General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe is broken?

Axe is broken? in General Discussion

    he just gets a 8-10 min blink and wins every fight after that? it's really retarded how much impact he has with 1 item ~ in pubs

    and if we consider competitive, I can't say much, but from the games I've seen in SL it was Axe (+omni) that got Empire the win

    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

      My solution for Axe is picking Venomancer to kite him and disable his blink. Veno also doesn't need to live forhim to do damage.


        I don't see how Venomancer can counter Axe. Best counters are Shadow Demon and Doom (as always).


          Jakiro is pretty good counter to axe and all heroes, that have big range spells that deal dmg over time.


            Early mana burn against him is really really good.

            Dealing with an AM that is smart enough to skill a few points into mana break early completely ruins Axe's ability to lay down the dunk after initiating.

            It can be really frustrating because you know that AM is an easy blink call gank while he is farming... but then if you don't kill AM your fucked out of all mana and wasted your time.

            Also, if you are lion, and you see axe blink on one of your opponents, make sure you mana drain him. If you get the stun awesome, but the mana drain will save your carry.

            Without cull to finish it off, Axe's early ganks often fail.

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              I agree the thing that axe suffers from the most is his low mana pool and often you will see people going mana boots or something like an aghs and late game shiva to counteract this.


                Axe most usless hero late game


                  no he isn't.

                  Stop posting.


                    He is


                      He cant even tank almost every carry rapes him late game... He is only good early because of enemies low hp but mid game when he realises they have high hp. His skill no dmg lel not even dunk. Trash hero

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                          Well, he sure is in normal skill games where players are probably building phase boots into Heart with no Blink and afk jungling for 30 minutes.

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                              Axe is not even broken... I just wait till midgame... I just farm and watch him take my towers. When i get farmed i rape him ezzzzzz. Kill him with any hero but hes such a cheap annoying shit at start. Just pick timbersaw and that useless trash cant even touch me. Hero for losers (axe)

                              I dont why would valve would make a hero and copy red indians

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                                Agree with Randomer, "3 second bkb piercing aoe stun on 12 second cooldown" is too stronk.


                                bum farto

                                  NO MAP (TEST)

                                    every hero that doesnt have lategame damage is shit

                                    because i just own them with my lategame damage hero

                                    bum farto

                                      ^ guessing drow?


                                        He was always strong in low pubs, but the hero is ok at moment.

                                        If you are in mmr-hell you can pick OD, banish him for int steal, ult for HP-melt, and have a strong orb to cancel b.hunger.

                                        whiskey waters

                                          only vs stupid ppl

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            People should stop hitting Axe while he has Berserk's Rage buff unless they are a carry. They are barely doing any damage but increase the chances of spinning.

                                            the realm's delight

                                              "axe is useless" LOL normal skill at its best

                                              Sup m8

                                                Phoenix is very good vs axe. Try it sometime. Fun hero.


                                                  "axe is op" LOL 4k bracket at its best


                                                    "axe is balanced" LOL non-retaded player at his best


                                                      axe is balanced right


                                                        Yes, he is


                                                          Axe is ban material... especially in the hands of Empire, they steamrolled Starladder Lan with Axe winning their last 5 axe games in a row, and overall they have 85% winrate with the hero, watch Gustavs play Axe.

                                                          bum farto

                                                            @moku complaining about free wins

                                                            Also its about knowing what purpose he serves throughout the game. Axe is a killer early game but then settles into more of a durable initiator later game where trying to solo kill 2-3 will result in a death. Scaling with the right items is quite important as you can pick up loads of kills early game but then die loads and lose late cause you went for high killing potential with low durability.

                                                            EDIT: Also while not showing I currently hold a 100% winrate in league games as Axe is chaotic and completely wrecks organised Dota2.

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                                                              try not letting him freefarm in jungle

                                                              bum farto

                                                                Yeah exactly, if you screw up Axe early game it weakens him permanently and even though his call is annoying he will call someone then instantly die cause he will be underfarmed.


                                                                  so basically, delay Axe's tranquils = win?


                                                                    steal/deny tranquils = sad axe with 20 min dagger


                                                                      If you see an axe, pick ranged hero that can kite like drow, skywrath, etc and win... Its pretty much like playing vs a centaur, void or earthshaker, never clump up so they only blink on 1 hero then sheep, silence, eul etc.

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        ^ thats why u buy blink :)) you dont run at your enemies


                                                                          I hate axe...although i play brood a lot that's probably why lol

                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            Alison is right, picking a ranged hero doesn't entirely counter an Axe player. I usually buy my own smokes once I have blink, I don't just wander straight up through lanes letting people see where I am.

                                                                            Banged A Lore

                                                                              I guess Bloodstone AXE is overpowered


                                                                                U need some RNG too

                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                  I think Axe is fine, just a hero that needs to be countered, just like ta or brood. They are op only if no counters are picked.


                                                                                    That hero this patch is really good, nobody can deny that. He is super strong.


                                                                                      If I could ban any two heroes straight up, it would be Axe and Slark.

                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                        ^ jugg and troll


                                                                                          remove that fucking hero im tired of this bullshit hero


                                                                                            axe is strong....his call is a huge disable which he can usually get off 2 times in key late game fights

                                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                              8 times with refresher kappa


                                                                                                I dunno why Axe got so popular, he's been a drug since he existed. Should have always been around.


                                                                                                  "steal/deny tranquils = sad axe with 20 min dagger"


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                                                                                                      Axe isn't broken? From what i know most players don't win a quarter of their games with that hero.