General Discussion

General DiscussionTransitioning from High too very high, need help.

Transitioning from High too very high, need help. in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    the system gives you a few test games every now and then, most people fail it and go back down tho.....

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      Eh Ive given up on caring and now trying to get all my characters to 50%+ win each. I will eventually start playing with stacks I have more than enough stacks added but its just meh stacking.


        that site is garbage. tour games/scrims are classified as "normal".

        Sōu ka

          doesn't matter
          if you only have very high and normal games then that's obviously indicating that you only play very high in matchmaking
          and that's pretty much all the site's being used for


            1 or 2 games in very high doesen't mean you are IN very high. I play in very high 1:2 games daily. Does that mean im in very high? No lol. When you are in vh you only play games in vh and you don't play in high, unless you are in LP or you are stacking with low skill level players.


              bs mark you can be just between high and very high and have every other game in very high. you clearly dont understand the system


                This isn't league, there are no promo matches lol. You can play 1 or 2 matches in very high .. if you suck the game will put you back where you were, if you play well and win the games you will most likely be put in vh games more often untill eventually you don't have anymore matches in high.


                  more gg more skill, that is all.


                    mark there is no bracket system here. they match on a continuous scale. it won't "put you back where you were". let's say the cut-off rating for very high is 3000. if you have exactly 3000 rating your matches may be in very high or high depending on the opponents it finds for you. if the average in the game is below 3000 the game will be shown as a "high" game.

                    tl;dr you're wrong mark

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                      please don't speak with such conviction if you have no idea how the system works. it just fools others and make you seem like a retard. but who knows, you might be one.

                      King of Low Prio

                        the game always gives me very high when I solo que, guess I am just lucky and the Valve gods are in my favor


                          no, your rating is simply high enough that you are never matched with people low enough for the game to be a "high" game.

                          King of Low Prio

                            that is kinda the point........


                              well why did you write your retarded post then?


                                @sampson it is easy to be in very high if you are either new to dota2 (and have played dota1 before) or smurf your account. This is something that is a pretty well known fact and I raised a post about a similar issue when i looked into one of my friends who had two accounts, one in very high and one old account mostly like me in high with some small % in very high.

                                Its a good player in the decision to remake an account but I sadly have too much linked to this current account to retry my fortune on a new account.

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                                  6% high
                                  93% very high

                                  5 man stack with RL friends, but i was in very high even before them, usually I play supports. Supporting is the key if u ask me.


                                    170 wins - 50% win rate
                                    That site is broken

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      @Havoc I played Dota 1 since riki had death ward so I am not all that new to the game, post your friends two accounts to compare or else I cant really debate with you on that fact.

                                      what people tend to focus on all the time is the game that they go 30-0 which is great and all but the system does not care so much about the game you go 30-0 on complete new players it cares about the game you go 4-4 in a solid match vs experienced players. Most of the friends I play with are much less experienced than me and when I do play with them I get fed to extremes because I get bumped down to the lower brackets



                                        As mention at this website, i have more than half 'very high'. But seriously, i always though I'm at 'normal' until i saw some pro move. So, it is very good to stay at 'high'.


                                          Sampson Your games are in very high but it still shows your a noob. You play 94% ap and most likely with a team (or just phantom lancer autowin pick in ap mode). AP are for noobs because everyone is selfish and wants to carry and its easy to win. Sorry sampson if im rude but I definitely look down on ap players.

                                          Icon if you want to play better. Only play at night after 11pm on random draft, single draft or captain mode. This forces your team to be smart about there choices and to communicate. Also after 11pm noobs have bed times. So you erase half the dumbasses who dont know there role in the team. Not only that teams are more fair (not sure about single draft.....) and more fun.

                                          General rule of thumb to get to high or very high:

                                          support hero: If you have over 30 ck in a 40 min game - your probably not doing your job. If you didnt kill there carry, slow down there farm or help your carry get more farmed then there carry your also doing something wrong.

                                          Tank or a fat hero: If your the last one standing or last one to die (in a team fight) you definelty fucked up the team fight regardless of the outcome. Generally your job is to soak damage and to initiate and to die APPROPRIATELY

                                          Carry or ganker: Experience, Experience, Experience. Probably the hardest role to learn. You need to analyze the 5v5 match hero and see the outcome of each engagement before its occurs and see when your team is most suitable during which time to gank and push. Ie to farm or to gank. Or know when there carry out carries your carry so even your own carry has participate in fights to play catch up.

                                          Obvioulsy you should know every hero because in the end you have to know how your hero beats there hero in what combination and when there hero will kill your hero. Definitely the hardest thing to pick up (100+ heros to learn).

                                          PS: ignore my typos i am at work lol


                                            Oh one more thing. If you play past 11pm at night and your in high bracket. People are more friendly and they genuinly want to help you get better and are usually more likely to help. Why???? Cause shit man!! Who wants to go to sleep a loser??? and the deciding factor is usually the worst player in the team. So they dont mind helping as long as you TRY* to do your role and its okey even if you sucked at it. PS dont take mid if you are still new. Mid is in charge of the first 30 min of the game and in charge of balancing all 3 lanes if your winning or not.


                                              Can someone explain to me what the percentages mean?
                                              Like on the pie chart for Skill Brackets it says 85 percent High
                                              but im sure i played a lot more normal matches than high

                                              I been throwing games pretty hard lately so i don't know why they put me in High

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                                              King of Low Prio

                                                ^because people in the normal bracket throw without trying to throw


                                                  Thread necromancy much? Let the topic die. And don't bring that to any other thread either.