General Discussion

General DiscussionMade out of 1k and in 2k ask me anything;)

Made out of 1k and in 2k ask me anything;) in General Discussion

    As title says, was 1k and sub 1k for a long time finished recalibration matches went from crusader 1 to archon 2


      How do you climb with sub 50% winrate

      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

        Nothing to ask. U just got inflated rating. Probably, what's gonna happen is that you'll end up losing some games in the near future.


          I’ll probably will drop still happy though with new rank

          Dat 900mmr guy

            What you dont consider is you will get reported because ppl will think you are booster, and you may be in risk of the 6 month ban if you get enough reports.


              I sure hope I don’t get reported I’ve only had low prio once or twice


                Booster at archon II what the fuck. Why would anyone report for that.


                  I have actually played with boosters and it is aggravating


                    I'd be happy too and that's okay.

                    Maybe you can stay at your new rank if you try your best. :)

                    Cute 2k girl Lexi :)

                      how'd figure out how to install games on your computer? or even turn it on? do you think in slow motion?


                        Oh Crusader 3 XD