General Discussion

General DiscussionBlink-first offlane initiators

Blink-first offlane initiators in General Discussion

    i’m not a fan of it for most offlane heroes. This thread was supposed to just be about Enigmas who go blink first(or blink after midas), then I realized I have the same gripes about DS, Tide, Brew, Magnus, SK, etc. I could obviously understand blink-first for single-target initiators like LC or Bat, but I prefer to get team utility, like a mek, vlads, or force staff. Even Beast, whose ult is strong single-target lockdown for teamfights, has better options than blink first,such as necrobook.

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      Not really, sometimes early blink could surprise your opponent (but yeah it suxks if you want more farm or utility


        Enigma blink first is debatable because of the Long cooldown of blsckhole.

        It really all boils down to what you can achieve with blink first. Some heroes absolutely need it. But you are also right. Usually it is defined by the meta. Timing of objectives and an early power spike and what it can accomplish vs. perhaps getting other items first and farming more.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          The meta doesn't even want you to buy Blink anymore.

          smurfs = no balls

            Yea, this meta u should almost never go blink first. Beast gets vlads first, bat gets drums or tp boots, enigma and ds get hotd. Doom has traditionally built blink always but I dont even want to build it nowadays just cause as offlaner ur tankiness and being able to frontline is more important thsn initiating (u can leave it to ur pos4 or midder or someone). Depends on the hero and the game but really the only hero I would rush blink on default is probably lc.

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