General Discussion

General DiscussionLifestealer Physical vs. Radiance Build

Lifestealer Physical vs. Radiance Build in General Discussion

    this was my main carry before the 7.xx era and i sticked to my usual physical build. now i see others build radi and crest on it even in the pro scene and i was wondering which build has better sustain, damage and overall a better build around the hero. thanks!


      lifestealer with radiance is still a physical damage build?


        it depends on the enemy,if the enemy is more on right click heroes the rad,solar crest and evasion talent build is pretty good,also good against illusion heroes like pl,cuz mkb just works on the main hero not on the illusions


          Depends on the game, when ur team has mobile heroes to pair with early infest ganks, the armlet deso type build works better, when ur more of a frontliner and get kited by their team, go radiance.


            Yeah... Salt basically summerized best.

            LS needs to have a good vehicle to allow him to close the gap to blow someone up. Otherwise, ghosts, glimmers force staffs are the bane (pun) of this hero.