General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat Kiril, the 6k mmr Hungarian taught me last year.

What Kiril, the 6k mmr Hungarian taught me last year. in General Discussion

    He knew I was trying my hardest to go pro in DOTA, and streaming, so he tried helping me out. I was too stubborn to listen and as a result have wasted a great deal of time. The only thing I gained in all these matches up until recently was learning what every hero can do and their different builds. I didn't even know the names of the different lanes at the time, and for some reason had 2k-2.5k mmr.

    Firstly, he said this:

    1. Pick Jakiro or Weaver for 50 games, and increase your behavior score. He asked me, "Do you like playing with people who are trashy?" I certainly don't, and neither do others I don't imagine. Ultimately, it took me a while but, you just have to be a mature person when playing, any game for that matter. My behavior score is about to refresh in 2 games, been clean, so I expect a +800 on the 4600 I have presently. I've found that you can't just be alt tabbed either to gain score, you need to try your hardest even when you wanna give up every single match, and I don't get reported. I have 0 tolerance for "gg we lost" or any kind of immature bullshit so I just mute immediately without a second thought. I never listened, until recently, dota plus helped. I always thought countering was the key to winning. LIke in Pokemon, "it's super effective" kind of idea. But he would repeat over and over, the guy who plays one hero at 100% will still have an advantage over the player playing the "counter" hero at 50%. If you look at my recent game history, many Jakiros, and the majority wins. I just keep playing against similar drafts over and over, warranting jak.

    2. Just the idea of playing fewer heroes, but better than everyone else in the match is playing theirs.

    That's basically it really. I just wanted to get my thoughts out about this since he was right....I'm not sure where it'll take me if I cross my old 2.5k mmr, if I cap there I'll know there's no future with dota and most likely stop playing altogether. But I only learned about behavior score and shadow pool May of 2018, after playing in it for many years. I always wondered why I kept playing with the same people, that I'd lose with, in nearly 50% of a single summary (10games).

    I decked out my stream page a bit check it out if bored:

    Btw, parmaviolets, hotkeying my shop has really made me a better player, thanks again for your analysis a while ago, really helped. Hope you're in good health and doing well.


    Ce sujet a été édité

      I mean
      If u would manage to less tilt and just play the game u could reach 50.5% winrate instead of 49.5 and reach 5k mmr with just play time
      I see many +7k matches players on my games who playing worse than archons


        For sure dude. It's also just a waste of time. the older im getting, time is alot more valuable. I'm not in my twenties anymore, turned 30 last week.

        I also feel like an asshole for all the times I antagonized people in DOTA, blaming them for my own problems. It's just immature behavior and thought process.

        What can I do to make amends? On top of it all I've only played in the lower bracket of the ladder, where people are just genuinely new and don't know any better. What an asshole I am.

        My last game, I was close to my old self, and would've definitely generated reports. We had a first pick Luna, in the "offlane role." Dude bought fraerie fires for a while, didn't really ult well, etc. Not played to my expectations. We ended up winning, but I used the "didn't play role" report on the Luna. And then 5 seconds later, he commended me. We laned together, but I never antagonized him or told him how to play or what to do. I just played my hardest as I have been, and he mustve enjoyed laning with me otherwise why commend?

        I felt really bad afterward. I'm only gonna start using reports now on people who intentionally throw, afk in base late game, really bad shit like that. It's unfair to use it knowing how much impact they have just because someone didn't play to expectation.

        Ce commentaire a été édité
        idc feeding really

          man 7400 matches and still crusader
          that's not something you see everyday


            ^ Nice smurf stats



              idc feeding really

                at least I didn't spent 7k hours in normal skill

                NlGGER (mute+core only)

                  He knew I was trying my hardest to go pro in DOTA

                  I feel ashamed, I never laughed so hard for months


                    @idc, Thanks, im doing my best to calibrate to herald.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      if you want my advice,try to copy a player or even your coach on whatever hes gonna do(watch replay),also try pick meta broken heroes so you can get mmr faster

                      watch replay really helps,trust me



                        Ah shit, my BPD is kicking in, time to hit the slopes and play dota all day because the strangers i dont know or ever meet laughing at me.

                        But my friends and family that I've known all my life laugh at me because i still play dota.

                        Cognitive dissonance? Hit the slopes.

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          u care too much about others, thats the whole problem in my opinion
                          just do what u like to do no matter what!

                          NlGGER (mute+core only)

                            you should find other game than Dota
                            it's sounds like you got an addiction or smth and Dota is not really a game for people with mental health issues
                            hell dota even produces them on a daily basis

                            ez katka

                              you shouldnt care about this guys who commented , with bad things in this thread just be yourself , good luck in your journey, and remember nothing impossible ..for anyone


                                how can you say you want to go pro dota with a crusader 2 bracket skill? I'm dead serious here
                                I'm trash at ancient 2 and I know it and yet I would never dream of going pro being like this

                                What's your reasoning


                                  Crusader 2 need 200 victories to be 7k player so why not he could be pro someday?

                                  Anyway he could find himself at career bind to dota somehow other than playing and be pro dota

                                  KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                    Its good to know that you want to improve but I'd take it one step at a time buddy!


                                      WH OMEGALUL


                                        Just gonna reiterate my personal rule to self:
                                        If my number of (ranked) games exceeds my MMR, I’ll stop playing Dota


                                          @ETdAWESOME how many games do you have? Since thats not your first account.

                                          boring personality

                                            How do you figure out whether someone's account is their first or not?


                                              ^Check their first match ever.

                                              But based on my analysis it's ETdAWESOME first account.


                                                Rofl, improve? 99% of the games I play hard support, and 99% of the time the cores that I'm supporting don't attack the enemy heros for 30-60 minutes until we lose. Oh, and top of that, even trying my absolute hardest, // will kill me soon, and staying completely silent, only two reports caused me to LOSE score, with 22 commends. I'm not sure what I'll lose first, my apartment, because once my parents find out how much time I'm spending on dota still, they're going to stop helping me, or my life.

                                                And mulli is right. Do some simple math and you'll see it isn't that many matches. Anyway I'm gonna be dead soon so no worries, my drug use is starting to become daily now so I imagine I'll be dead in the next 12 months

                                                I come from a family of doctor's and successful people, I went to private schools and am educated, I have a degree from college. And I'm throwing it all away over DOTA 2

                                                I just want the experience to be consistent as opposed to cyclical. I can't get higher than 50% win rate because I Lose matches for the same goddamn reason each time

                                                They set me up like this every time, by the way. I'm so fucking brain damaged, that I thought I was winning finally. Why I made this thread. Then I get piece of shit human beings for teammates who dont play the fucking game in "ranked," and they take it away from me. Win 3? Too bad, time to lose 3 now, here are some players who are on loss streaks, low overall win rates, and people who get reported

                                                What more is there to improve on except for the fact that in the matches I Lose:

                                                My teammates don't rotate to towers, or defend towers, at all, until we're either against mega creeps or have lost multiple sets of rax.

                                                My teammates don't attack the enemy heroes, at all sometimes

                                                My teammates give up prematurely, for no reason at all

                                                How hard can you expect one person to perform to take on 5 people who play in a coordinated and team like fashion? I played one in last summary a few hours ago where the mid second to last pick was a fucking night stalker, against naga and ck already showing or some bullshit, and he proceeded to feed. That game was 10-0 in five minutes? Yo what the fuck do I improve on? Should I goto their houses and DC their comps?

                                                The stupid fucking matchmaker either makes me wait an hour or doesn't even find a game at all because of behavior score for mid or safe lane, and then I get hard support every single fucking game. Supporting what? Non existent fucking players? Human beings who are auto attacking neutral fucking AI bullshit things in a 5 on 5 person vs person video game for an hour?

                                                I wouldn't be pissed, or harming myself, or on the verge of losing everything valuable to me, if the "ranked" environment actually felt that way. If people rotated every game, if people played the fucking game as if they were trying to win, AT THE VERY LEAST, implied AND expected, I would accept that I suck at the game and move on.

                                                But it isn't like that, and if stays like that with "10k behavior score" i'll fucking forget every little detail about this fucking waste of time shit

                                                What else is there to fucking improve on anymore? I know how to stack and pull, I know what every fucking hero does and what their item builds are. I know what each role is supposed to do. I even practiced last hitting and can do that now. I'm clicking the enemy heroes periodically to see what they're building. What fucking more can I do then? Besides stop wasting my fucking time?

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                  yeah you really have some problems
                                                  anyway you won't miss to anybody with this mentality


                                                    Dude you need so seek help for your drug use and your addiction of Dota.

                                                    Why do you still play a game you don't enjoy ?

                                                    Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                                                      Haha, drug addict kys


                                                        Wtf is this thread anyway? You need some serious mental help. Just delete this game, it destroys your life, same for drugs.

                                                        OP please just stop being delusional and accept you dont have any sort of talent for this game.

                                                        Dont put it on your team/shadow pool or whatever, since in a long run you are the only factor why you are stuck.

                                                        I can play only a fckin Winter Wyvern on your account and maintain probably ~80% win rate.

                                                        You have many signs of addiction and depression and you should reconsider your life choices.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          You should reconsider bro, you got a better life ahead of you without dota. Take a break from dota or better yet delete it. Sometimes in life, you just have to let some things go. Sorry but even if you know all the stack timings, heroes skills, roles, last hits, and item awareness, If you dont have the talent, like most things in life you wont go very far.


                                                            @King this is my first account tho.

                                                   2nd account(barely use anymore)
                                                   F2P account(made mostly for CSGO and when I'm lazy to get phone for steam auth)
                                                   brother's account(80% of his games are me)

                                                            Glimmer of Dawn


                                                              I think you need professional help. I can see you search US East, does your medical insurance cover mental issues?

                                                              I don't think dota is helping your mental health. No game should make you this unhappy (keyword is "game"). Whenever I get unhappy with dota I take a break. Extended breaks of a couple weeks or more helps me play well because the desire to play dota is fiercer after a break.

                                                              unbreakable spirit

                                                                Since you think it's your teammates' fault and you have nothing to do with all the loses, Lemme say a few things, in 2016 when I first started playing this game out of depression and my second break up Dota gave me hope and some distraction from all the shit that was going around in my mind then. I had no prior online gaming experience or moba experience . When I started playing ranked and caliberated for the first time I got 940 mmr, yeah I was total shit. Never crossed 1k for almost one year and went on losing whenever I played ranked games, went as low as 190mmr. I climbed from there and got to 3k. Most of the games these days, I lose because I lack skills and understanding of the game and I can assure you that my mechanical skills got even worse than before. You've played 4 times more ranked games than I've and still have sub 50% winrate and in crusader bracket, you can't to pro with these stats. Get your shit right. For me it feels like you are not even trying to get better at the game you say you love more than your life.

                                                                Good Person

                                                                  Tbh, i feel sorry for you. You tried so hard yet you haven't gone so far. You threw your life away for a video game you're not even good at. I'm friendly to most of people but I just wanna say that what you're doing right now is really pathetic, I wont give you advices since there's a 100% chance you wont listen. You can only help yourself right now, Unless someone can interfere in real life you trust the most, but I can safely assume that you dont even have one of that. Only when you wake up from the pathetic illusion you surround yourself in, would be the time that you will realize you're not a master of anything, even pros are not masters of anything they're just close to being one. I hope you get well, and your drug addiction gets treated.


                                                                    dafuq...7k matches crusader 2...bro...


                                                                      He knew I was trying my hardest to go pro in DOTA, and streaming, so he tried helping me out. I was too stubborn to listen and as a result have wasted a great deal of time. The only thing I gained in all these matches up until recently was learning what every hero can do and their different builds. I didn't even know the names of the different lanes at the time, and for some reason had 2k-2.5k mmr.
                                                                      Firstly, he said this:
                                                                      1. Pick Jakiro or Weaver for 50 games, and increase your behavior score. He asked me, "Do you like playing with people who are trashy?" I certainly don't, and neither do others I don't imagine. Ultimately, it took me a while but, you just have to be a mature person when playing, any game for that matter. My behavior score is about to refresh in 2 games, been clean, so I expect a +800 on the 4600 I have presently. I've found that you can't just be alt tabbed either to gain score, you need to try your hardest even when you wanna give up every single match, and I don't get reported. I have 0 tolerance for "gg we lost" or any kind of immature bullshit so I just mute immediately without a second thought. I never listened, until recently, dota plus helped. I always thought countering was the key to winning. LIke in Pokemon, "it's super effective" kind of idea. But he would repeat over and over, the guy who plays one hero at 100% will still have an advantage over the player playing the "counter" hero at 50%. If you look at my recent game history, many Jakiros, and the majority wins. I just keep playing against similar drafts over and over, warranting jak.
                                                                      2. Just the idea of playing fewer heroes, but better than everyone else in the match is playing theirs.
                                                                      That's basically it really. I just wanted to get my thoughts out about this since he was right....I'm not sure where it'll take me if I cross my old 2.5k mmr, if I cap there I'll know there's no future with dota and most likely stop playing altogether. But I only learned about behavior score and shadow pool May of 2018, after playing in it for many years. I always wondered why I kept playing with the same people, that I'd lose with, in nearly 50% of a single summary (10games).
                                                                      I decked out my stream page a bit check it out if bored:
                                                                      Btw, parmaviolets, hotkeying my shop has really made me a better player, thanks again for your analysis a while ago, really helped. Hope you're in good health and doing well.

                                                                      Well the First Advice Kirill the Hungarian 6 K Dude should have given you was delete the game.