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Hatrið mun sigra

    If anyone wants to boost this dogshit C behavior score account to 4k feel free to play on it 'cause this is gonna be my last day. Currently 3745 mmr

    Edit: 3739

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      Reee I lost 4 games I am retarded
      Can someone boost me ty

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        author seems such a nice guy
        Strange his behavior score is so low

        Giff me Wingman

          mimimimimimimimi retard shit

          Hatrið mun sigra

            No I dropped months ago from 4.3k and it's been up and down these days and I'm tired to be stuck in these situations in 3k with idiots arguing no matter how much you try to calm them down. Bunch of worthless mo.ngoloids looking for every post to just offend people, hang yourselves dogs

            Aye Siktir

              i feel you bro those dayam mo.ngoloids everywhere


                could you kys pls

                Hatrið mun sigra

                  Could you drink bleach and suicide pls
                  Just cuz I'm the "nice" person, but gladly you're different you fucking dog


                    Must be acc buyer this OP

                    Hatrið mun sigra



                        around 50% W-rate says OP is acc buyer or something

                        Hatrið mun sigra

                          Hmm no I think it says you're a braindead waste of cum that looks for excuses to offend just because every idiot does it on this dogshit forum and God forbid we don't follow the trend and don't feel part of the group

                          Suck my tiny curry dick

                            You just need daddy raj to suck you off


                              you have mental issues
                              consider a seeing a doctor


                                Next time buy doctor services instead of dota acc

                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                  You see, writing the same shit others wrote before. Lmao kid you're a joke

                                  The fucktard who tells people to kill themselves now says that I have mental issues. Stop projecting your shit and seek help you idiot


                                    Just ignore this OP troll in future he/she has major issues

                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                      Cuz another retard said so in the previous comment, right? Good job kid, good job

                                      This forum is like a psychiatric hospital, with baboons who copy the replies of others and "nice guys" who offend for no reason and tell people to kill themselves but I'm the one with problems

                                      Be serious idiots

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        You actually do have issues, you're just too impulsive and defensive about it. I'd actually suggest you delete the game for a while and seek other hobbies, possibly some that are more relaxing, or focus on school/work.

                                        While I never really complained about teammates, I did have rough games and I felt really bad playing the game, until one day I just gave up and focused on studies and work. Haven't really looked back since, tbh, I barely even play the game, and it's mostly stack with friends where we meme around and do stupid shit.

                                        I am actually not joking, you should probably delete the game (at least for a while) if it makes you this unstable and angry, and I am also speaking from experience.

                                        Hatrið mun sigra

                                          ^I'm indeed very stressed out, just had huge changes in my life, plus I naturally tend to absorb the mood and energies of others. So if in game I play with idiots who rage for 1 hour every match I become like that too in the end, if here I see monkeys who feel the need to offend people out of nowhere I do the same and more.
                                          On top of that I really can't stand 60 IQ retards like the two subhumans above.

                                          I will definitely take a break, that's why I said it's my last day. Just didn't want to leave the account in that horrible 3k. Thank you for your comment


                                            Dota will be less toxic a while TY

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              It doesn't really matter that much, as you stop playing the game for a while and shift your priorities, the effect of "my dota 2 account is in 3k right now" will lessen over time. If you ever decide to come back, abuse the bot trick, get your behavior score to normal, and try again. As soon as you stop enjoying the game again and start feeling angry, stressed out and worse in general, stop again.

                                              I mean, you aren't going to be a professional player, so if you're playing the game for fun or some semblance of competition (because real competition starts at really high MMR), then you aren't getting anything from it if it makes you feel so bad.

                                              This is a reply to you, but it also goes for everyone else. Maybe even people who post certain types of comments, particularly after losing a game and needing to vent at others.

                                              So I'd say the healthiest thing you can do is stop caring about what your MMR is. One way to do it is to have somebody boost that account, the other (and more productive one) is simply getting over it.

                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                That avatar suits you so well, "it will be less toxic", after he offended me for no reason. I'm being the mirror of your trash behavior kid

                                                Anyway, only guy with brains here, I've never thought I'd go pro or anything, never even wished it actually. But my goal since I calibrated at 2k has always been that of getting to 5k. As a personal victory and nothing else. But being too competitive and getting too invested in the things I want to achieve, even on a game, doesn't help I guess. If I will keep playing I'll do it just for the sake of having fun in normal games and most importantly to get a normal behavior score. It really is impossible for me to play in the hidden pool, both on a mechanical and psychological level.


                                                  keep going he still has arguments


                                                    give me the id and the original email then,you not using it anymore right?

                                                    Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                      Change your pic to anime girl or something and you'll be surprise with lot of winrates.

                                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                                        @Feachairu no I will use it to grind, if that dumbfuck got to 5k then even my grandma can. I just don't know when I will start playing ranked again, or playing any games in general


                                                          alrt gl


                                                            U so noob la, how come fall down in mmr so much?

                                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                                              Cuz in this trash game behavior > skills u idiot

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                every once in a while op comes to this forum to rant, gets indentified as insane by pretty much everybody in the thread and proceeds to get defensive about it and pull the "no u" card on every commenter and claim he's the good guy all the while being insanely aggressive to everyone questioning his side of the story until everyone gets bored and he vanishes into thin air for another couple of months only to come back with another insane rant several months later

                                                                it's like a travelling circus except there are no animals or acrobats or magicians, just one sad clown

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  op bad and toxic 4Head

                                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                    Hm hm nice analysis based on a bunch of bullshit, mo.ngoloid. Never said I'm the good girl*, what the fuck does that even mean, I didn't disappear from the forum since I kept posting replies to people who needed help and I asked a bunch of questions about ping and offlane. But these things go unnoticed since the dogs on this forum look for drama and offenses only.
                                                                    Wow I was diagnosed as insane by the 12 y-o fucktards on dotabuff after 1 post, it must be true.
                                                                    Do you even know what insanity is, insanity is complete detachment from reality. Insanity is also offending people for no reason just to follow the retarded trend of the internet where the more you insult people the more you're funny! 11!
                                                                    Don't call people clowns when you're the monkey

                                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                      Nah not bad, toxic yes


                                                                        Where are admins where they are needed? Here we see a pure example that behaviour score system was so much needed, so simmilar rage kids can boil in their own toxicity.

                                                                        Such people should be perma banned as long as they reach lowest beh score. Its not fun to play with someone with Tourette syndrome. Id rather play every game against broodmother and Huskar Immortal boosters than havine one of these in my team.

                                                                        And I dont care if its troll or not. Its not funny and no one cares that you are on a losing streak.

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                        Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                          Another one who has no idea what he's talking about. Tourette syndrome? Lmao.
                                                                          Yea where are the admins when fucktards come one after the other to just offend people. These people should get perma banned from earth


                                                                            Your arguments are so cheap you're not even worth talking to and Im not talking to you at all.

                                                                            If there is any admin here, we should have maximum disrespect system for trolls that think are funny and are trying to tilt people for their own amusement, as well as toxic kids. Both of that groups are responsible of serious players not writing anything on this forum anymore, like Kitrak for example.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                              I mean you randomly mentioned tourette syndrome, shouldn't you just disappear from the forum in shame? Why are you still here?
                                                                              Exactly, I'm the troll and the toxic kid!1!! for asking if someone wants to take the account to 4k, not the bunch of idiots who offended for no reason. Lmao this forum always lacked logic and common sense. So if someone insults OP it's normal, but if OP replies he's toxic. Got it. And then of course if one starts, the other braindead kids must follow up with the insults cuz "look at me throwing random offenses I'm so c00l!!1"
                                                                              This forum is so fucking shit tbh, a part from some rare interesting posts and the few people who can still reply like normal human beings and not animals

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                go take ur pills darling =)

                                                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                  Wow you're such a normal person kid lol
                                                                                  Bunch of idiots


                                                                                    I actually read all the comments and you disrespect everyone and you are still suprised you get no friendliness in return. Who would have thought right ?

                                                                                    You, a person that suggest having higher IQ than other people replying here have already shown to everyone how unmature and frustrated you are so I really doubt you have more IQ than Benao.

                                                                                    Go out meet some girls (or boys if u like). No one cares what you write as long as you cant behave normally.

                                                                                    Just GTFO ! :)

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      now knowing op is a woman and regarding the cyclical nature of her rants on this forum i really wanna make a joke about periods but that would be pretty sexist and just not in good taste in general

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        WHOOPS i basically made it anyway

                                                                                        Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                          Kid you keep pretending to not see the part where I was insulted out of nowhere and THEN, of course, replied in the same way.
                                                                                          Uh I'm immature for REPLYING to the dogs who STARTED offending, but they're not. God you're so fucking retarded


                                                                                            A woman ? That would actually make sense.

                                                                                            You do know why they start offending you right away ?

                                                                                            Because people are not that stupid as you may think and they know that you have to be super toxic to have low beh score. There are only such people there and you have just proven that.

                                                                                            Stop trying to prove something to us because no one cares. Change attitude for yourself.

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                              Ikr, women expecting normal replies from a forum full of emotionally limitated men that think offending is fun. Speaking of frustrated idiots


                                                                                                I have a friend whom I helped to raise his beh score. It was a hell of difficult task for me. He plays mid and everytime someone didint tp to help him he started screaming at people and spamming that he will report everyone for everything. No ward, no rotation, no gank, why no use spell etc.

                                                                                                He is not bad at all but his attitude affected people and made them play much worse than they do and eventually throw on purpose.
                                                                                                Even in a won game where he stomped he was getting reported because he flamed pudge for missing some hooks.

                                                                                                I think its just personality, there is no logic that can reach him. When we play together he doesnt cry anymore and have normal beh score now. But when he plays solo he does the same shit over and over, tilting his own teammates for no reason. Someone made a mistake ok - shit happens. Try not to do that again.

                                                                                                Its just inability to control emotions which is so typical for bad players that will never grind mmr higher as long as they cant control it. And in the end you have mute button which also helps a lot.

                                                                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                  Proving something? To who? Who do you even think you are lmao
                                                                                                  And nah, let's be honest, people here offend 'cuz it's seen as a normal thing, braindead kids find it fun and it's common to see idiots insult people randomly, nothing else.
                                                                                                  And you wanna talk about my toxicity, look at this trash forum and the retards in it.


                                                                                                    Dota is a game where enemies put a lot of pressure on you the higher the mmr. It really can affect your mental health and make people be more aggresive.

                                                                                                    Dota is a game that made my one and only love of my life leave me. Of course dota was not the only factor here but it was significant. I became more nervous the more I played I had troubles with controlling emotions. If you are going to play dota you have to learn how to control your emotions or just quit it. Thats all I can say.

                                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                      And if you are keen on still playing dota you have to learn how to communicate simple things in a manner that they commend you in the end for leadership instead of taking this as an insult.

                                                                                                      So instead of "WTF JAKIRO WHY NO WARDS YOU DOUBLE-HEAD ANIMAL"

                                                                                                      say "Jakiro let's try to secure the rune spots and entrances so we can see clinkz running into our jungle"

                                                                                                      The same thing but makes a difference.

                                                                                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                        But ik I get toxic and am too impulsive. It's a problem I've been working on for a long time and it got much better. Problem is when I play multiple consecutive games with toxic people, that is where I start to be toxic myself. I'm not one of those that spam pings or threaten to report people for 1 mistake. But I do get pissed off when people keep doing the same stupid thing and don't listen, or when they do retarded shit and blame others.
                                                                                                        And this has nothing to do with skills.