General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe is broken?

Axe is broken? in General Discussion

    Axe is useless? He's been very prominent in the current meta. He's a regular pick/ban in high-level games.

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        This hero is pure cancer. The most broken hero of this patch along with Troll & Jugger. Call should be blocked by BKB & should be purgable...even Reverse Polarity is purgable...He shits on heroes in early-mid game & still auto wins late game if enemy has 1 farmed carry, u just jump on him & ur whole team focus him. You can do same with Enigma/Magnus, but guess what - u can have aegis/bb & win, coz no ulti...but this retard have 12sec cd on this shit. Call is the most broken spell in whole game & needs big nerfs.


          i think call needs some nerf too.. I mean, that whole BKB through thing is pretty absurd since BKB even blocks other ultis, and the cd is too low.


            theres alot of heroes that are "Imba' for pubs with poor coordination against retards

            decent players consider different heroes imba for 1k players invisible heroes and sniper might be imba

            for 3k players heroes that split push might be imba

            for high ego selfish autistic fucktards (5k players) axe might be imba

            i dont remember last time in my game when axe had a decent succes becouse i always pay him a visit in jungle either to block his camps or to gank him and destroy his tranquils

            THICC BABY SHUM

              just make it 14 sec cd, and prob will fix it. Or instead of 40 armor make it 35.

              the realm's delight

                btw axe has a 10 sec cd rp with lower radius