General Discussion

General DiscussionHave I dodged a bullet?

Have I dodged a bullet? in General Discussion
the better spidey

    Long story short I was Divine 1, and then using Team Challenge tokens I got around 700 party MMR from 4.9 to 5.6, propelling me to Divine 3.

    After the fix though, like everyone else I lost some of that mmr. 500 to be exact, I’m 5160 party rn (and 4850 solo). But thing is I’m STILL Divine 3. And it’s been a couple of days. Anyone care to explain?

    Story Time

      medal doesnt go down i think. The so-called "bug" was not a bug at all i guess, but a way to motivate more players to get bottle piss

      Potato Marshal

        Valve is just terrible at keeping promises, I don't know anybody on my friendlists who shot up in medals with the challenge tokens and had their medals drop.

        the better spidey

          Oh but I can assure you that it does. There are a ton of drops on Reddit from Ancient to Legend, and I personally have a couple of friends who dropped from Ancient to Legend and Legend to Archon.

          And so that makes my situation even more questionable. I have a Divine friend who jumped to Divine 2 using team challenge coins and he’s also still Divine 2 now.


            yes sir, that would be because youre gay = )


              its ok new season next week


                my medal didnt drop too,well it's going to be reset soon lol


                  Don't worry boys, I sent a message to Otherjeff_Valve - I'm sure he'll take care of your ranks.

                  Thank me later


                    my medal didnt drop either for some reason

                    but w/e, recalibration soon


                      Does recal games just start your medal at current mmr ?


                        yes sir, that would be because youre gay = )


                          new season is coming bruuuuuh


                            The fact that you can get Divine with Party, although they said, you can only reach divine by solo rankeds :D

                            not arin

                              The fact that you can get Divine with Party, although they said, you can only reach divine by solo rankeds :D

                              you can get divine only by solo rankeds, what are you talking about


                                actually i've seen some people get up to div2 with just party, having solo uncalibrated

                                not arin

                                  im pretty sure you cant jump from ancient 5 to divine 0 just by party
                                  they had to have the hidden uncalibrated mmr in divine range already

                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                    ^ This is true, my friend spammed tokens and reached 5k, although he didnt lose his inflated MMR he is still Ancient 5 because he was never at 5k in his life, his solo is 4k flat.


                                      if you are already divine, you can increase your medal by playing party, you cant get divine from ancient via party, tho


                                        yes sir, that would be because youre gay = )


                                          after unlocking divine,you can up divine with pt


                                            need 6,2k pt mmr for div 5 tho,its a real hard number to go there


                                              except some stuff like previous token challange comes again