General Discussion

General Discussionhelp

help in General Discussion
    im not here to rant about my jungle lifestealer ...
    im not here to talk about how my 10/2 ursa said in the middle of the game i have to leave we need to finish this then went mid with 2 of our heroes dead to try to end the game and threw then we lost....
    im here to ask for help about how i would have played this lane....
    i got trilaned by jugg oracle silencer as a poor sad phoenix...died 5 times in ruined my mood and even tho we were recovering i was still mad about that lane.....the jungling and the impatience from ursa didnt help would i play this....can a high almighty booster tell me how to win this lane when if i walk into xp range i die...the supports were getting the kills so jugg wasnt ahead of ursa and ursa was also owning the underlord with shaker blocks.....the ursa even came to my lane and we killed them and took their towers...but the lane gave me ptsd...and having to rush a euls on phoenix didnt help do i deal with this shit...i cant fire spirit the jugg... i if i wait out global my team is dead if i euls my self im still dead....i played like shit that game and i admit it my novas were so bad and i blame it all on the tilt from the bad lane...
    tl:dr how do i deal with jugg oracle silencer lane as phoenix


      dont pick a hero that cant solo lane or fall back to jungle or rotate if you have to play solo