General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Tips From High Level Players

Best Tips From High Level Players in General Discussion
Saucy Edwin

    I've been doing pretty well in my games lately, but I'm always looking to improve. To the >4k players, what is the best advice you have for playing better?


      better map awareness and map control....i dont mean pushing towers i mean actual controlling the map and knowing what u can and cant get away with when i play with my 2k-3k freinds thats the biggest thing i see, not pushing out waves so its obvious where your team is and other stuff. there is stuff on youtube about it but that will give u more off a winrate in ANY ROLE more then anything. u can play shadow shaman 10 games in a row and win with it 8/10 gmes with that advice. just learn that and u wont need to be like "im only carry" because that phrase is cancer

      Cant Win

        The secret of gaining mmr is having good picks. In just 2 weeks I went from ancient 2 to divine 3 really quick just by picking the right carry or support in every game


          First pick visage every game

          Cant Win

            Cancer visage players


              No we are not cancers, we adjust our builds accordingly


                You need to specify your weak/strong points in order to receive the best advice

                BELOW AVERAGE IQ

                  @DEEBOT bro i added you on dota 2. You did not accept my friend reqiest. You replied on my thread where i said i need vhs player to help coach me

                  Shirley Fenette

                    As SF I am not good at trading right clicks...I rely too much on razes...Help xD

                    Solo Leveling

                      Die Less, Objective gaming

                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                        I get my dick out when I play, helps me to win.

                        Saucy Edwin

                          @Echo it's kinda funny, you say you can win 8/10 games, and I actually have an 80% winrate with shaman :D


                            @jerk nice man, just gota learn how to take the map away as a core or any role and games become easy. make the map shrink for them take there resources end the game easy. the smaller your map is with wards and creeps as far as vision goes the harder the game for everyone.


                              -Always try to find your own mistake rather than blaming others, and think of a way to improve.
                              -if you see someone doing good in ur team, it ain't a bad idea to download the replay or copy them
                              -I heard youtube tutorial is quite good (although I've never used them) on some tip for people below 5k
                              -Picks are very important, hero that has less counter should be pick first and hero that has more counter and stronger in specific area should be picked last
                              -Map awareness
                              -remember this game is defense of the ancient, not farming simulator, not kda competition, also ganking and no pushing is a big no no.
                              -I can see you are a core player so you need to get your lane equilibrium right
                              -if you are playing mid, it's not a bad idea to get an observer ward yourself before night time other than waiting for your support then complain hur dur no ward support suck
                              -Also if you are mid, do not try to gank unless enemy is diving so hard and need to be punish. Ganking on enemy core, if you waste your time to gank a mere support, it's simply not worth it.
                              -If you are core player it's your responsibility to lead the team, support can not be the one leading, and usually core are too stupid to understand it especially in 5k. Everyone think they are good but no core want to make big decision, and that's how you usually lose the game. Space for the enemy is always quite bad.
                              -Obviously there are way more stuff to care about as i have no idea how you play i can't really tell you other than the basic
                              there are far more stuff about the specific area


                                @northway the support is useualy the leader in 6k+

                                Saucy Edwin

                                  When I play ranked I normally play support, but I play core when I'm playing party, so tips for either is appreciated.

                                  Solo Leveling

                                    Echo something tells me Northway doesnt need your advice. Also

                                    "-remember this game is defense of the ancient, not farming simulator, not kda competition"

                                    That is pure fucking Gold, that should be a header on the Game Loading Screen to remind people!


                                      - You should know what items to buy, whether you are a support or a core.
                                      - Know when you should stop farming and start pushing or ganking.

                                      I had a match where my carry was asking us to buy lotus orb to cancel the halberd. Hahaha!


                                        i think you should try to maintain a PMA every game and pick what your team needs. buy wards smokes and dust if you want to play well in >4k. also heart is a good item.


                                          pick 1 or two heroes from bonus hero and spam that shit for the day