General Discussion

General DiscussionCounters to Spectre

Counters to Spectre in General Discussion

    Hi Guys,

    I played a ranked CM and our captain suggested that Sven counters Spectre and then went on to farm Satanic first item as Sven. I am not blaming him but just want to understand the logic behind this. Here is link to the match.

    We could have gone for dozen other carries and still won a lot quicker. Please comment on the match and let me know what could have worked better. FYI i was Bristleback and carried the game somehow instead of Sven.

    Solo Leveling

      Chaos Knight

      Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

        SD/Doom with aghs. (hard counter)
        Viper (Hard counter)
        AA ( Somewhat good counter)
        Maybe slark. Maybe bristle. TB(lol i guess he disappeared after the nerfs ) ( decent pick against her)

        Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

          Oh yeah CK might rekt her easily.


            Naix juggernaut , Slark are good vs spec and play at pace spec does not enjoy . I have had bad luck with shitting slarks on my team recently though .


              Lycan visage combo


                eating her towers or eating her team
                most of the decent ones are already mentioned
                break is good
                you also usually want something to destroy her in lane also


                  ET, 100% damn aura
                  u cant even kill him with sleep 5 second and just crack BOOM

                  slark can kill spec with bkb and silver edge but what u think if spec use manta and bkb?


                    1. Pick Lycan
                    2. Lock her down with hotd (neutrals with disable) & micons.
                    3. If she goes online further than you just split push until died and shapesift when haunt is used.
                    4. ???????
                    5. Profit


                      @Filthy slarks works well but jugger is really shit against her 1v1, even omnislash couldnt kill her once she got vanguard

                      Pale Mannie

                        viper fucks her over really hard

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          crusader. pick shadow demon, farm aghs. or pick slark


                            How about terrorblade with reflection? Since all of you suggest shadow demon.

                            michael sassbender

                              tinker or sniper.


                                nice noonoo agree with you buddy!


                                  irritating passive(s)? pick viper

                                  Rogue Knight

                                    You shouldve suggest to build bthorn to either silencer her or her teammates and silver edge on sven rather rushing satanic because it will destroy her passives hard , at least it will put more pressure to the enemy team to buy dust always. A blink dagger is always the core item for sven but with haunt and radiance damage it will always negates dagger to go for gs blink stun combo


                                      necro, lc so easy to shut down spectre


                                        tempo cores that come online way before speczre can farm 3 items.

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Healers are very good against Spec. Necros, Treants, Dazzles etc. Spec strength lies in out-sustaining her opponents through dispersion and radiance, and most healers can out-heal radiance damage alone. Spec's lack of burst or stuns/silences means that they can spam their heals pretty consistently until you're farmed enough to mana drain them with diffusal/manta, lock them down with abyssal, or are just outright ahead enough to kill them quickly. Also why Lifestealer is one of the best counters to Spec, especially if they're not thinking and get a heart and the hp talent.


                                            any carry works fine against spec as long as your offlane dominate her lane
                                            also xmark kunkka destroy her skill 1


                                              any carry who can build silver edge or you can just shut him down and she will scale really slow

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                slark's problem is he can't really gank whilst haunt is up. SE and dark pact will be on cooldown and he'll find himself 2v1 and abyssaled. obviously he can play around haunt but a bad slark will lose to a bad spec if you see what I mean.


                                                  but he can 1vs1 spectre as long spectre doesnt have radiance

                                                  idk tho always rekt spectre with slark.


                                                    Why would spec be trying to 1v1 spark pre-radiance? That’d be pretty dumb.

                                                    I do agree that a good slark will beat a good spec. There’s definitely opportunities to exploit mistakes on both side though.


                                                      In the game i actually reckt spec in lane. But our voker lost lane to SF so bad mid it took a long time for him to recover which gave spec enough time to farm. Voker was 2-3 levels behind SF. I understand shutting down enemy carry before they come online that is very basic rule of thumb for any game of DOTA. Also from the discussion it seems break is the most overpowered thing vs Carries.


                                                        why would you pick invoker into spec rofl


                                                          I have no idea. I only asked for my pick. Invoker was not so bad vs Spec. But somehow SF was able to zone him out so bad it took a toll on the team. Can you elaborate why Invoker is bad vs Spec?

                                                          Justin Weaver

                                                            You can easily fuck up Spectre's lane. Fuck her lane fuck her farm, no more Spectre, I think wk is a good counter and Slark is pretty good too


                                                              NECRO with right items(heart,shiva,skadi no need for aghs just sustain)


                                                                Void is good also cause he can isolate her and protect team from disoersion


                                                                  CK , Ursa , viper is the best for early and troll will works well on early or late game

                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                    Sven is retard


                                                                      Play slark hes good agains spec and naturally buys silver edge ,slarks game is faster than the pace of spec

                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                        Pa counters spec even in late game


                                                                          AM was a great counter but He's crap now

                                                                          Jug destroys Spectre in every way thogh

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                            Im sure jugg doesnt destroy spec!!


                                                                              No most of u are all idiots AM jugger sven and almost any carry besides a couple of hard carries can't beat spectre not even lycan can beat spectre without massive gold advantage and silver edge lycan counters her by split push only

                                                                              Tinker and sniper and storm are absolutely shit vs spectre

                                                                              Spectre is also a hard pa counter she also beats void

                                                                              Troll and slark are probably the only carries who can 1v1 her

                                                                              The only other way is to finish early


                                                                                the only hero that spec has a worse than 50% winrate this month is undying :D

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  I eat specs for breakfast


                                                                                    I used to play Spectre on my first account, and Jug offlane was a 100% lane shut down for me. He'd just dive tower and kill me. Of course I was a noob back then but Jug also plays fast paced games and builds on his strong early game while you just sit there hoping game goes late. with a SE He could find you in jungle and ur one Ult away from death.