General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people sometimes all play like crap?

Why do people sometimes all play like crap? in General Discussion
Pandamonium(You Died)

    ^When you have free farming pl and void it doesnt really matters what happens to mid lol.


      The point was, dont get worked up if OD dominates u, and gank sidelanes.

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        OD is really shitty pick, but I don't find its because of OD being useless, but rather because its so easy to counter him mid.
        DK/razor/LD/sniper/viper. And you can confuse an enemy too, if they are not very experienced, they would also still send OD mid, just because they think razor/LD are going to go trilane/offlane.
        But yeah OD is weird hero, not being extremely strong in the begging, but have nothing agaisnt bkb later on. Still viable in some hero comps though.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          How is DK good against OD in way?

          Pandamonium(You Died)

            He can "handle" it. Its one of those options when you do need ganks, but if ur going something like naix-dk-alch or some tricore like that, he can survive long enough to get some gold and xp.


              alright im done here, i dont think u understand brood at all as an off lane hero relentless.

              1. he cannot jungle at lvl 2. if by your term of jungling mean killing easy camp over and over again taking 1 whole min to do it, then any hero can jungle. his spiderlings at lvl 1 is VERY weak with 150 hp

              2. he is not a good offlaner at early stages, he gets zoned out easily with a sentry. u still havent explained anything except "he is a great laner at early lvl" well i counter with "medusa is a great laner at early lvl"..... see how empty or lack of substance that phrase is.

              3. in your clip mag brood vs demon sk, if u watch the game carefully, mag was pulled salve and tanogs whereas demon was pulled nothing and he even had to buy his own sentry. i'll give u credit, i still expected SK to outlane brood, but i guess not here. also, brood's kill on sandking had nothign to do with spiderlings surround. like i said before, if u get surrounded by a spiderling, then its probably a noob from normal matchmaking. also, that pushing lineup suited iccup well as EG didnt pick a particularly strong team fight lineup but instead chose to pick a pushing lineup themselves. like i said, brood is VERY situational.

              anyways im done here, peace and good luck defending brood as a tier 1 pick. losing respect for u.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                ^He already explained it. It needs at least 3 people to zone out a brood because with a stout shield and web regen one support can't do anything. Also she makes them waste money on sentries. She can block camps with spiders to prevent pulling. Suddenly supports lost all their early game farm and exp just to zone out a brood. Did you even read his walls?