General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed sum help with sven items

Need sum help with sven items in General Discussion

    SUp , as the title says . I need a comparison between Dagger or SnY. Which item should i get first ? is it really worth it replacing SnY with echo sabre ? Which items suits best in a late game situation (in a normal teamfight without any evasion heroes like pa,am,etc) ?
    Any reply would be appreciated !


      I used to build dagger after pt mom but since they nerfed the cooldown im not so sure about it. You'd probably farm faster if you go sny/echo before it. Sny is a superior choice 90% of the time, especially cuz of movement speed but it costs more so if you wanna start fighting earlier go for echo saber. Best lategame items are Bloodthorne/Deadalus, AC/ Heart. Get heart if you are really farmed around 25/30 mins and go end.

      If you wanna play for mmr i would strongly advise to avoid sven until he gets buffed (hopefully in the next patch) because right now he's one of the weakest heroes in the game and is extremely team dependant

      Lruce Bee

        against PA / high armour heroes / evasion, just stack battlefuries and rely on cleave. it does a stupid amount of damage with crit.


          If you wanna play for mmr i would strongly advise to avoid sven until he gets buffed (hopefully in the next patch) because right now he's one of the weakest heroes in the game and is extremely team dependant

          @Umbranox : Im totally agreed with this point , since he can't scale well on late game vs other hard carries like magina. I'm thinking about switching SnY to echo since the talents itself provide MS. THanks for the reply tho really appreciate it

          @HanYolo : It looks like you didnt get the point of my thread , dont you ? I'm asking for an advice on which item should i get , not to review your matches with sven


            I'd say you get SnY when you can and echo when you must, if you understand what i mean. More movement speed is always welcome on a hero like sven which relies completely on his first enterance in the fight and suffers so hard from being kited. If you go SnY, it doesnt provide mana regen so you usually wanna combine it with either the lvl 10 +2 mana regen talent or a bloodthorn later on so you can sustain your spell usage. If you took +8 strenght make sure to bring yourself some clarities as you farm.

            Mikha Lim~

              Dagger = if your team needs you and they are always engaging in early fights ( this is good against enemy lineups who want to end the game early)
              SnY = if your team doesnt really need you in early fights but make sure to tp to get cleanup kills (imo a very good item for sven)
              Echo Sabre = a mixture of both, it is usually better if your team has setup and youre planning to help early on.

              SnY is better in the long run than Echo Sabre since it gives u that extra mobility u really need but Echo sabre can be useful if youre snowballing and planning to end early since it gives u the mana sustain to push with ur team.

              *Aquilla is also a sleeper item on sven it gives u nice early stats and the mana sustain he also needs. The item is very good atm and needs to be considered on any right click oriented heroes.

              EDIT: You need to ferry clarities all the time. ITS A MUST ON SVEN.

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              Mikha Lim~

                But sven is one of the worst hard carries alongside ursa, mk and medusa. He's a very kitable hero. Just wait for the buff hammer to arrive before using him

                not arin

                  i hoped u said dagon instead of dagger from the thumbnail

                  Lruce Bee

                    Lol the point of linking the matches is not for you to review. But to see how to build sven you dummy.


                      ^how to build physical ember maybe, but bf sven...

                      Lruce Bee

                        Don't hate it till you've tried it Brother


                          @mc : thanks a lot for the reply , yep im always getting 2 - 3 clarity in my backpack tho. Never try aquila before but i'll try that later

                          @HanYolo : Thanks but no thanks , of corse somehow you gonna build those "1 shot cleave " against a guardian , but cmon let's be real. And also why dont u just describe which item should i get instead linking your matches ? Im asking for a comparison between dagger and SnY not a double fucking battlefury


                            Pt>mom>sny>blink> Bkb or daed >win.


                              ac is also a good step after sny if you don't need bkb for the game. that or daed, it really depends on the game what you get after the first core items.


                                Ur not a fucking kunkka or ember who needs crit and raw damage, u need survivability to

                                Lruce Bee

                                  "1 shot cleave " against a guardian

                                  oh you had to go there. please sir, explain how being a guardian has anything to do with whether a build works or not? im 100% sure you have not tried it, i.e., have no clue what the merits of the build are at all. and yet you somehow bring medals into the argument to try and discredit it. shows how smart you are.

                                  you'd ask for a comparison between dagger and sny for sven. you might as well be asking about rod of atos vs. orb of venom on antimage. look i get it, you have the right to compare whatever silly items you want which doesnt suit a hero at all. but im just here to suggest what is entirely more optimal.


                                    Because any build works in the shit tier
                                    Just cuz u win with something does not make it ideal once you start playing against better players
                                    This doesn't just apply to HanSolo but like every moron herald who thinks heart rush sniper is legit