General Discussion

General Discussion* First creep wave no longer draws aggro on the side lanes until they...

* First creep wave no longer draws aggro on the side lanes until they meet the other wave in General Discussion
One Fourth of a Concubine

    So does that mean you have to dual lane now?


      Damn, this was the only way that i can survive in high 5k mmr offlane, but now they removed it, curse u valve


        Can't you just smoke and afk until the second creep wave and then do the pull like normal :thinking:


          Yes (is too short minimum is 6 characters)


            you dont have to dual lane, but a lot of offlaners are not viable anyore

            just pick a viable solo offlaner


              you can aggro it with axe first spell.. ez icefraud you cant fix my high iq suck it

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              jeremy meeks' personality

                2-1-2 meta
                It's like 1K bracket everywhere



                  you can aggro it with axe first spell.. ez icefraud you cant fix my high iq suck it

                  or maybe ld lvl 1 savage roar and let your creeps run under enemy tower?:-D


                    Why would they nerf the only way to get ez lvls for offlaner. I swear im gonna spam offlane lich in a dual lane now.

                    me, government hooker

                      pull 2nd wave

                      Mlada i Luda

                        2 -1-2 meta started about 2 months ago already, this change only force more the pub players to realise it. it was always like this , people always adapt slowly. its disgusting watching pudge with a 40% pick rate in pubs, while in pro scene 0 %. people to dumb to realise that roaming meta is dead long time ago, since the mid tower changed, and offlane creep wave meet much closer to safe laner. that creep wave cut was some creative idea from smart people, a specifik way to adapt and survive in offlane when your team is deadbrain and, have stucked in the roaming meta, and let thery offlane to the wolves.

                        i actually dont get it, dont people read patches at all or what? or watch any high pro playing, if they cant realise itself what those patch changes are about?
                        this goes to all riki, pudge pickers everywhere. you have 2 months maybe more ruining games like retards, and every single win of your you got carried. deal with it.


                          Well roaming meta didn't look dead in pro matches... Still see plenty of Tusk, ES etc...

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Dual laning was already way too good to not do anyway. But yeah you can still pull the second wave.

                            Mlada i Luda

                              yeah tusk , clock, and es , are tier 1 picked pos 4. but have you watched the games waht they do or jsut the draft? mostly of the time they start oflane, block creep wave with thery spells and stay there help theyr offlaner. i mean pos 4 have to roam eventually and make plays, but it all starts with lv 1 decisions. if you jsut start as a duo in of you put you offlane in a equal scenario with enemy carry ,and your offlaner will have a rly big impact maybe even crush the carry. ( that happened a lot actually , many teams are holding absolut last pick the 3 position)


                                Oh I absolutely agree... Securing your safelane or offlane respectively as supports has always been important... More so then most people in pubs realize...

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  More so then most people in pubs realize...
                                  . why i see 99% of pubs solo offlane than ? isn't this all about what were talking in this topic ? i even doubt people realise that duo offlane is meta yet even now that you cant pull the creep wave. prety sure mostly of people will think , well i will pull the 2-nd than . lul. kids pls. when gaben released the patch that creeps meets much close to safe laner. he was saying, " its time for 2-1-2 meta again plebs ". people did not notice , still roamer all around in pubs. well than he released the other patch , changed mid tower in a diferent position close to river, making it harder for roamers to gank. people still trying to roam, and feeding casually on the map mostly. well another patch camme out, bounty runes no longer gives exp . gaben is yelling " HELLOOOO, RETAAAAAARDS, WATCH SOME FUCKING PRO GAMES, ROAMING META IS OVER, TIME FOR 2-1-2 AGAIN".

                                  that patch actually had an effect , some realised that roaming is not that good anymore. duo lane than ?!! nooo.. some junglers rised again even in 4-5k pubs. lmao. im curious to see how many more time will take people to realise that 2-1-2 is the only way.


                                    spam io and grief


                                      Rip muh bounty hunter pulls


                                        1st creep wave guys...cmon now you have like 99 left


                                          deal with dual aggresive hero.
                                          sand king with anything will work.


                                            just pick robot fools


                                              Pull the second wave


                                                Stop whining abt roamers


                                                  Untill few months ago nobody pulled Lane and it was ok. Now everybody Is crying. The same with shrines time for 5 minutes.


                                                    Go dark seer and ion shell the other sides creeps, since they wont aggro, they will die and allow your creeps to die under your tower, rebounding equilibrium back to you

                                                    Solo Leveling

                                                      A fun tip. You can now Harass the enemy Safelaner while they are trying to block the wave before their t1 (like in between T1 and T2) this works hella good in dual lane especially.

                                                      Me and my buddy were doing this and safelane always shows up to lane with half HP or less regen items.