General Discussion

General DiscussionPredict my mmr

Predict my mmr in General Discussion

    I recently created new account to see what rank i will get because in my main account i'm herald and its way too hard to climb up the rank in that bracket. I've played total of 17 games in this account, and im getting allies or opponents with herald to crusader parties. im scared now what if i get placed in the same rank as my main account. Can someone please check my profile and stats, and give some review, suggestions or tips please ?!


      u need to play 100 hours and get more wins than losses .

      So u could meet with higher rank when u start your calibrating
      Remember that you need to win the games in calibration . If you have more in losses,they will drop to your original rank .


        u need to play 100 hours and get more wins than losses .

        So u could meet with higher rank when u start your calibrating
        Remember that you need to win the games in calibration . If you have more in losses,they will drop to your original rank .


          New account doesn't change your skill level.
          If you are herald on one account, you will be herald on all accounts.
          The temporary high mmr due to volatility doesn't last long.

          Just accept that you are dogshit at the game. Instead of focusing on mmr, learn how to play the game.

          Pro tip- Plug your keyboard and mouse in if you want to get out of herald.


            Hello, I would like you to help me with my problem to raise mmr, I think that I am a good carry because I farm very fast, I try not to die a lot, I fight intelligently, I always have objectives, besides that my net value at 20 min most of the time is 10K+, but in most of my games the game pairs me with too toxic players who steal my farm, use their abilities to make me die, cover neutral fields with wards and do many things, despite that I try to play better, Even if I'm the only one who wants to win, I don't give up and try to win, the maximum I've become is Legend III but I've fallen too low for those reasons. Drow ranger is my best hero that I control perfectly but besides her in case she gets banned I have five more carrys that I can use very well.
            When I run out of games for the role queue I play support that I master many heroes for that role and for off and mid too. so, Any advice to raise my mmr?


              @Ecbreezy i've seen people telling about dota matchmaking system. From what i've seen, if you have high win rate then you get matched with people with low winrate or low skill to balance matches. I don't know about matchmaking system but most people have been telling the same thing, so it might be the case.


                @KillerBee Now it all makes sense haha :(


                  maybe 1-2k idk


                    winrate doesnt matter, u still be guardian

                    mid is the worst role

                      I am average dota player, not pro player and not booster, but I can win 25 games in a row on heralds. Skill matters, not your team.

                      mid is the worst role

                        At example even your last win on sniper is strange, phase boots on 14 minute and pike on 24 is too poor for lane vs melee hero on mid


                          @MC Labirint i had built mom and maelstorm before completing phase boots so...... does it makes sense now ?