General Discussion

General DiscussionTransitioning from High too very high, need help.

Transitioning from High too very high, need help. in General Discussion

    Ok, Looking for genuine guidance from experienced very high level players, autistic comments and low tier players will be ignored.

    For the longest time as a solo queue player I have had this re-occuring issue. I play my ass off and stomp High tier, Make it into very high solo and either of the following happens. I am placed with highly co-ordinated stacks who share the work load you know working as a strong 5 man unit. Or this....I am placed with absolute filth ego moron fuckwits who cannot grasp that dota is a team game and we just get stomped hard and I guess games like this completely fuck my match making rating.

    So what am I to do? what can I do?

    I Play as well as i can on supports which I am forced too when I play in very high tier most of the time which I don't mind however against excellent players Supports are easy food and often my team will get a team wipe and im the only too die on supports. Does this have a negative impact on match making rating even if i ward the entire game?

    I have basically given up on dota and just started randoming cause I couldn't give a shit anymore.

    Any help from very high level experienced players will be great.


      my troll sense is tingling


        I started playing dota in late september last year having never played any type of moba before...No lifed it for awile and have grown tired of what feels like groundhog day. This is not a troll attempt.

        Ples Mercy

          When you play in very high you have to make sure you talk with you mates, bcause teamplay will be rather common. Ofc you cannot always win bcause sometimes you just get idiots but thats the exeption.

          Its very important that you make some suggestions at the drafting, so you can maybe get a decent teamcomp. many people just want to random bcause they dont know what to play, if you already have a good counter strategy then tell your team what you have in mind. That will make those pick your suggestions rather than random.

          Also its very important not to piss anyone off, since in very high people tend to troll when they get flamed and therefore throw the game.


            stop obsessing about dumb shit like 'high' or 'very high'. Even very high has some of the biggest clowncars you'll see in your entire life and 95% of 'very high' is not very high at all.


              1,355 - 1,329
              Win Rate

              i dont believe you but anyway, these high - very high brackets are absolute shit so dont sweat it. wait for valve to officially release a player ladder


                Hey, Listen

                I have sat at 50% the entire I have played basically, never went above 51% or into 49%. Solo Queue probably 85-90% of my games.

                Of all my games I can say only around 100-150 have been even fair games that reflect the level of skill that I/opposition have.

                Ce commentaire a été édité
                Ples Mercy

                  its bcause you dont talk to you mates. This is my first account aswell. Never touched a moba before and had like 48% winrate, after i learned alot and figured its very helpful to talk to my mates and give them advice i jumped from 48% to 51%+. its not hard bro.



                    That's my only "smurf" I only play that account when I am low priority on icon.


                      Blunt just stop please, you're not helping.

                      Ples Mercy

                        ur point?

                        when im not helping, then you do not understand the core of this game. In other words, you will stay at this lowlevel forever. Enjoy.

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          if you 'have' to pick support you need to make sure you get farmed. Play supports who can clear stacks (Lina, KOTL, anything with a good high dmg aoe nuke) and get items. Thinking you're going to win low skill games by going 0CS support is a recipe for disaster.

                          ALWAYS underestimate your teammates if you play solo (but dont say it to them unless you like babies throwing tantrums and throwing the game). Dont bank your life on your team making any kind of semi-good play.

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            don't buy wards , random and repick if u get support , never buy courier

                            and u will fit it perfectly


                              actually its random -> abandon if u dont like the hero these days



                                i do that all the time but when i get good hero i

                                still no wards no courier and play solo

                                King of Low Prio

                                  the trick is to not blame you team for all your losses, unless you get the exact same pubs over and over the only constant in the sames is you.....


                                    Oh right, of course, we need a tank/support too round out the lineup and the fifth picks sniper/riki/natures prophet/pudge then rq's after they get first blooded. Totally my fault.


                                      have fun being bad if you're going to pretend that happens every game

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Icon[muted 168 hr] 30
                                        Icon[Muted 168 hours] 15
                                        Icon(IF TEAM IS BAD, I PLAY BAD) 14
                                        Icon(muted) 13
                                        Icon(match making is fucked)

                                        you are right your team is the issue


                                          Why do you solo queue if you're so good? Most good players have made enough friends of the same level to never worry about this kinda shit.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                          Autism is great

                                            Don`t count on team members to win the game for you I could avoid tons of losses by playing with that advice in mind

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              He wont learn at all, hes way to self centered to udnerstand that he acually is pretty bad, its like The Terrible.

                                              My computer is shit

                                                go watch streams/replays of good players and copy what they do. If you're having trouble winning in very high, you're probably not good enough yet. Good players have very little problem dominating people in the low end of very high/ high end of high. Try watching support players play. You learn much more from them in terms of learning how to actually play the game (warding/smokes/game flow.)

                                                le charismeur

                                                  rat dota with pl


                                                    LOL he is trolling so hard! If you as good as you say you are, people will want to add you and play with you. Good players flock together. None of my IRL friends play Dota (fucking league of lesbian players), and yet I never have to solo que cause if you are good, people wanna play with you.
                                                    Unless you a douche cake.
                                                    Are you a douche cake?

                                                    Why do you solo que? Is it cause no one wants to play with you? Or do you enjoy beating your head into a cement wall? Either way its your fault you lose.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                      ^What he said, add people that play well.

                                                      Kanye Best


                                                        Wow I see nothing wrong here. My analysis suggests that you're an amazing player who is just stuck with shitters thanks to terrible valve MM.


                                                          yeah just add good players lol its your team why you lose. why my team always badd? anyone want to play even tho Im a complete retard after 3000 games of dota?

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            Lina Lina 170

                                                            @Kanye before you even ridicule someone elses hero choices invest sometime too improve your "best" characters. As for pl/drow I rarely ever play them anymore because I grew tired of not being able to enjoy games with them. Easy gank targets for co-ordinated teams.

                                                            As for slark, what can I say he is the most fun character in the game. As for magnus, judging by your stats you have never landed a 5 man RP have you, BETTER THAN SEX. Long time ago I had to play solo offlane almost every game so i just played BH, havent played him for ages either.

                                                            Your display picture and previous names also indicates you're a drug addict. Taking advice from you would not be beneficial as the drugs obviously have an impact on your gameplay. I will consider your advice null and void.

                                                            @dota_cop you obviously skimmed my initial post otherwise you wouldnt be posting such lunacy.

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              Communicate is they key Man.. Ive been on same situation stompin enemy team e.g 21:6:17 invoker
                                                              and my team was blaming each other and started selling items and make all dagons..
                                                              just try to calm them down..Or...Find 2 other guys to queue:)

                                                              Kanye Best


                                                                Wow 1v1 me irl faggot then we'll see who is good at dota

                                                                where abouts you from mate?

                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  LuLz, COME AT ME BRO.

                                                                  dookie daddy

                                                                    Icon, I feel you I really do. Basically both our accounts are so old that pulling out into a different tier for better or worse is hard. The games played are so many that its basically just high right now if you are on your own with your buddies who smurf and are in high skill games from the get go. Over time that might help lift your account into a high skill bracket.

                                                                    Other than that you an me are basically stuck forever in High with occasional dips into very high. Although you do have some % of very high games in the list so just keep at it.


                                                                    Edited: Lawl what a fuck up.

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                      Wow, those 'two' stats pages really are incredibly similar. Amazing.


                                                                        omg so close

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          I tested the site


                                                                          I pub all the time, maybe it is not the pubs keeping you in the lower brackets.........


                                                                            It's really not that hard to transition into V.H bracket from high. The good thing is that MM can generally tell if youre a skilled player or not. I've even tested this with a bunch of my smurf accounts which got into V.H after 5-10 games playing only supports. Don't listen to the noobs who say "V.H is full of noobs," (theyre generally the scrubs in the normal bracket who've never even faced an opponent who actually buys wards/smoke)
                                                                            You need like 5-10 games in a row where you do exceptionally well.
                                                                            Pick less carries, pick more supports - buy wards, force smoke ganks and tell your teammates what to do (nicely). Or you can just pick a mid hero and stomp the whole game (if you can).


                                                                              I have about 7-8 pages in very high, yet, still under 400 wins. Most of my games (beggining in the 100's) were in the high bracket. Now 1st of all you can't really transition into very high. Nor can YOU keep a permanent spot in very high (because I still go in and out) untill A: Have over 5-6 thousand games total, Or B: Have some redicules win rate (over 60%). Now you don't have many games in very high (there is more than 1 Icon) Suggests that you aren't yet ready to play very high games. Now as for the "stomping high tier" I think your w/l suggests otherwise. The game takes all accounts into consideration. cs/min, Kill/death ratio, Win/Lose. All the advice i can give you is to win more and stack with friends, because at this rate i don't think you will really get into very high, untill the game is forced to because of the amount of games you have.


                                                                                try to have a positive attitude because then even the biggest flamers in your team might be focusing on playing instead of spouting garbage at you. try to ward and de-ward a lot. do smoke gangs, it works almost 100% of the time

                                                                                Kai no Kiseki

                                                                                  Wut, this mark is retarded. You don't need at all a ridiculous win rate for very high, even 50% is okay lol... (maybe even slightly under too)


                                                                                    ? Take a look at the most respected pub stompers in the world "Sna, guanzo, KvH, sN" Every game they play solo queue or not, is in Very High. Because of their win rates *over 60%*. 50% Win ratio won't get you into very high, take a look at the guy with the most played games, he is still in high sometimes goes into very high games. Look, you aren't going to get games in very high and stay there with 50% and under unless you have incredible amount of games played.


                                                                                      most respected in the world

                                                                                      good thing noone ever herd about them

                                                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                                                        52% win rate

                                                                                        95% of my games are just me solo queing in pubs

                                                                                        97% of my games are played in very high

                                                                                        Autism is great

                                                                                          they are us pub stompers and we all know Europe > China > USA > pidar cyka


                                                                                            Getting into very high isnt just based on your w/l rate (although, that does help) ots based more on how you play and goong above the "average" gameplay. The system sees trends and will place you accordingly to those trends. The system tries to challenge your growth, not stop it.


                                                                                              I just got into very high game recently. I don't even know why lol. I solo que most of the time tho.


                                                                                                They must have changed something, I got 6 games in vh today. wtf


                                                                                                  According to the dota client, you have 0 games in very high and only 1 1/2 pages in high, B2.


                                                                                                    LOL you got the wrong guy, there's another one called B2 but hes tard lol


                                                                                                      I doubt it.