General Discussion

General DiscussionIn your memories, which was the biggest nerf applied to a hero by Val...

In your memories, which was the biggest nerf applied to a hero by Valve ? in General Discussion

    I remember Kunkka received a massive nerf to "Torrent" his first spell:

    6.88e: Reduced "Torrent" total damage from 120/180/240/300 to 75/150/225/300.
    6.88f: Increased "Torrent" cooldown from 10 on each level to 16/14/12/10.

    torrent level 1 before: 120 damage, 10 sec CD
    torrent level 1 after: 75 damage, 16 sec CD

    Whats your biggest nerf?

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      Tiny . Omniknight .
      Too lazy to write details.

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      could be worse?

        sand king old caustic finale


          ^you mean the orb effect?


            The phrase "TI2 morphling treatment" was synonymous with a hero being dumpstered in a patch for a long time... So that.


              The biggest nerf is lycan ulti, ww ulti, and leshrac post 6.83

              Dark Hunter

                I remember when spells dealing 500 dmg were an absolute exception.


                  Morph old replicate was amazing, allowed the hero to solo win games if you were good enough. I hate this new stuff still


                    agreed on the old morph replicate

                    Marko Bulat

                      In the current meta so far biggest loser is Beastmaster, removing boar damage lvl 15 talent and headress from vlads killed him, now you can't secure kill on your own anymore you need pos 4 and you can kill anything with pos 4 so you might as well play other heroes.

                      Also Tiny is on the way to be shelved, branch nerfed just made him unviable midder he is still okay as pos4 but will never be a core again. You cant kill anything on your own even pos 5 you gonna struggle if you are same lvl. Nerfs were real.


                        Tiny was a bit too strong on high brackets (I saw !attacker buying shadow blade at minute 9 few weeks ago, stomping the game) but now as you say the Tiny carry is dead...


                          Treant Nature guise nerf+mvm speed general adjustment which made almost impossible to turn back invisible.

                          I had nearly 70% w-rate with Treant before and after I have some 40%

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            that torrent nerf is incredibly tame

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              When they removed Respawn Duration Reduction talents.


                                yeah the respawn talents were nice for supports


                                  Probably the nerfs they did to night stalker before buffing him again in 7.20. The hero was like a melee creep before the patch LMAO

                                  Unfair bot enjoyer

                                    Mana cost increase to lightning storm and then the range decrease. Basically killed support Lesh.


                                      in first 7.20 drow was useless


                                        void deals half damage during the day,so chronosphere is useless on day


                                          big storm spirit nerf back when he was truly utterly broken, ball lightning nerf

                                          omni rework

                                          troll losing 15 damage and axe vision

                                          huskar cant attack with ghost scepter + armlet rework


                                            For me as a semipro dota1 player Oracle's ulti nerf from 20sec CD to 90/60/30 and not being able to invisible was the biggest nerf in my opinion but there are more historical nerfs like "courier doesn't refill bottle anymore" or "sniper lost his ministune" and "techies mines don't stacks"..."morphling can't shift while stunned"

                                            low prio master

                                              Slark pounce literally deal no dmg now, i still think this is hilarious.

                                              Omni repel

                                              Wisp relocate change to channeling


                                                i forget there were some respawn talents that were just godforsaken cancer to play against, i think it was lion and lina? literally forgot about that stage of cancer


                                                  that one nerf that makes mk player from thinking theyre god of dota to just normal player. That hero was literally 2 shots everything the first time it came out

                                                  ur parents r siblings

                                                    Arc double drop rapiras and gem

                                                    Future AS2 Mono Billionaire

                                                      ES stone pull no longer stunning, when he had that it was like 1000 range AOE instastun.

                                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                                        The one to OD that caused the end of his era. I still have nightmares about those unwinnable billion games in a row vs OD + Omniknight.
                                                        But there's so many, the one about Techies' mines was a huge one. Lina not able to respawn after 5 seconds in the early game anymore (lol) was big too.


                                                          Huskar's old Berserk Blood used to give +90% magic resistance... Necrophos and AA couldn't do damage to him and Viper didn't have Break

                                                          Huskar was literally the most cancerous hero ever.

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                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            glad someone mentioned 6.83 storm


                                                              6.84 bloodseeker nerf was obviously the biggest single nerf that destroyed the hero. With 100-25 scaling as soon as any hero took a point of damage he gained extra attack damage which allowed him to win lane, farm jungle and start securing kills often befor he even got level 6.

                                                              One game I had treads and radiance by minute 12. Other game the enemy mid had 10 cs at 10 minutes. After that enemies needed to be T 75% hp before he even got a single point of damage, which meant in line ups with melee that couldn’t harass he would never get any extra damage. Without the ability to snowball in the early game he was trash. Has never ever had the same competitive pick rate since TI5 and the most recent rework has resulted in him having both 0 picks and also 0 bans in 7.20 and did not get any buffs in 7.21 sort from a tiny movespeed buff which only undid an earlier nerf.

                                                              Lycan’s 1.5 sec ultimate transformation plus massive cooldown nerf is the only other nerf which comes close in terms of destroying a hero in a similar pattern - he was first pick/ban for all of TI4. Now has one of the lowest pick rates of all heroes in the game.

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                6.83 -> 6.84 meepo nerf

                                                                When farming gave you almost nothing but killing somehting gave "comeback" gold. Meepo was literally the biggest throw hero in the game.

                                                                also arc warden from broken to useless

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                                                                  Centaur had massive nerfs
                                                                  He was super broken when he got released

                                                                  i noob

                                                                    lesh (ts) from 6.83 TI5 best mid hero to NOTHING~


                                                                      I guess OD nerfs? I remember that time when astral had 9999 cast range at lvl 1, u win mid easily with od back then

                                                                      smurfs = no balls

                                                                        moving Necros passive to his 3rd ability on 7.20 (he got some buffs afterwards but still it changed the hero to be so much worse in lane)

                                                                        Yami Yugi

                                                                          back in dota1 when phoenix's fire spirits turns into a dps and slow from an instant damage and burst heal, it's laser's also received nerf time to time

                                                                          Yami Yugi

                                                                            but then, it's not valve's so, its WW's winter curse imo

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              BlOiDSeKer HaD ChANEgS

                                                                              CAESAR KING OF APES

                                                                                Tinker when March pierced BKB.


                                                                                  The bottle nerf with courrier is indeed a good nerf to all mid heroes. Lina used to abuse this a lot.


                                                                                    Arc Warden Clone no longer refresh all item when summoned + tangos Salve etc are not duplicated again.
