General Discussion

General Discussion1.5 k stuck

1.5 k stuck in General Discussion

    It's literally impossible, no matter what role, no matter, what build, no matter what hero, i just can't win, plain and simple. I have lost 95% of my ranked games, it doesn't matter if i go 30/0 or 0/10 every single game is a loss no matter what.
    I just don't understand how you can get out of this bracket.
    Any tips on how to get out? Is it just impossible to get out solo?


      Am at Ur condition, let me get out; probably within this 45 days... I'll tell ya.
      Do one thing, play unranked for some days and practice heroes. Come back when stronger.
      RPG statergee

      You losser CS.FAIL

        Hi, let's start with the fact that you have a win-loss ratio of about 49%, which is very close to 50%.
        Secondly, after watching your games, I saw that you do not have enough to play for the PA, but it's bad for a kunk or a tinker, understand that your problem now is to choose a role and play it on the most simple heroes like PA, PL, SK, Slark, on kerry and so on. (now by the way in mete Spectrum, use) you understand what I'm driving at? Do not take complex characters like visage, tinker, morph or kunk, take easy-to-use (above I wrote an example for the kerry role) you can still practice with the BS, it is not bad at all stages of the game and will help you to learn the game in more detail, go to the center, there it will be easier for you) If that, write to me in Steam, I'm not cool myself, but at least I've tattooed a rating with Archon [1] to Legend [2] so this is my advice to you, as I did, trying to get out of the bottom)
        Also, we can play 1-3 games together, and I can show you some things)


          My most successful hero is Dark Seer, not mega complex but he controls the pace of the game very well and has a high impact every game.
          The problem is if i pick a hero that wants to farm to get to lategame quickly, i.e PL, PA, Slark or something then my team either A. Won't secure space for me to farm and then get mad at me when i don't have any farm, B. They only go for fights and everyone is 10-15 minutes behind every game, C. One lane gets ultra mega fed and they go rampaging around stomping everything.
          Every single game one of these things happen, and there is nothing i can do about it.
          I don't have a problem playing more complex Heros like Kunkka for example, but i just don't understand, at this MMR it's like 1 minute everything is fine and dandy, everyone is getting farm and then BOOM suddenly they have a lvl 20 Juggernaut at 15 minutes with Battlefury and Manta and we lose gg.
          It feels like i have to carry 1v9 every single game

          You losser CS.FAIL

            In this situation, I think you better find the support tab and play together (it's better to have a person on a heavy line), because up to the rank of Ancient [0] you can increase the rating in the party, and then in solo games you get normal players)
            1 against all? buddy here the fact is that at low ratings right up to Legend you do not have a team, the maximum they poke a couple of wards and hit the SS, well, or like you say, in 15 minutes to get together at 5 and will run to fight, that's the whole point that when they fight you farm and ask them as politely as possible to not fidit and if everything is good then by the 20-25 minute you have 4-6 slots on the main character + if you're lucky, not too fed enemies) now I can not write more since I have to go sleep, write to me in the incentive or I'll tell you tomorrow more about the role and how to win 1 against all at least until the Archon [1-5]
            PS: I apologize for the grammatical mistakes in the text, I'm only learning English (

            Mode Idiot

              U go to spam carry and go solo win with it. for this example, use juger. Farm furry, shadow blade, travel. Solo kill enemy with your ss, push lane. If the enemy come, use skill 1 , shadowblade and travel to other lane. After that u will fat and buy sange yasha or manta, buterfly, mkb/abysal. U can upgrade shadoe blade to silver or buy satanic.


                Just talk to ur mates and try to coordinate. Doesn't matter if you're 30/0, if you don't talk to your mates and go as 5 it's hard to win games unless you're far above your bracket


                  Give me your account, I guarantee I get it to 2K within a week. And I'm just a 3K scrub. The 4Ks and 5Ks could probably do it faster

                  Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                    It's doable obviusly. He just doesn't want to get good.


                      I don't know, it's always 1v5, i don't know, should i just make a new account and recalibrate?

                      Lruce Bee

                        same. i go 20/0 early game it doesnt matter. most gpm 800 even in a losing game. but my team cant help but keep dyin and feeding lol


                          its possible


                            Making a new account won't do anything. You just need to learn and practice and become better.


                              Just look at this month, i have a 95% loss rate, down over 800 mmr, can't win any game.
                              I just don't know what to do, do i buy a boost? Get a friend to help? Buy a new account?


                                None of those things will make you a better player, also you won a Brewmaster game 6 hours ago.


                                  I was about to say something sympathetic, having experienced the same a while ago and overcoming it, along with tips but I notice you abandoned your last two games so as far as I'm concerned, enjoy LP.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    It's also the carry's job to create his own space, it is possible to have such good lane mechanics that the 1K enemy offlaner won't know what to do cause you're denying/last hitting everything, trading favorably with him in terms of spells and right clicks, asking your supports kindly to pull, blocking his path so that he doesn't contest the pull camp while you tank the current creep, and keeping the lane close to your tower. (1Kers can't deal with these things, they can't even deal with an Axe cutting the creep wave by the way, they're so passive and not used to responding to aggression and fast paced play)

                                    If you're good at last hitting the first 10 minutes, that means you'll secure early game items sooner (phase boots, aquila, wand, ect) thus giving you a power spike that the enemy offlaner most of the time won't have if your supports are even SLIGHTLY doing their job. (he'll still have brown boots) Now that you have these items while the enemy offlaner doesn't, your supports can leave and you can easily 1v1 him while they fuck up shit around the map. But if you're missing last hits and fucking up the creep equilibrium trying to trade with a fucking bristle back who's facing the other way, or trying to man up against an axe to show him you're not " afraid " of him, then you're just losing the game for yourself, regardless if you somehow end up 14-4. Everything you do is a butterfly effect of sorts.

                                    Another way of creating your own space is JUNGLING AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE and make PUSHING OUT LANES your biggest priority, even people in 4K struggle with this. Most people in the lower brackets CANT react to split pushing and constantly having to TP back to defend towers from you. When you can make EVEN ONE HERO tp to defend a tower, that's when you know the other side of the map is weakened, and that's where you go for safe farm, smoke with the team to kill on of his teammates bottom, or push THAT bottom tower, cause the enemy that TP's had to now walk ALL THE WAY back.

                                    Basically if you're losing in 1K, chances are 100% it's your fault, any decent player could calibrate to 3K even knowing a DECENT amount about Dota. But i'm not trying to be all elitist and stuff, cause I understand loss streaks all too well, and that feeling where your teammates aren't creating ANY openings for you in the past 3 games in a row, ect, but that's just basic probability and statistics, loss streaks are inevitable.

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                      I think the best think u can do is just quit Dota. Since this game isn't for dunning kruger retarded piece of shit kids.


                                      Dotes and Depression

                                        Stop abandoning, get into a better behavior mindset (thus increasing your behavior ranking). Also consider playing support some more to gain better knowledge of the game.


                                          i agree 100% impossible


                                            Im gonna copy paste this yet again

                                            Ok i can totally answer this

                                            Have u heard of einstein quote:
                                            "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result"

                                            I wanna ask u how many times have u changed ur strategy? How much have u learned in the last month? Season? Year? What are ur sources of learning dota? How much time do u have to spend getting good at dota? Do u wanna play competitively or casually?
                                            How many times have u asked urself what did i do wrong then go to youtube and search about getting better at dota. How many coaching sessions availabe on utube have u watched. How many concepts have u learned? Do u know what lane equilibrium is? What dead lane is? What good farm and bad farm is? The deep concept of macro? Have u spammed a hero to know all sorts of matchups and how u should play vs each hero?

                                            If the answer to majority of these is a negative or "not that much" answer, there u go. Now u have somewhere to start getting good at

                                            Since u mentioned u tried different stuff and it didnt work, imma add this for u:
                                            If ur strategy doesnt work, keep changing it. Maybe the base of ur strategy changes has a problem
                                            U say u keep changing roles and heroes. Do u think if u arent good at violin switching to guitar will fix it? No. U do the development process on one of em. U dont need to get great at all of em together. It'll slow u the fuck down. Focus on one hero and one role. Watch pros play it day and night. Start seeing patterns. Try doing what they do. Fuck up cuz u arent actually doing what they do u just try to copy em. Ask urself questions like "what do i do vs x hero?" "When do i push when do i fight when do i farm?" And etc. Then go watch those pros play, and this time focus on seeing how they handle the situation in ur questions. Learn. Adapt and implement. Profit!

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              You get better, like for example for your PA, you always max your blink last and max out blur over it, and you also get crap like Skadi instead of Nullifier or Abyssal. It's not hard to improve in 1k MMR, if you're stuck there, it means you're making a lot of obvious and easy to fix mistakes.


                                                A 1k mmr average game isnt different from a 6k mmr average match since its a team game, as long as you coordinate/cooperate with your team you will find ways to win even if you are behind and apparently losing


                                                  1. If you are so good at darkseer why don't you play him more?
                                                  2. Try play sup I spammed cm and got out of 1.5k to around 2k and now sitting at 2.9k which is quite an achievement for me
                                                  3. Shadow blade doesn't always work you might heard the high mmr players says 1-2k doesn't buy dust but sure they do a lot of people using youtube guide and not being so retarded
                                                  4. Have a small but versatile hero pool you can't always expect to play carry sometimes you might force to play support learn how to do it
                                                  5. Blink is good trust me on darkseer you will find easier time initiating teamfight same goes for kunkka and legion
                                                  6. If support doesn't buy wards just buy it wards doesn't cost much and you will be safer farming


                                                    Git gud

                                                    Im serious, just practice.


                                                      I'm just at a point where i don't even know anymore, every game has trolls, every game someone feeds, every game someone abandons, every single fucking game.
                                                      To be fair, the only enjoyable games with good team coordination and comms was IN LOW PRIORITY, i don't fucking get it.


                                                        Just look at the recent game, i call Safelane PA, and i get a Dark Seer with me, ''Sweet we will crush this lane'' Oops, no it turns out he wants to hardcarry and rushes Dagon.
                                                        I don't fucking know what to do


                                                          Wtf there is something wrong with urself if you always get low priority, im pretty sure that net issues only happens when its raining heavily or due to maintenance or something


                                                            I don't ''always'' get into low priority.
                                                            Maybe once 2-3 months


                                                              play mid no one is going to compete with you except 1 that is ur opposite midlaner

                                                              snowball get farm and win


                                                                Look at the last games, every game i win, i win the lane, positive K/D/A, high GPM and XPM yet still loss, EVERY SINGLE GAME, no matter what hero, i could have a gpm of 1000 and still lose
                                                                I give up, you either buy yourself out of this rank or never get out


                                                                  you have to git gud, i suggest you site like pvugna, also check your replays when you lost(unless you know the reason)youtube so on. on such bracketeven 3k would be king


                                                                    bro, see my activity, from herald to crusader hours ago. if i reach to 2k, would you change your mind and believe that everything is possible ? 😉

                                                                    2 B R 0 2 B

                                                                      When you will try to playing as support ? Stop spamming carry and mid like idiot


                                                                        ''When you will try to playing as support ? Stop spamming carry and mid like idiot'', Yeah that would be really nice and then if i make it up into higher MMR everyone will automatically assume you only play support and be forever locked to that role.
                                                                        Yeah no thanks


                                                                          Stay in 1k please,do everyone a favor and remain “stuck” there.

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                            It's not "literally impossible" though. But it's pretty damn hard.

                                                                            arrogant adolescent

                                                                              Plug in your keyboard.

                                                                              hawaiian roller coaster ride

                                                                                its not that hard, im only a high 3k player and I got my old account up from 1.4 to 2.7 extremely easily. While I mainly played carry or mid, its not hard to carry a game as a support in 1k. ( ) This is the other account I play on every now and then, you can check out the games if you want. Just learn to play, and learn how to push and you can easily win games.

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                  Have you tried gitting gud?


                                                                                    Plug in your keyboard

                                                                                    Its either that or your mouse


                                                                                      Played in a 1k smurf, you basically have to do it all. Ppl there are brainless AF. Always rushing in fights without even thinking if the team would stand a chance in a 5 v 5 engagement. But meh... if you get better, you'd just push your way to higher MMR.


                                                                                        I didn't know we were still in 2013, instead of saying ''Haha i'm a 5k mmr, just git gud'' LMAOOOOOOOO BRO XDDD sure showed him.
                                                                                        How about giving some concrete advice and tips? Some people evidently can

                                                                                        playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                                                          m8 to escape the trench you need to be able to sift the gems from the dirt. It's no different than in this forum.

                                                                                          2 B R 0 2 B

                                                                                            Okay, just stay at ur medal now, thats suits u a lot

                                                                                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                              Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient??

                                                                                              Ser Lactose De Intolerant

                                                                                                You have a very low impression of supports.
                                                                                                I calibrated at 2.5k playing all kinds of roles, fell to 1.8k soon after.
                                                                                                That was 2-3years back. From 1.8k i played as support and struggled in the trench, i did learn many many things about dota as a support and climbed up to 2.5k. From 2.5k i played mid, mostly with invoker to 3.5k then i played support again all the way to where i am now which is 4.3k.

                                                                                                My point is, spamming carries only works if you are better than the players in your bracket. From what i can see in your profile, you're definitely not there yet. Pick up other roles, learn how to support,create space and believe me when i say this, you will understand the game alot better eventually.


                                                                                                  Then i guess i will just take my time to grind with carries then, cause i don't want to be branded as a support player just because i wanted quick mmr

                                                                                                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                                    You just suck.


                                                                                                      Interesting and thought out constructive criticism, ''you suck'' really gives me a lot to work off


                                                                                                        buy battle pass and doto plos