General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with Meta heroes

How to deal with Meta heroes in General Discussion
Hexy Rose~

    hi, I would like to know what's the strategy to deal with Medusa, PL, Spectre in this new patch.
    because most of the time when enemy picks these, I lose.
    pls provide explanation for each one separately. thank you

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      Isolate medusa from teamfight. Always remember that medu has a slow movement speed, so choose to fight with that advantage.

      PL and spec - fight as a team, with aura build. These two are slow farm heroes and you should do not let them breath on the map. Crimson is a good item against illusions heroes if your team want to stick and control the map.

      Even proplayers find it hard to deal with some heroes, although they know how to play against them in theory, but what they did in the game is not on the book. Goodluck

      Hexy Rose~

        thanks for the answer. how can I isolate Medusa from the teamfight? does buying Silver edge or Nullifier make her Mana shield useless?
        the problem with PL is he burns mana so fast / and spectre in late game looks godlike he is way too tanky.


          Quite hard to directly answer that question. The more you play against medu matchup, the more you will know how to counter.
          I am currently busy, not playing much, so probably the changelogs made some buffs and nerfs, but the basic remains the same.
          Just always keep in mind that medu's ms is lower than your and take that as an advantage to fight. You will figure it out in your own way.

          El Dictador

            I always thought that Medusa is a simple hero to counter. But I went to check my games against her and I see that I am dangerously below %50 in winrate. And 40% in these last 3 months. I agree that you have to separate it and above all BAITEAR its ulti. In low socks in general it is very easy to hit and you have to take advantage of that. Medusa once left alone is easy to kill.
            Generally they NEVER put together BKB. HALBERD FORCED AS off. Being support: Basic force&and glimer, mobility and carrying dust does not allow the medu to be a good chaser.
            like HC? don't skimp on Diffusal or blanket. Even being a strength HC like LIFE or Abaddon. If it is a good carrier of radiance or magic builds that with good DPS burn the shield quickly.
            Ethereal, glimers, forces, Halberd, diffu. There are many ways to stop the medu, only that memory constructions are made in our stockings. Online you have to harass her, she is very weak.


            Against PL things improve. Last year 60%, last 3 months 55%.

            The PL must be harassed hard. Get jungle out of it Its copies are weak until it has no terrasque and stats. Dif alone is not enough for him to get into TF quickly, he needs manta to speed up his farm and dispel silence.

            If you give him 30 minutes without harassing him in that half, he shows up to win the game. You have to chase it.

            Radi-BF-Maelstrom , even combining + of one siendo core.

            The ideal thing in this goal that benefits the late game and these heroes, but in the middle where combining with the team is very difficult is to play OFF and be the one who harasses these HCs, failing that Support4. Heroes with control and damage AOE that can carry auras and damage are the ones that prevail; Underlord, Axe, SK. Abaddon with radio, Shaker. Batrider with new builds now that it scales differently for being universal.

            u suck kid

              the current dusa is a former shell of what she used to be. she's still very strong, but she used to be wayyyy too op. nowadays you need to either focus and prevent her from ulting, then she's easy


                The best way to beat meta heroes is to pick meta heroes.


                  To defeat medusa all you have to do is use a mirror.


                    yeah sure divine 2 low rank


                      Yea, Medusa is easy to kite really and people don't even play around her properly until like 1,000 immortal lol.