General Discussion

General DiscussionOmnislash is the shittiest ultimate

Omnislash is the shittiest ultimate in General Discussion
Omnislash по венам

    Wtf boys, Omnislash is almost only spell on pos 1 which allows you to deal a lot of physical dps without
    1) taking any damage during ult
    2) don't take any kind of control during ult
    3) allows you to dodge spells
    4) with aghanim you can confuse people with real and short omnislash, bating your enemy's to use items/saves/etc
    5) omnislash have attack speed multiplier, which greatly ups your dps
    Other similar spell is shadow dance, and what a surprise: slark being a good hero with his
    invulnerability and dodge abilities!
    Uptime - recipe for success!
    (Also, Sven and his God's Strength is awful because of not having any uptime or mobility for that damage)


      ^^ You are trying to explain this to a guy who thinks omnislash is countered by linkens XD

      Kabir singh's bo0ster

        Idk why u all pretending to know how to play this game, sure OP said some wrong things, but Jugg's ultimate is pretty easy to itemize, and play around, its not a particularly good spell or what makes Jugg a pickable hero.

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          ^^ By that logic, every spell can be itemized and played around. LOL
          Op made a retarded point, then made more posts which were somehow even more retarded than the previous one.
          and I personally love it when someone just openly asks to be poked fun at.


            guys u dont get it, psionic traps/riki ult suck because u can just buy sentries 4Head