General Discussion

General DiscussionIMMORTAL RANK NUMBER? need help

IMMORTAL RANK NUMBER? need help in General Discussion

    How to get the number below your immortal rank?i have 6400 mmr l but i didnt receive any number. i play 200 hours this month .. please help
    everyone in my match have number all immoratl 1k rank

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    Hexy Rose~

      oh let me help you in a simple way
      rank immortal SEA = archon Europe

      another day in paradise

        and crusader in any region = absolute dogshit :)


          u nid to play 21 games in 14 days or reverse i forgot so just play many game

          Hexy Rose~

            @miC you ply in russia, never consider it as europe


              @I am groot

              do you think you'd be Immortal rank in SEA ? I don't understand


                "200 h this month" man get a life.

                Slim Shady

                  ^ Imagine being such a sweaty dota loser that you are rank divine with 6k hours played and tell others to get a life, thats when you know you should of performed better in school so you might of had a future not being a complete waste of oxygen on a hillariously shitty forum just like the OP of this post lmao

                  Аня Тейлор-Джой

                    Play more games


                      i really play so much rank game my number still not show up , my rank match all immortal 1k , check my dota buff

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                      NA DOTA Enjoyer

                        ZOMBIE best Doom sea <3