General Discussion

General DiscussionDont be this guy: Ranked Role Queue safe lane carry, Crystal Maiden

Dont be this guy: Ranked Role Queue safe lane carry, Crystal Maiden in General Discussion
Slim Shady

    I present to you: some real shit xd

    Some griefer picked cm carry safe lane, we lost

    Match id for those who want to see some horse shit: 6356919572

    His steam id is 836781859


      He got the most impact on that team lmao

      another day in paradise

        This guy is playing Jugg, Sniper and Luna offlane and flaming others for their picks. LOL

        You deserve every cancer picker you get!


          ^literally every core is viable in offlane because no pos5 will ever know how to trade let alone deward the smol camp sentry


            ^there's a reason why retards like you and op rot in 1k mmr.


              Saw your post on reddit as well. This sucks.


                sniper/luna offlane picker crying about picks, stay 1k mmr dude LOLW


                  no no the guardian is right , otherwise he wouldn't be in that rank


                    im like, 100% right

                    the evil within

                      sniper offline picker cries over a person who picked cm safelane, u deserve it

                      '96 Neve Campbell

                        ^literally every core is viable in offlane because no pos5 will ever know how to trade let alone deward the smol camp sentry
                        must be why you have a 45% winrate, deffo your supports fault when you have a smooth brain