General Discussion

General DiscussionBest offlaners in a duo lane & their +1 (support)

Best offlaners in a duo lane & their +1 (support) in General Discussion
Hide The Pain - Herald

    All advice and thoughts greatly appreciated

    Do us a favor though and drop a couple of lines why you think its good so i can see the rationale.



      arent all the pros running axe + sky?
      a beefy front line plus huge harrassing/damage dealing backline
      and later u have call + mystic flare for great pickoff
      thats why i think they pick it at least


        1. Offlane with stun or lock down (clockwerk, slardar, sand king, centaur, axe) with high burst magical follow up (leshrac, lina, lion, skywrath)
        2. Offlane with quick chasing ability (windranger, weaver, puck) and innitiating support (sand king, pudge, tusk, shadow demon)
        3. Beefy offlane harras (tidehunter, bristle, lc, wk) with mana buddies (crystal maiden, kotl, io, doom (devour hill troll priest)
        4. Bet the shit out of your enemy with chen and enchantress combo

        Player 345996680

          You cant abuse it against jug/naix, but some nasty stuff with qop-lich; cheesy double-ranged and insane damage ;)

          Its not very durable tho, but the lich armor spam helps.i bought dagon before boots (team was sceptical at first) to 100-0% the opposing lane easily, but i suppose euls is better 9 out of 10 times

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            sk + techies because u literally control the sideshop plus the caustic+impale + suicide is op

            bat + oracle is also strong af