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General DiscussionDota 2 questions from a noob

Dota 2 questions from a noob in General Discussion

    Does passive ever get silenced? I understand silveredge and vipers 2nd breaks the passives. Also, any passives that cannot be broken?
    Can you queue blink after euls tornado/ghost form on yourself? I am very interested in queueing. any interesting facts are welcomed.
    What is magical damage? How is it calculated? Is it based INT? Like with physical damage u have deso and the damage is 50 so its easy to understand but I have no clue about magic damage.
    In what situations is aeon disk a good buy? I think aeons good vs voids ulti or sfs ulti. unsure.
    If u use tinkers first skill on jugg and jugg ultis will jugg miss his attacks for the ulti duration?
    Is morbid a good item for wk? does the lifesteal stack?
    Does blademail reflect item damage e.g dagon

    I can demo and find out but I'd rather discuss as new things pop up as you discuss.


      I am a noob myself, but I'll try. Not guaranteeing it was all true though

      1. Doom disable passives afaik. At least it was. Idk now. No passives could not be broken by SE/ nethertoxin

      2. Yes, you can queue blink after eul, tp, ghost, phase shift, etc as long as you take no damage in the last 3 sec (eul only flies you up on 2.5s if I'm not mistaken)

      3. Another type of damage. It was calculated by factoring magic resistance (25% at base for each hero, some hero may have more or less value). Think of it like armor for physical damage

      4. When you need to stay alive from burst damage and/or you need to unload your skills before you die. SF and Void ult is a good example on aeon counter. Take note that you can't give damage during the duration though

      5. No miss afaik, not sure

      6. Situationally good if your team need more sustain and you are not the main hitter. If it is to sustain yourself, better grab damage item. Yes, lifesteal stacks

      7. Blademail reflects item damage

      Lruce Bee

        U can queue blink after euls? Feel like I've tried that and didn't work


          You need to spam click it i believe, if you queue it will be some delay not effective as spam click it (good example are as puck


            Well, idk, I was able to blink under sharpnel after eul (granted, sharpnel was dropped after my eul lol)


              You cant que item/skill that is on cooldown

              SASA POPOVIC

                Does passive ever get silenced? I understand silveredge and vipers 2nd breaks the passives. Also, any passives that cannot be broken?

                No passive abilities cant be silenced only active spells can.

                Can you queue blink after euls tornado/ghost form on yourself? I am very interested in queueing. any interesting facts are welcomed.

                Yes you can, blink after port euls, etc.
                What is magical damage? How is it calculated? Is it based INT? Like with physical damage u have deso and the damage is 50 so its easy to understand but I have no clue about magic damage.

                Evrything that isnt physical or pure, it says on your tooltip what type of damage ability X does, each point intelligence increases a hero's spell damage by 0.07%, heroes have basic resistance of 25% wich can be increased by items etc, search this on youtube Purge has much better explanation for example.

                In what situations is aeon disk a good buy? I think aeons good vs voids ulti or sfs ulti. unsure.

                Versus Void Techies, sf not so much he can raze you to proc Aeons disc then ult you, its good on every initiator that is ult dependent so you dont die in disable with your ult not casted

                If u use tinkers first skill on jugg and jugg ultis will jugg miss his attacks for the ulti duration?

                No, jugger ult goes through evasion. PA would be good jugger counter in that case but its not.

                Is morbid a good item for wk? does the lifesteal stack?
                No its shit, you have already enough lifesteal, make echosabre instead, nearly same price better value.

                Does blademail reflect item damage e.g dagon
                it returns all damage from any source except buildings, but people wont usualy dagon you when you pop it because its kinda retarded.


                  ^ I'm pretty sure juggernaut can miss while he ults even if his ult damages do true strike his auto attack during it will miss


                    ^can confirm
                    omnislash does not dispel buff or debuffs since forever but technically the skill isnt true strike
                    maybe a multi anchor smash

                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                    SASA POPOVIC

                      Jugger doesnt do autoattacks while he ults, enter dota, select hero and press demo its kinda easier than being a total retard on forum.


                        ^jugg does btw with enough AT
                        ~0.4 or 0.5 maybe and he can get one boop

                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                        White Curd

                          ^^Jugg DOES autoattack while omnislashes... Enter Dotawiki, select hero and read his skills description, it's kinda easier than being a total retard in forum

                          Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                            Yeah he does autoattack during omnislashes, but his attacks can't miss even if u have 145736296342% of evasion aka he ignores all evasion.


                              iirc silver edge doesn't prevent wk reincarnation
                              but i might be wrong

                              Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                It doesn't.
                                But it disables abbadon auto-trigger on low health, but he can activate it still, u have to silence him so he can't activate his ult at all.


                                  1. yes all passives can be broken,doom needs agh upgrade to break passives no agh=no break passive
                                  also with agh it dispels good buff from enemy
                                  edit 3 : ah right,reincarnation isnt brokeable also grow and flesh heap and some passives are partial breaks i think
                                  like fury swipes,doesnt apply more fury stacks but any existing fury stack still works

                                  2. you can,for more better results blink to the which way your hero was facing (so no turnrate) if you blink after ghost walk your ghost walk will be gone though,and yes you can do shift eul+qqwr+ghostwalk i think? havent tested this like ages
                                  edit:adding more for blink,from altered beast btw b4 on this forum
                                  even with pudge sharpnel whatever damage over time is on your SIDES(or front of you) while you phaseshifting as a puck,as long you were precise on where your hero was looking,you can blink while in phaseshifting (chrono doesnt work,i think)
                                  edit2:buut if you casted illusory orb already then phaseshifts then he chrono,you can jaunt to the orb

                                  3.magical damage is from spells,that has damage type "magical" it is based on INT and spell damage amplification
                                  1 int = 0.07% Spell damage amplification for STR and AGI heros, and 0.088% Spell damage amplification for INT heroes
                                  its a nice bonus to have,but not that damaging to stack int on some magical dmg hero and expect 99999 dmg from your magic spells like pa and deso ( very cost efficient damage build )

                                  4. vs void,mag,tech,enigma,dagonusers(ones trying to one shot you),non nullifier user[late ones](nulli breaks the bubble if bubble is triggered) wr,brood(but i think lotus is better) or all kinds of people who just rely on the first surprise opening thingy
                                  usually you just buy this item when you know you cant survive after the first exchange/people just throwing their bodies at you
                                  vs sf just buy bkb,you react in time when he cast requiem anyway

                                  5.yes,omni has 2 types of dmg,one is his hit depends on his aspd and atkdmg and one is OMNISLASH damage which is 200-225 per ctang ctak or whatever the sound effect is,so don't press hold position while omni ing(or stop) and let your hero hit

                                  6. no,i don't think morbid mask is a good item for wk
                                  just go armlet

                                  7. yes

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                  Lruce Bee

                                    can confirm jugg can auto attack in omni


                                      when you want to roast people but your argument is retard and many people roast u XD