General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I play on a new account? (legally)

How do I play on a new account? (legally) in General Discussion

    I'm wasting A LOT of time playing DOTA 2 recently, I'm well on my way to losing all my MMR points, I'm nearly @ 200 now from 1500 two months ago. Behavior score is stagnant at C. I'm just wasting a lot of time playing this game. I don't think there's anything I can do to "normalize" my behavior score or gain MMR on this account.

    After I remove my phone number from this account, what happens then? I wait 3 months before being able to use the same phone number on any other steam account? Is that how it works?

    Marko Bulat

      What do you mean legally? Dota is f2p game you can have 10 accounts if you want to, there are cheap prepaid numbers and only thing you need from that number is just a steam code and you are done with it so borrow friends, cousin, family memer phone for like 5 seconds and you have new account! I currently have 4, 2 low smurfs, main account and tryhard alt account, so yeah its that easy!

      But new account will not give you skill, if you strugle in normal skill bracket, you will continue to suck on other account too.


        I don’t have skill? I’ve been playing for 10 years and can get 90% in the last hit trainer with half the heros in the pool. Yo do you have enough skill to win games with Retards for teammates? And you’re stupid as shit, it’s not that easy. I can’t play ranked on another account with a different number until the cool down expires

        Story Time

          OP, why do you like sucking balls so much? Is that your hobby?


            Oh hell yeah we got a pro divine up in here . You make big bucks with that pro tank? Show me win a game with four intentional feeders and I’ll quit right now


              10 years of experience is useless if you doesn't even learn from it. Why bother improving ourselves when we can just bitching about teammate every fucking game,right? Plus OP,if your team has retard in it so does the enemy team so that excuses is invalid.

              Marko Bulat

                Yo do you have enough skill to win games with Retards for teammates

                Yes i do, i dont need dogshit normal skill teammates to stomp other noobs, these are my sologames on this account i just did calibration on it and borrowed it to my crusader brother so he can play party with us, since he is low mmr scrub like you we lost most of those matches anyway.

                As my brothers theory that he is pr0 but teammates hold him back, went down the drain since he cant carry his weight in VHS bracket, his teammates were me on divine 5, my Immortal friend and two Ancients 5, he got this account because he cant play ranked with us with Crusader account, he died too much becuase positioning and mapawareness are nonexistant in his bracket, i can give this account to you to cure your Dunning Kruger also if you like?

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                  And OP give me also your so called "four intentional feeder "game and I will quit right now too

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                    The truth is, I want to stop playing. The only way is to believe I’m bad and can’t get better.


                    Riki afk, destroying wards. Troll running down a lane over and over by himself. Magnus mid afk farming camps solo. What’s good bro? That same troll player was in the following match and played the same way

                    I just need to play forty games without getting reported and behavior score should be normal. Then, when I can’t get two games back to back with a safe lane that makes sense, I’ll easily be able to let this go.

                    The conduct summary just refreshed and it’s C score. Don’t even try to deny there’s no hidden shadow pool, the wait times significantly go down and the players behave and play the same way each time . The confounds are the same too like 5 hard carry drafts with no support or playing support with players who afk farm camps in different recesses of the map and do not rotate to fights . The team fights are always uneven because allies don’t rotate you want proof? Is that what you people need evidence ?

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                      Show me win a game with four intentional feeders and I’ll quit right now

                      here u go man I won now quit pls

                      Marko Bulat

                        The truth is, I want to stop playing. The only way is to believe I’m bad and can’t get better.

                        I dont understand, you have more than 5000 matches, negative winrate and your rank is Crusader 3 wich is like higher end of 1k MMR, I mean its pretty obvious that you are bad and cant get better.


                          I play dota for 40,000 hours and ten years, and am guardian I rank.

                          I am a disgusting brain damaged loser, who has no future and should die soon

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                          Marko Bulat

                            Just swtich to Fortnite its easier and more fun than Dota.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              @OP,only riki is feeding. Even then it not intentional like the one you claimed. Troll and mag was just bad player,if they were feeder they would not even try to farm or even getting any kill. Plus if you want to quit just quit already,there is nothing you can get from achieving ranks other than personal satisfaction. It not like you will be a millionaire if you get immortal or top 1.


                                Word rogue so in other words dota is a waste of time


                                  damn bro a bit too harsh on yourself
                                  you can solo carry games at 200 mmr easily with any decent carry hero
                                  i don't have a game with 4 intentional feeders but i do remember winning a game with one feeder and one who destroyed items
                                  but honestly all that doesn't matter if a game is making you feel like that just try soemthing fun for a change
                                  try celeste / doom / mutant year zero all are very fun games while being somewhat challenging on harder difficulties