General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something you like about the previous comments top most played an...

Say something you like about the previous comments top most played and something you fucking hate about them in General Discussion

    I've always wanted to do one of these ^

    Bad Intentions

      Was ranked top 25 during my haydays with your top hero. I have a small model toy of him in my office. Well, squishy and slow and somewhat out of meta due to the buffs on most healers.

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        range creep at lv 1 but if you let him get lv 5 he become annoying as fuck . literally cant do anything without bkb in team fight if got hit by poison nova

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          fun to watch, very flashy hero that steal the spotlight

          way too overrared in pub. alot of players pick him, thinking they are so good because they can play a "difficult hero", remembering how to invoke spells.
          when in fact the difficulty doesnt come from invoking, but rather by managing everything cooldown as well as quick decision making with them. something that usually those who pick him really doesn't do well at


            His laning phase makes the user need to play safe even defensively since hes gankable, slow movement speed, and need a ton of mana to do early spells before the latest update. Any other mids are more impactful until he got his aghs, literally a squishy right clicker without the item since you have a limited amount to do spells.


              ^ lol it was meant to the guy before, damn internet explorer

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                switch to another browser than. what about slardar?

                honestly despite being my most played hero, i played him only 5% of my games, and last one was in january...


                  Hate him as opponent though since hes fun to play. Has complete abilities: run to chase and escape, lockdown (even more lockdown with his passives), keep the enemies on sight. And it makes him annoying to face against.

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                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                    ^ So good at late game, but it's kinda ez to kite him. Also has trash talents. A very situational pick.

                    Maybe 7.18 will buff him somehow. (?)

                    Lruce Bee

                      You guys are all idiots. At least mention the hero you're talking about


                        ^ So good at late game, but it's kinda ez to kite him. Also has trash talents. A very situational pick.

                        Maybe 7.18 will buff him somehow. (?)


                          Jugg is strong

                          Bad: jugg isn't that strong, he's pretty shit. Slark is better, dude. Slark's even coincidentally amazing vs a jugg in-game...

                          Muhammad Sumbul

                            ^Depends more on the team actually
                            3855029508 check this jugg game of mine

                            Palestine 4EVER


                              (+): High damage

                              (-): Euls and you're not hitting a damn thing

                              Choke on your sanctimony

                                (+) really nice winrate for playing dazzle in guardian , it must be really tough, I have been through it trying to help a friend.

                                (-) Have not played in last 5 months, tired of the hero?

                                Ngentot Yuk

                                  (+) nice winrate with invoker
                                  (-) i fucking hate invoker player lul


                                    (+) pretty nc voker
                                    (-) u hate invoker players so does that mean u hate yourself?


                                      (+) nice jugg we
                                      (-) jugg was my most hated hero up until recently

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        ok invo


                                          (+) good corr
                                          (-) dont play supp.


                                            Clinkz, the MMR-Boosting-Hero-Nr1. Very good winrate, i think the enemys dont know how to buy sentrys. Mostly i win against this shit.

                                            Clinkz is fucking anoying, as a support player i HAVE to buy Ghost scepter and Gem. rip money.

                                            Choke on your sanctimony

                                              (+) Earth spirit! love that hero! Archon players have no idea how to play against him xD
                                              (-) Support players usually understand the pains of being a support ( i am one too but i have mixed games) , so try playing carry sometimes, you will probably be better than your teammate, coz playing support teaches you more about the game (i feel), although ur storm wr is much like my tinker wr xD

                                              @hamagregorin ghost scepter huh! that shit is now ez for clinkz with bloodthorn and nullifier! Clinkz is a shit hero overall! Team has to play around, protect each other from pickoffs, if clinkz fails in 3-4 and dies, it turns the game easily.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                holy crap sign me up for that topic!

                                                G: almost 70% winrate on invoker in 200 games. pretty gud.
                                                B: invoker in 2k is a joke imo, you could do much more if you picked snowballers instead, try to learn sf/ta/od