Oh boy this dude still playing after that rant about wanting to be banned until 2100.
depends on ur hero idk. since ur herald u probably have like 5 cs entire game so idk, u should probably hit more creeps better
Hey dude dota isn't hard to learn, if you want to get better watch top immortals and question every thing they do. Be studious, use your brain, be open minded.
Dont play dota if u have learning disability bro look at what happened to your account, 10K games still guardian
@weeb at least better than some dipshits who make smurf and have over 12k hours playtime but pretend to be 1k hours player who reach high rank ,tbh most of this community are wasting oxygen and need to kill themselves to make the world better place,op don't be sad over this garbage.
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Hi look at my profile I'm 11k hours dota 2 and herald I, derr derr i'm ugly and autistic please help.