General Discussion


MAKE RANKED GREAT AGAIN in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    if you got scammed by valve and griefers join me.

    queue right now, If your team has at least 3 UNCALIBRATED scum of the earth trash then first pick a shit hero and go mid or safelane. If your team does not adjust they deserve the loss. If they do adjust and fail to carry you it's okay since they lose 200 mmr and are not trying hard enough while you just lose a measly 25 mmr while enjoying their tears.

    how would this make ranked better?
    Well since you are underrated due to being shafted. You boost unworthy opponents so you can queue against them in the future and deboost some true shit players or good players in your team so you remove them from the matchmaking pool because you made them uninstall and hate dota.

    200 iq


      Aww diddums did mommy take your blue star away?

      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

        Shut up. If you won your games you wouldnt complain. Get over yourself

        i have 5 reports to use

          I'm just getting my revenge


            That’s not revenge. Revenge would be a ddos attack on valve. Ruining other people’s games is just having a temper tantrum like a 2yr old.

            i have 5 reports to use

              It's fun making people who dont try to win lose 200 mmr while you only lose 25. I would grief somemore but I haven't met more uncalibrated players. I only got muted so far.

              Justin Weaver

                Isn't everybody uncaliberated now? Confused


                  Wow this is from reddit clearly, im 100% sure the guy that picked kotl mid last game was one of those sad redditor virgins. Thanks for the free mmr

                  weak minded cuck

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                    Divine 1 player Ancient 3 player


                      I do not condone this behavior.




                          I wish anti-mage is atleast playable this patch so i can calibrate

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Turtleman if you didnt smashed PC and deleted dota, calm down, its fine now! Everybody is fine!


                            Cute 2k girl Lexi :)

                              hahah this explains the other account where I had to get like 30 kills every game to win, and still only pulled 7-3. atleast I got 500 points up, but then valve changed the mmr down 100 for some reason..


                                W6L4 4849mmr, Won my 11th game -200mmr :x POGGERS

                                BSJ. LGD

                                  queuing right now to grief somemore. valve only refunded me 69 mmr. yes only 69 what a joke

                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                    How rude! Go get them tiger!

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      too many uncalibrated fools still

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Oh boy, an enemy offlane TB in my last match, should be easy right? Nope, a 4/14 invoker on our team, a clock that can't land a hook even on stunned targets within 200 range, and a last pick afk jungle veno rushing midas.

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          ppl should stop picking invoker


                                            I do condom this behavior


                                              ^ i laughed at this lol.

                                              Im getting matched with archons now in my alternate account which I tilted so much from 4k to 3.6k.

                                              SASA POPOVIC

                                                ^ Archons are now high 2k and 3k for some reason, my friend got archon 5 at 3.5k MMR... He was legend 3 before and gained 120 MMR from recalibration but lost 3 stars LUL.

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                                                  "Im getting matched with archons now in my alternate account which I tilted so much from 4k to 3.6k."

                                                  You call that much? I got from 4.5k to 3.2k!

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                                                    Supporting is shit, retarded cancers force me all the time to support them when they dont even know how to itemize as a core

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      This low ancient bracket is so garbage, people counter-pick themselves all the time like this one Timber who picked right after enemy Slardar and Lifestealer because he thought he countered every strength hero in the game.


                                                        Make ranked great again
                                                        Divine 1 Ancient 3 player

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