General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Fiend, Clinkz and Faceless Void

Shadow Fiend, Clinkz and Faceless Void in General Discussion

    HELLO I'm trying to learn these three heroes for ranked, I'm going to play thirty or so games with each before I get into it because my calibration mmr and skill is terrible (600). I know very little but I've played about 800 hours and still know next to nothing, as i now want to get seriously into ranked and want to rise up the ranks. any help or advice would be appreciated.


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    i am REHI

      Each hero has their own strengths and weaknesses which makes it very complicated to excel when you're at that bracket. Learn the fundamentals before you learn specific heroes. A good start would be to practice their last hitting rhythm in the last hitting challenge in the Learn section. Learn carry roles in general and take it seriously. I can recommend Purge's videos in YouTube. If you have at least get a good grasp with the fundamentals(ex. last hitting, creep aggroing, map awareness), I can assure you that you'll reach 3k in a couple of months.

      i am REHI

        Play and think at the same time. Adjust your gameplay according to the enemy lineup. Never flame people and never think you're better than anybody.

        i am REHI

          If you really want to learn SF, this is a very good guide for you.


            learn 1 hero before u learn 3
            and its much better to learn all the heroes (basics) before learning 1 of them very well


              For void you want to apply pressure as much as you can when chrono is up

              Start off with 2 set of regen and stout, slip in some branch/mango if you want

              Don't be too passive on the laning stage, he might not have reliable disable/harass/cc on the early game but he hits pretty damn hard and can usually get away with getting his health chipped with timewalk

              Max bash first unless you are winning/losing the laning phase rly hard

              Once you hit lvl 6 you can start playing even more agressively and get a free kill from it with one or two hero backing you up (or even none), mid is a pretty good target for this

              Keep farming if you're uncertain about getting that kill in reasonable amount of time

              Take note of your dps and make priorities before using chrono, most of the time it's better to ensure followup from your teammates before using it

              Farm/splitpush whenever chrono is down

              He doesn't have huge mana problems but you can't spam timewalk 24/7, conserve mana and use spells efficiently, I guess

              His item build is pretty flexible, but treads is pretty mandatory, follow up with MoM/vlad/BF/HoTD depending on the lineups/your playstyle (Slip in aquila/stick/raindrop if u want) then bulk up stats/attack speed depending on what you feel is more important

              SB is pretty good for pickoffs on mobile heroes but I don't think that you need it to catch people offguard in your bracket

              Take only one of the two HP talent if you need them, then go take timewalk and backtrack talent (its better 99% of the time and if you need the chrono talent to land your bubble properly, might as well as not play the hero since you obviously suck BALLS at him too hard)

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                He's definitely one of the best pubstomper imo if played properly and learning him is definitely worth it


                  vlads LOOOL
                  srsly tho
                  void cool and good


                    clinkz would be op in ur bracket just win lanes deny as much as possible zone out with searing arrows soulring deso, focus on killing all outer towers then gg


                      vlads LOOOL

                      hey dud if u wanna go chad void u go mom/bf/both(for superchads) if u wanna go beta void u buy hotd dagger pipe force staff mekansm (???)and shit
                      vlad is the cool and good middle ground aight

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                        Clinkz is a real game changer. Just lane well and harass early. Get soul ring deso and orchid. Don't go for kills until orchid. You can also go for orchid before deso but deso is important to get towers early. Zone out enemies and kill them. Get towers with strafe and keep pushing constantly. And please don't be greedy for kills. Towers get the game not kills. If everything goes well then gg ezz.


                          don't waste your time with Shadow Fiend. if you want to learn a mid hero learn Pugna or Viper. void is a very solid offlane or safelane in any bracket - the goal is either battle fury or mask of madness early on. with the maelstrom changes, maelstrom is a nice in-between if you think you'll get more farm than mask but they will get enough levels to impede your battle fury coming at a nice timing.
                          playing void is all about learning to last hit properly and to know who and when to chrono - to use it as an opener (which will cost you possibly a second or a few seconds of valuable chrono damage time) or to use it to remove a character or several characters from the fight.
                          using chrono to wipe out a support is often worth it, i've had games on my smurf where a support like CM is the only one really preventing me from wiping out the enemy team as her ult and roots were too much of a threat since they prevented me from evading their bursts
                          on void, vlads is almost never the right choice. battle fury gives you more than enough regeneration, mask of madness gives you enough lifesteal, and though you get no regen from maelstrom you can buy potions or tangoes early on or use shrines if you are too low to keep farming/jungling.
                          start with a stout shield, quelling blade, tangoes, get a potion with bounties, and until you get your items that's pretty much just trying to get last hits, denies, and managing your wave properly.

                          not much to say about clinkz, get infused raindrops when they're available, get last hits, harass the offlaner (or harass whoever is in your lane if you're in another lane), get damage, kill people, push towers, end the game.
                          if you have physical damage as clinkz and you're not getting stunned or disabled or bursted, medallion + deso is all you need, maelstrom is good vs pa and evasion heroes etc, etc

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                            Purge seems good to watch, which videos or posts should I read from purge the videos with Day 9?


                              Thanks for all the information


                                Also right now i don't have a support role, or roaming hero. I've played bounty hunter before but I don't know how to roam correctly I always feel like I'm not getting enough xp/gold, when i played him before I usually played as a carry which is not how he is supposed to played. The reason i like clinkz, Shadow fiend and Faceless Void is because i like playing carry, im decent at last hitting but i never know when to leave, push or gank.

                                Souljah Witch's Faith

                                  I would say - learn how to play void. For SF u need a good coordination and know how to hit dem razes, the hero became spellcaster so its tougher to play him. And there is clinkz, weak af in my opinion, can be countered easily on the lane its just a weird hero to pick this patch. Void is the easiest of this 3 heroes, strong carry, can be played safelane and offlane. Remember if u go offlane u wanna build more like initiator hero than carry, so like vlads,blink,scepter, but offlane void is not always a good thing, goes well with invoker and for example safelane sniper or drow(someone ranged that can shoot at heroes inside of chrono). I preffer safelane void, start with regen, stout, and mango, buy queling blade if u want to its good for that last hiting. Then u go aquila, mom, diffusal, manta, mkb is very good, linkens or bkb if needed, also sb and blink situational. If u are playing against pl, ck its not bad to switch that aquila and mom with an early bf just to cleave those illusions. Thats all from me


                                    if you wanna spam one of these, spam clinkz, he is probably the best choice for your bracket.


                                      Berry simple tricks
                                      1-go to twitch and checkout bipdongoe or freecookies channel and watch one game where they destroy enemy ancient in 25 mins so you learn for sure that if you are better you can solo win any low mmr game
                                      2-choose a hero to climb with that is one hero no more dont even think about other heroes dont talk about them dont look at them only one
                                      3-you can choose any hero (pos.1 to 3) at your mmr it doesnt matter but preferably something u already have a decent winrate with
                                      4-open the hero's wikipedia page and learn the hero's bugs and skill mechanics memorize them by heart and learn what items are good and when to buy them
                                      5-learn the hero's lore from dota 1 and 2 to be extra cool
                                      6-watch purge play the hero to get a basic understanding of the hero
                                      7-practice last hitting with the hero in an empty lobby
                                      8-learn the hero damage combos in demo mode
                                      9-try the hero in bots till you can beat unfair bots consistently
                                      10-play the hero exactly ten games in normal matchmaking to get a feel for the hero
                                      11-watch a 7k replay of the hero from a-notice clicking patterns b-when he pushes and when he doesn't I the laning stage c-how he plays according to game time d-how he kills an enemy hero by baiting him out e-CLICKING PATTERNS
                                      12- DO ELEVEN EVERYDAY ONCE YOU WAKE UP FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE
                                      13-play the hero and only that hero for the next 100 games


                                        15-first pick your hero no pusy blyat


                                          Love it how u accept and acknowledge not knowing anything (that's the biggest problem that holds back so many ppl,thinking they know)

                                          To learn a hero, there's basically a process. Do the process and slowly and steadily get better.

                                          First off, go to and learn EVERYTHING about that hero in its page. Even the stuff u know, look at them again but more specifically than before (like the numbers and cds and effects n stuff)

                                          Then, go watch pros play him/her. Watch it for a bunch of games (20-50) until u'r like "okay i think i know how he's played now".

                                          Now go play the hero. Start fuckin up. And losing a lot because obviously u suck cuz everyone does at the start.

                                          And now u have questions in ur head. " why did i lose?", "how do i play a hard lane with void?", " what do i do when my teammates are incompetent?" Which btw they mostly are in pretty much every skill bracket even the highest one. And so on.

                                          This time go back and start watching replays again, but in pursuit of finding the answer to ur questions. Try finding the same scenarios happened to u in high mmr games. See what they did (if they didnt rage and do stupid shit ofc).

                                          U keep doing this and getting better and there's no "until". It's just a process of keep getting better


                                            @sia well said👍👍


                                              ^Thansk mate :)