General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier is OP this patch?!

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Pangolier is OP this patch?! in General Discussion
Fuka suginai o nīchan

    Does someone agree, mainly in the early/mid game ? Especially his W is way too strong, 10 seconds duration, 8% dmg reduction per unit at lvl 1 and it deals dmg too, icefrog pls???? Then high mobility too with his R and Q... he needs like 2 cheap items and deals massive amount of dmg and is tanky as hell at once...


      no its E that changed and made the hero op

      Fuka suginai o nīchan

        That one is OP too yea silence or disarm for that duration at lvl 1, sheesh

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Has wave clear and teamfight. His early game doesn't feel strong though.

          smurfs = no balls

            W is his worst ability by far in my opinion. Overall the hero is fukin broken atm just cause of his new passive.


              ^not if he plays against meepo.


                Pangolier is just rly good agaisnt Low mana pool heroes like mars he can just fking rush diffusal blade and keep spamming his Q ez money ez mmr and ez mana drain


                  Yes, op this patch.

                  Fuka suginai o nīchan

                    How can you say his W is bad, dmg reduction is a big deal ... especially in combination with high mobility.

                    Well i saw he is pretty good against almost any safelane carry.


                      w is just good for jumping when ur driving, lul

                      the better spidey

                        Pango is a top 5 hero in this patch definitely.

                        Can be played in any role except 5.

                        Has 3 escape mechanisms.

                        Tanky and deals absurd damage with very little items.

                        Lucky Shot gives you random kills you don’t deserve.

                        Can buy a variety of items and never lose his impact.

                        A monster late game too. Swashbuckle scales with items and every tank or escape item you get integrates itself with your existing 3 escapes making you as hard to kill as a Puck sometimes. This is a nightmare for every carry as you can’t even manfight him if equal networth. But you can’t ignore him too because he’ll either disarm you, stun your entire team, or just straight up murder your supports.

                        Yami Yugi

                          plenty games I saw him dagger equipped also, damn ninja


                            The reason being he counters this meta hero like viper, mars, ursa


                              ahegao funi heheh....


                                Pangolier has a 50% winrate across the board. He's consistent yes and better than you're used to, he's averaged out at about a 45% winrate over the last year so that makes him feel stronger now. He is definitely not OP though. To actually be OP a hero needs to win far more games than it loses.


                                  is he actually strong or people are starting to know how to play him though