as a player - like you are saying.



          fair enough. again though: do my teammates have problem with me playing strong hero and winning MMR for my team? i hope not.

          if my enemy has problem with me playing strong hero, then they should've picked it before me. besides there are so many strong heroes.

          If someone was to make a list of heroes CONSIDERED broken BY COMMUNITY, we quickly find out that this entire game is full of OP shit.

          Doom = broken, Storm spirit = broken, juggernaut = broken, Meepo = broken, oracle = broken, earth spirit = broken, slark = broken, terrorblade = broken, omniknight = broken, necrophos = broken, everything is broken.

          why don't we just play some other games instead? xD

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            when i walk into a pub and enemy has the first pick, often they pick earth spirit.
            i don't even know why, Kappa


              Dravic - fair enough. Still most of your top played heroes are/were the most broken in the game at the time :) But it's truth at the same time, that not many people can climb like that, even with most op shit in the game picked.

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                  If I lose many matches and stay in VHS, does that mean I am stable VHS?

                  Well, not calibrating until I'm sure.


                    do u guys have potato blood in ur veins ?

                    King of Low Prio

                      trying so hard to get a exploited number.......


                        exploited? huh… I'm pretty sure weaver, timber, and TA aren't on the "LEL U OP SHIT ABUSER HERO" of the week

                        Just playing carries because whenever I tried to support on this account it was a disaster (go search my match history). I'm simply not good at hard supporting.

                        The reason I chose to make a new account is because less games to win for high MMR. I realised my old playstyle was too reckless and I picked who I wanted to play regardless of enemy team composition so I got countered a lot, and my knowledge and skills are already there but ranked match is 25 by 25 so sloooowww

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                            What about me? I've played many games on this account at Very High Skill whenevr you I solo queue Unranked. Unless I party with my friends, it drops to normal. But when I started my first Calibration match, the skill level became High Skill only. Does that mean my mmr is below 3.8k? Because many games I've played in unranked mode is VH skill. TIA