General Discussion

General DiscussionLove Advice

Love Advice in General Discussion

    Never, ever hide your interest in a girl, that being said, don't make it obvious.

    Be manly, don't give attention when they ask for it. Be a challenge, be mean in a fun way, don't care too much, don't give them all your time, don't give them all your attention. Don't focus all your energy on just one girl.

    If they friendzone you, stop talking to them at once.

    If they cheat on you, leave them at once and never think back on it.

    If you joke around too much and they get ͏b͏u͏t͏t͏h͏u͏r͏t, use "I can make it up to you, I give great messages" or hug her.

    Never explain yourself. Apologize ONLY when needed. Never doubt yourself, EVER

    Believe in everything, every fucking thing you ever do. Visualize and plan what you want, do it. Don't doubt yourself, ever.

    Confidence will get you everything you want. Confidence works with girls, dogs, interviews, even for getting friends. Fuck, you can even use it to get away from cops. Confidence is a virtue which you MUST have. It is a fucking need.

    If you want to talk to a girl, go up to her and say Hi, if you have doubts, destroy them.

    "What if she laughs at me. "Then don't dress like a ͏f͏a͏g͏g͏o͏t, don't talk like a ͏f͏a͏g͏g͏o͏t and don't act like someone that she'll laugh at. You have brain, use it, plan, think, believe in your plan, act on it.

    Think of what to say, don't just ask everyone, being lazy is easy, being lazy won't get you anywhere. Don't be the person that gets everything handed to him, be the man that gets whatever he wants.

    Stand the fuck up and get what you want. Women want men, not boys with emotions. Women want men that will change the world. The world wants men that will change it.

    Never ask for permission "Do you want to...?" Always assume that they do. Change the question into an order, if they can't or don't want to, they're still going to reject you in the same way. Only difference is you come off as more assertive.

    "Do you want to do something this weekend?" Change it to
    "I'm free tomorrow, let's hangout and have fun"

    Look them in the eye when they talk to you, don't shift between eyes, pick one and stick to it, when the topic changes, or when you start talking, it's okay to break contact for a few seconds, but maintain it when you're talking. If it's something sexual, don't you fucking dare break eye contact.

    Smile every now and then every so seriously. Don't know how to make a sexy smile? Pretend you're about to fuck the shit out of her.

    Always stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Hands with thumb in the pocket, rest of fingers pointing towards to your crotch. It's sexual and confident, better than hiding your hands in your pockets or just leaving them out there awkwardly.

    When you walk, walk slowly and confidently, look people in the eye as you walk, don't you DARE look at the ground at any time ever.

    When sitting down, lean back a little, be casual, spread your legs a little more than shoulder length, don't cross your arms unless if you want to come off as uninviting.

    Laugh loudly, don't laugh at everything. Make her work for your attention.

    Don't spam them with texts. Don't call them unless if it's to meet up with her. If she calls, talk to her but if you feel the conversation dying out, end it by saying you have something to do. Lie if you have to, but be smart about it.

    If she does something awkward or weird, point it out and make fun of her for it, don't over do it, and make sure it's at least a little funny. Women laugh easily.

    No sudden head movements, move slow, and confidently. Walk as if you own the place, always. Take up space.

    Touch her, when you're walking, push her jokingly, move her using your hand on her lower back. Open doors for her, guide her away from water or gross things that she might walk into. Always be on the "dangerous" side of the road, be it cars or sketchy people. Make her feel safe and protected.

    If it's cold, give her your jacket, don't ask if she wants it. If she's shivering or says "I'm so cold" take it off and put it on her. Don't ask, don't say anything, do it.

    If you think something she said is wrong, TELL HER. Women respect men with opinions, don't agree with everything. Actually talk and discuss with her.

    If they talk about their ex, give them cold body language and/or quickly try to change the topic. If it's something sad, say this "Hey now, we're having fun, let's not share sob stories" Be prepared to quickly talk about something else, always have at least 5 backup stories in case the conversation goes stale. Leave sob stories for later on in the relationship.

    Don't settle for women with low standards. If you're not genuinely interested, find someone else.

    Don't do the whole "LOL FUCK FATTIES AND WORK YOUR WAY UP" no. You only deserve the best. Hotter women are easier and usually bigger ͏͏s͏l͏u͏t͏s. It's shocking but true.

    Don't be sexually judgemental in any way. A woman's worst fear is to be perceived as a ͏s͏l͏u͏t. She will suck your toes and take it in the ͏a͏s͏s if she thinks you don't view her poorly for it.

    Don't get angry at her. Women know they have emotional outbursts and they need to trust that you can handle that. It's ok (and necessary) to occasionally put your foot down... Just make sure she knows you are fully in control of yourself.

    Don't let her manipulate you or control you in any way. She will immediately lose all respect for you. Always be leading. It's just like dancing - women hate a man who can't lead.

    When first approaching a woman or a group, they tend to get a feeling like this is just your little scheme to get close to them, when you really just want something from them - like sex. (And they're right) It's important to structure your body language and conversation so that they honestly don't believe you want something from them. They should feel like you are about to leave at any second.

    DON'T TRY TO IMPRESS HER IN ANY WAY. Don't show off. Don't talk about accomplishments or possessions. As soon as she perceives that you are trying to prove yourself to her, she loses all interest.

    Don't ignore her friends. A women values her friend's opinions more than just about anything else in the world. Nothing matters to her more than what other women are thinking. Give her friends lots of attention and get everyone laughing. If one woman is feeling different than the others, she will drag them away. They will follow like a flock of pigeons. Society is the book of women. (Notice that men do NOT behave this way! Women are very different!)

    To get a woman attracted/emotionally vulnerable, give her lots of emotions and feelings. Don't just make her feel good. Make her feel good, and angry, and sad, and connected, and astonished, and intrigues, etc. Make her laugh. Tease her. Tell stories about your sick puppy. Tell her why things would never work out between the two of you. Call her a dork. If she gets heated up, she will start touching you... playfully push her away. If she calls you a jerk and punches your arm, you are doing it right. If she gives you that "I can't believe you just said that" look, do NOT back down. do not say "Oh I'm just kidding" or anything like that.

    As she gets more emotional, she will try to ruin things by throwing in logic. She will ask you if you are a player, or if you say this to all the girls, or whatever. The trick is this: Don't take it seriously by giving it some logical answer! That's right... Women lose interest if you take them seriously! It's crazy but that's how they behave. Just blow it off or misinterpret what she's saying as though she is coming on to you.

    She will start asking you lots of questions. This is what chicks do when they suddenly find themselves attracted to a man they know nothing about. This is your chance to open up a little and also find out more about her and build a deeper connection. You have to do this, or she will flake later (even if you've kissed her!) Women and things you have in common, etc. She needs to feel that this is genuine. This is usually the time when you should throw in a few fake vulnerabilities, like pretending You're shy or insecure about something. I know it's fucked up but women need to see that there are at least a few small holes where they can sink their hooks in you. They get uneasy if you are too perfect.

    Make sure she gets the feeling that you have standards and that you are judging her based on them. Ask her questions that show her you are checking her out to see if she is up to ͏s͏n͏u͏f͏f. Women don't like to feel like you are with them only because you can't do any better. They prefer to feel like you have high standards and can get any chick you want, but you choose HER because she is so special and so different from all the others.

    Move her to different locations. Take her next door for a drink. Take her across the street to check out some art. The more locations the better.

    Take responsibility for every escalation. A woman will do just about anything as long as she doesn't have to feel like it was "her fault." Make it YOUR fault. Make it "just happen".

    Keep the woman always swinging somewhere between validation and rejection. If she feels rejected, she drops out or gets REALLY MAD. And if she feels too validated, she will ditch you in a heartbeat. So push her away (emotionally) and then pull her back in.

    BELIEVE YOUR OWN BULLSHIT. Chicks do not look at your excuses and try to see if they are ͏b͏u͏l͏l͏s͏h͏i͏t or not... Because that is the logical thing to do, and chicks are not logical. Rather, what they do is see if you seem to believe your own ͏b͏u͏l͏l͏s͏h͏i͏t when you say it. If you look like you do, then chances are, they will believe it too. So the key is to believe your own ͏b͏u͏l͏l͏s͏h͏i͏t, and other aspects about yourself that you want the chick to believe about you too (alpha male or whatever) because your own self beliefs for some reason will automatically "impart" to the chick!

    And sometimes all you have to do is just to be "yourself" what I mean to be yourself is to be the way you want not based on everything, most people said that they are being themselves, but none of them actually being "yourself"

    Ce sujet a été édité
    死の恐怖 Haseo

      bruh moment


        Ok just so you know it took me 2 hours to made this shit and at the end of it I say to myself, what am I doing in my life.

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          you wrote all this?


            Smells like copy pasta to me. Maybe slightly-altered copy pasta at best.


              what if i be gay

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  I got autism from reading this

                  Guess who

                    Ew, girls.

                    Cancer Malaria

                      okay sirs


                        btw does this advice work for step-sisters?


                          General Discussion
                          General Discussion
                          Love Advice
                          LOVE ADVICE IN GENERAL DISCUSSION
                          LegendaryHD2 hours ago
                          Never, ever hide your interest in a girl, that being said, don't make it obvious.

                          Be manly, don't give attention when they ask for it. Be a challenge, be mean in a fun way, don't care too much, don't give them all your time, don't give them all your attention. Don't focus all your energy on just one girl.

                          If they friendzone you, stop talking to them at once.

                          If they cheat on you, leave them at once and never think back on it.

                          If you joke around too much and they get ͏b͏u͏t͏t͏h͏u͏r͏t, use "I can make it up to you, I give great messages" or hug her.

                          Never explain yourself. Apologize ONLY when needed. Never doubt yourself, EVER

                          Believe in everything, every fucking thing you ever do. Visualize and plan what you want, do it. Don't doubt yourself, ever.

                          Confidence will get you everything you want. Confidence works with girls, dogs, interviews, even for getting friends. Fuck, you can even use it to get away from cops. Confidence is a virtue which you MUST have. It is a fucking need.

                          If you want to talk to a girl, go up to her and say Hi, if you have doubts, destroy them.

                          "What if she laughs at me. "Then don't dress like a ͏f͏a͏g͏g͏o͏t, don't talk like a ͏f͏a͏g͏g͏o͏t and don't act like someone that she'll laugh at. You have brain, use it, plan, think, believe in your plan, act on it.

                          Think of what to say, don't just ask everyone, being lazy is easy, being lazy won't get you anywhere. Don't be the person that gets everything handed to him, be the man that gets whatever he wants.

                          Stand the fuck up and get what you want. Women want men, not boys with emotions. Women want men that will change the world. The world wants men that will change it.

                          Never ask for permission "Do you want to...?" Always assume that they do. Change the question into an order, if they can't or don't want to, they're still going to reject you in the same way. Only difference is you come off as more assertive.

                          "Do you want to do something this weekend?" Change it to
                          "I'm free tomorrow, let's hangout and have fun"

                          Look them in the eye when they talk to you, don't shift between eyes, pick one and stick to it, when the topic changes, or when you start talking, it's okay to break contact for a few seconds, but maintain it when you're talking. If it's something sexual, don't you fucking dare break eye contact.

                          Smile every now and then every so seriously. Don't know how to make a sexy smile? Pretend you're about to fuck the shit out of her.

                          Always stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Hands with thumb in the pocket, rest of fingers pointing towards to your crotch. It's sexual and confident, better than hiding your hands in your pockets or just leaving them out there awkwardly.

                          When you walk, walk slowly and confidently, look people in the eye as you walk, don't you DARE look at the ground at any time ever.

                          When sitting down, lean back a little, be casual, spread your legs a little more than shoulder length, don't cross your arms unless if you want to come off as uninviting.

                          Laugh loudly, don't laugh at everything. Make her work for your attention.

                          Don't spam them with texts. Don't call them unless if it's to meet up with her. If she calls, talk to her but if you feel the conversation dying out, end it by saying you have something to do. Lie if you have to, but be smart about it.

                          If she does something awkward or weird, point it out and make fun of her for it, don't over do it, and make sure it's at least a little funny. Women laugh easily.

                          No sudden head movements, move slow, and confidently. Walk as if you own the place, always. Take up space.

                          Touch her, when you're walking, push her jokingly, move her using your hand on her lower back. Open doors for her, guide her away from water or gross things that she might walk into. Always be on the "dangerous" side of the road, be it cars or sketchy people. Make her feel safe and protected.

                          If it's cold, give her your jacket, don't ask if she wants it. If she's shivering or says "I'm so cold" take it off and put it on her. Don't ask, don't say anything, do it.

                          If you think something she said is wrong, TELL HER. Women respect men with opinions, don't agree with everything. Actually talk and discuss with her.

                          If they talk about their ex, give them cold body language and/or quickly try to change the topic. If it's something sad, say this "Hey now, we're having fun, let's not share sob stories" Be prepared to quickly talk about something else, always have at least 5 backup stories in case the conversation goes stale. Leave sob stories for later on in the relationship.

                          Don't settle for women with low standards. If you're not genuinely interested, find someone else.

                          Don't do the whole "LOL FUCK FATTIES AND WORK YOUR WAY UP" no. You only deserve the best. Hotter women are easier and usually bigger ͏͏s͏l͏u͏t͏s. It's shocking but true.

                          Don't be sexually judgemental in any way. A woman's worst fear is to be perceived as a ͏s͏l͏u͏t. She will suck your toes and take it in the ͏a͏s͏s if she thinks you don't view her poorly for it.

                          Don't get angry at her. Women know they have emotional outbursts and they need to trust that you can handle that. It's ok (and necessary) to occasionally put your foot down... Just make sure she knows you are fully in control of yourself.

                          Don't let her manipulate you or control you in any way. She will immediately lose all respect for you. Always be leading. It's just like dancing - women hate a man who can't lead.

                          When first approaching a woman or a group, they tend to get a feeling like this is just your little scheme to get close to them, when you really just want something from them - like sex. (And they're right) It's important to structure your body language and conversation so that they honestly don't believe you want something from them. They should feel like you are about to leave at any second.

                          DON'T TRY TO IMPRESS HER IN ANY WAY. Don't show off. Don't talk about accomplishments or possessions. As soon as she perceives that you are trying to prove yourself to her, she loses all interest.

                          Don't ignore her friends. A women values her friend's opinions more than just about anything else in the world. Nothing matters to her more than what other women are thinking. Give her friends lots of attention and get everyone laughing. If one woman is feeling different than the others, she will drag them away. They will follow like a flock of pigeons. Society is the book of women. (Notice that men do NOT behave this way! Women are very different!)

                          To get a woman attracted/emotionally vulnerable, give her lots of emotions and feelings. Don't just make her feel good. Make her feel good, and angry, and sad, and connected, and astonished, and intrigues, etc. Make her laugh. Tease her. Tell stories about your sick puppy. Tell her why things would never work out between the two of you. Call her a dork. If she gets heated up, she will start touching you... playfully push her away. If she calls you a jerk and punches your arm, you are doing it right. If she gives you that "I can't believe you just said that" look, do NOT back down. do not say "Oh I'm just kidding" or anything like that.

                          As she gets more emotional, she will try to ruin things by throwing in logic. She will ask you if you are a player, or if you say this to all the girls, or whatever. The trick is this: Don't take it seriously by giving it some logical answer! That's right... Women lose interest if you take them seriously! It's crazy but that's how they behave. Just blow it off or misinterpret what she's saying as though she is coming on to you.

                          She will start asking you lots of questions. This is what chicks do when they suddenly find themselves attracted to a man they know nothing about. This is your chance to open up a little and also find out more about her and build a deeper connection. You have to do this, or she will flake later (even if you've kissed her!) Women and things you have in common, etc. She needs to feel that this is genuine. This is usually the time when you should throw in a few fake vulnerabilities, like pretending You're shy or insecure about something. I know it's fucked up but women need to see that there are at least a few small holes where they can sink their hooks in you. They get uneasy if you are too perfect.

                          Make sure she gets the feeling that you have standards and that you are judging her based on them. Ask her questions that show her you are checking her out to see if she is up to ͏s͏n͏u͏f͏f. Women don't like to feel like you are with them only because you can't do any better. They prefer to feel like you have high standards and can get any chick you want, but you choose HER because she is so special and so different from all the others.

                          Move her to different locations. Take her next door for a drink. Take her across the street to check out some art. The more locations the better.

                          Take responsibility for every escalation. A woman will do just about anything as long as she doesn't have to feel like it was "her fault." Make it YOUR fault. Make it "just happen".

                          Keep the woman always swinging somewhere between validation and rejection. If she feels rejected, she drops out or gets REALLY MAD. And if she feels too validated, she will ditch you in a heartbeat. So push her away (emotionally) and then pull her back in.

                          BELIEVE YOUR OWN BULLSHIT. Chicks do not look at your excuses and try to see if they are ͏b͏u͏l͏l͏s͏h͏i͏t or not... Because that is the logical thing to do, and chicks are not logical. Rather, what they do is see if you seem to believe your own ͏b͏u͏l͏l͏s͏h͏i͏t when you say it. If you look like you do, then chances are, they will believe it too. So the key is to believe your own ͏b͏u͏l͏l͏s͏h͏i͏t, and other aspects about yourself that you want the chick to believe about you too (alpha male or whatever) because your own self beliefs for some reason will automatically "impart" to the chick!

                          And sometimes all you have to do is just to be "yourself" what I mean to be yourself is to be the way you want not based on everything, most people said that they are being themselves, but none of them actually being "yourself"

                          This topic was edited 2 hours ago
                          K-かみ 2 hours ago
                          bruh moment

                          LegendaryHD2 hours ago
                          Ok just so you know it took me 2 hours to made this shit and at the end of it I say to myself, what am I doing in my life.

                          huntergatherer 2 hours ago
                          you wrote all this?

                          DemonicTrashcan 2 hours ago
                          Smells like copy pasta to me. Maybe slightly-altered copy pasta at best.

                          Kowareta2 hours ago
                          what if i be gay

                          roflan hour ago
                          always cum in the girls pu$$y, then she will love you forever


                          This comment was edited an hour ago
                          TripleSteal- an hour ago
                          I got autism from reading this

                          Guess who
                          Guess who an hour ago
                          Ew, girls.

                          Malariaan hour ago
                          okay sirs

                          rofl12 minutes ago
                          btw does this advice work for step-sisters?

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                            fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                            '96 Neve Campbell

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.

                              fuck this website full of motherf****s,curse you I hope you die from cancer,feedback for mods :your site is disgusting full of fucking high ego cancers , good job.


                                ^happy for u, u found same mmr, same iq partner parma.

                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  Actually I was making fun of them but of course your tiny ape brain wouldn't realise that


                                    haha, i was joking as always too. BigBrainChan


                                      Does this for work with Dota 2 heroes ? I want to fuck lina


                                        Judging by your reaction I think you are all incels.


                                          not me

                                            Ce commentaire a été supprimé



                                                Judging by your reaction I think you are all incels.

                                                judging by your posts i think you're from SEA


                                                  except the original post, I'd never be bothered to read all that shit lmao

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    actually now that i skim through it, i recognize some of the sentences from some old /r9k/ greentext



                                                      Hmm well tbh like 80% of the shit this guy wrote works If not more especially when first dating . Probs copy pasta . I’ve always said women love guys that are a nice ass hole . Sure an ass hole can get her in bed . A nice guy can become her friend . But a nice ass hole and they will love you . Also the longer you are with a woman the more nice and less ass hole you show her.


                                                        Yeah this is an edited assortment from old 4chan alpha/chad/pick-up-artist esque advice. Pretty sad that Legendary tried to pass this off as if he typed this. Even sadder that Legendary thinks that the person having typed this advice is a cool person worth emulating.

                                                        The irony with all this advice is how most who actually try to apply all of it and either come off as weirdly aggressive and scare off most potential partners, or become so wrapped up in how they come off that their actions/mannerisms will come off as unnatural and socially inept.

                                                        Take this advice, completely disregard a good chunk of it, and take the actual "good bits," (strong air quotes,) and tone down the "ultra-macho-never-takes-no-for-an-answer-douche-chad" by like 95% and you might actually get laid. Turns out being a super aggressive, highly controlling sociopath is a type that only really works in romance novels.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité