Filter:TempsDepuis toujours Cette semaine Ce mois ──────── Ranked Season 4 Ranked Season 3 Ranked Season 2 Ranked Season 1 ──────── Patch 7.38 Patch 7.37 Patch 7.36 Patch 7.35 Patch 7.34 Patch 7.33 ──────── 3 derniers mois 6 derniers mois 12 derniers moisTempsCapacitéAucune compétence ──────── compétence normale haut niveau de compétences très haut niveau de compétencesCapacitéSalle d'attenteN’importe quel Lobby ──────── Matchmaking normal Matchmaking classé Bataille de coupe ──── Not Used: ──── Matchmaking en équipe Match classé solo PersonnaliséSalle d'attenteMode de jeuN’importe quel Mode ──────── All Pick Turbo Mutation Captains Mode Random Draft Single Draft Captains Draft ──────── 1v1 Solo Mid Ability Draft All Random All Random Deathmatch Least Played Pool Limité des HérosMode de jeuFactionToutes les factions ──────── Radiant DireFactionDuréeN'importe quelle durée ──────── > 12 Min > 20 Min > 30 Min > 40 Min > 50 Min > 60 Min ──────── < 20 Min 20 - 30 Min 30 - 40 Min 40 - 50 Min 50 - 60 MinDuréeTrueSightTous statuts ──────── Seulement les matchs analysés Exclure les matchs analyséesTrueSightSolo/PartyN'importe quelle taille de partie ──────── File d’attente solo File d'attente de la partie (2+) ──────── 2-piles 3-piles 4-piles 5-piles ──────── 3 ou plus 4 ou plusSolo/PartyCapitaineN’importe quel statut ──────── Uniquement les correspondances des matchs menés Exclure les matchs menésCapitaineAléatoireTous statuts ──────── Seuls les matchs aléatoires Exclure les matchs aléatoiresAléatoire
Filtrer par héros, rôles, lanesJoueur: HérosTous les Héros ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHérosRôleTous les rôles ──────── Support NoyauRôleLaneToute voie ──────── Voie sûre Bout de chemin Voie du milieu Jungle Itinérance LaneOccupantsTout montant ──────── Mono voie (1) Double voie (2) Triple voie (3) Quadruple voie (4) Quintuple voie (5) ──────── Occupants > = 2 Occupants > = 3 Occupants > = 4OccupantsWith Teammate: HérosTous les Héros ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHérosRôleTous les rôles ──────── Support NoyauRôleLaneToute voie ──────── Même voie ──────── Voie sûre Bout de chemin Voie du milieu Jungle Itinérance LaneOccupantsTout montant ──────── Mono voie (1) Double voie (2) Triple voie (3) Quadruple voie (4) Quintuple voie (5) ──────── Occupants > = 2 Occupants > = 3 Occupants > = 4OccupantsAgainst Opponent: HérosTous les Héros ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHérosRôleTous les rôles ──────── Support NoyauRôleLaneToute voie ──────── Voie opposée ──────── Voie sûre Bout de chemin Voie du milieu Jungle Itinérance LaneOccupantsTout montant ──────── Mono voie (1) Double voie (2) Triple voie (3) Quadruple voie (4) Quintuple voie (5) ──────── Occupants > = 2 Occupants > = 3 Occupants > = 4Occupants
ObjetOr / MinuteExpérience / MinuteRecipe: Manta Style904779Boots of Travel 2887437Recipe: Abyssal Blade836772Recipe: Vanguard836772Recipe: Radiance825841Recipe: Skull Basher825787Recipe: Assault Cuirass825787Assault Cuirass769726Recipe: Black King Bar765726Radiance746717Satanic715758Hyperstone713690Sacred Relic712743Platemail700702Manta Style693684Abyssal Blade686754Skull Basher670723Tango (Shared)668966Mithril Hammer667705Recipe: Bracer667749Recipe: Armlet of Mordiggian667803Eye of Skadi662727Ultimate Orb657652Octarine Core655623Recipe: Silver Edge651576Mjollnir647682Echo Sabre641731Silver Edge638670Butterfly637707Bloodthorn630614Aegis of the Immortal630790Ethereal Blade628689Necronomicon623472Recipe: Bloodthorn623472Recipe: Necronomicon623472Recipe: Hand of Midas623472Recipe: Orchid Malevolence623472Necronomicon (level 2)623472Claymore620622Cheese606773Sange and Yasha599718Battle Fury595673Monkey King Bar581632Recipe: Soul Ring580534Solar Crest579560Hand of Midas576519Gauntlets of Strength575674Recipe: Buckler573572Recipe: Yasha569576Black King Bar564630Boots of Travel564596Linken's Sphere558578Necronomicon (level 3)555425Helm of the Dominator553627Recipe: Magic Wand550574Heart of Tarrasque549685Maelstrom544642Nullifier541656Eaglesong541646Yasha and Kaya541646Orchid Malevolence537584Belt of Strength535588Band of Elvenskin535562Chainmail534595Scythe of Vyse533588Vanguard532535Recipe: Daedalus531710Mystic Staff530567Lotus Orb530648Shiva's Guard530641Blade of Alacrity526616Desolator525594Yasha522545Shadow Amulet515566Crimson Guard513606Shadow Blade510603Phase Boots507591Diffusal Blade504644Blades of Attack503542Vitality Booster499540Healing Salve498542Point Booster496588Crystalys493524Daedalus493560Aghanim's Scepter490588Dagon (level 4)488529Kaya and Sange488721Mask of Madness485564Helm of Iron Will483614Divine Rapier479611Spirit Vessel476531Hurricane Pike474539Javelin474525Bracer473555Blink Dagger472549Ring of Health472513Observer Ward470540Quelling Blade467551Buckler466529Power Treads465550Ogre Axe463536Heaven's Halberd463588Drum of Endurance462518Ring of Protection459505Oblivion Staff459436Soul Booster457544Demon Edge457541Bloodstone454599Dagon (level 3)454526Armlet of Mordiggian452567Circlet451525Recipe: Boots of Travel451418Gloves of Haste450537Orb of Blight450504Blade Mail448514Iron Branch448511Faerie Fire447506Vladmir's Offering446512Morbid Mask445566Rod of Atos443570Refresher Orb441448Kaya440585Pipe of Insight438547Soul Ring435500Dagon (level 5)434500Eul's Scepter of Divinity433529Ring of Regen431478Robe of the Magi430491Recipe: Sange430611Sange430611Magic Wand428518Wraith Band427500Ghost Scepter427484Tango426496Dust of Appearance423498Quarterstaff419469Urn of Shadows415492Gem of True Sight415497Recipe: Crystalys415449Staff of Wizardry414470Boots of Speed413483Magic Stick413450Town Portal Scroll408473Broadsword402440Veil of Discord402476Cloak400400Sage's Mask386429Null Talisman385493Ring of Basilius385394Recipe: Ring of Basilius384373Clarity382476Dagon (level 2)382473Animal Courier380388Crown380364Recipe: Drum of Endurance380364Void Stone378392Recipe: Urn of Shadows378411Recipe: Spirit Vessel378411Ring of Aquila377440Force Staff373456Recipe: Headdress371467Aether Lens364458Moon Shard358502Headdress353460Guardian Greaves353470Orb of Venom352445Recipe: Force Staff352369Mekansm351450Dragon Lance350391Dagon350377Tranquil Boots346411Mantle of Intelligence345478Arcane Boots342400Bottle342416Enchanted Mango338387Stout Shield336382Removed Item: Flying Courier335361Talisman of Evasion330512Recipe: Mekansm325438Recipe: Guardian Greaves325438Sentry Ward324387Smoke of Deceit323375Recipe: Hurricane Pike320365Hood of Defiance317397Recipe: Pipe of Insight317397Recipe: Diffusal Blade315500Infused Raindrops311407Glimmer Cape310464Wind Lace307325Poor Man's Shield303302Observer and Sentry Wards298370Energy Booster294364Medallion of Courage291316Recipe: Null Talisman279365Recipe: Eul's Scepter of Divinity277290Slippers of Agility274372Recipe: Wraith Band274372Tome of Knowledge243315Perseverance212268