General Discussion

General DiscussionI realised I have "aspergers"

I realised I have "aspergers" in General Discussion
卍pudge king卍

    My brain is not normal. If you have sensory overload (any stimuli feels overwhelming eg. Light sound touch where your brain just automatically shuts down from being bombarded by senses you have it as well.
    If you push through the overload you'll feel immense stress and anxiety. Yes aspie niggas are socially inept as a byproduct because of their brains and their personality is reflected by stimuli being overwhelming due ​to our brains being fucked somewhere but not enough to be deemed a retard.
    ​(Down syndrome autist)

    the real question is how did I outperform normie brains. How did I beat them when I have a low stamina mind? The answer is simple, because I am a genius at processing information due to daily life being overwhelming I HAVE to balance out my brain resources and minimize load by implementing shortcuts to thinking and learning. An easy way to spot someone with sensory processing disorder SPD is they look tired af.

    Anyways my aspie frens I know life is hard and we're cursed to hate the normal life but you'll make it just don't waste your life on video games. Many people such as Elon, that nigga that made Pokémon has Aspergers. We are born with the curse that we are the left/right tail. Don't give up. Fuck the normies THEY ARE SO DUMB EVEN WITH NORMAL BRAINS.



      i am no aspie nor normie but pls don't say the n word


        maybe ur just dumb asf

        卍pudge king卍

          An average of <5/100 would understand this thread. Midwits were never gonna accomplish anything, anyways this thread is not for you. I'm just bored.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Nvm u are autistic

            卍pudge king卍

              If that is an insult to my intellect why am I.?
              1. Higher rank in this shitty video game than you
              2. Probably wealthier than you.
              3. Probably know more about this world than you.
              Humble yourself midwit. Am trying to help. I've already helped a bunch of deadends get their lives together. Helping people make me feel euphoric.

              Ama on questions on how to make it out of the rat race.


                All we know for now is ur a weeb, autistic, ur from SEA and saying nigga + have swastikas in your name, you are so toxic u have to spam turbos like a rat on a smurfs, and u make this types of posts on a dead dota 2 forum (look back at it and try not to cringe at yourself),nothing else is known about you and there is not a single reason anyone would listen to you.

                Ur unranked immortal in sea where u get a rank at 5700, ive been higher rank then u enough times back when i played ur not playing some different level pubs, a genius like u should be at least 8k tf are u flexing being a 5k dog for.

                Ce commentaire a été édité
                '96 Neve Campbell

                  All we know for now is ur a weeb, autistic, ur from SEA and saying nigga + have swastikas in your name, you are so toxic u have to spam turbos like a rat on a smurfs, nothing else is known about you and there is not a single reason anyone would listen to you.

                  This pretty much. Seek psychiatric help you lowlife


                    I HAVE ASSBURGERS

                    卍pudge king卍

                      Hahaha I am not trying to get high MMR I'm trying to climb the real life leaderboard I am just here to make fun of you


                        Got roasted like a bitch instead and have nothing else to say )

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          I'm trying to climb the real life leaderboard

                          By coming onto a shitty dota forum and having people mock you?


                            Holy cringe. Esteemable people do esteemable things.

                            another day in paradise

                              this guy clearly bought his account and probably plays dota all day and thinks he is special. these forums are so sad to read

                              zoi | hoodi

                                Asperger's is an outdated diagnosis, if you were legitimately diagnosed with Asperger's I would recommend finding a different doctor. High Functioning Autism is the more appropriate term as the spectrum is so broad and those with autism vary so wildly. The group of 9 high functioning autistic high school students I taught were all completely different, some had difficulty socializing while others appeared on the surface to be just like everyone else until you find out they think in colours.