General Discussion

General DiscussionCOMMEND FOR?

COMMEND FOR? in General Discussion
mabasag sana pc mo detoor

    What's the purpose of having many commends? I mean did it help for priority matchmaking? and prevent low prio?


      Youre naturally not getting into lp while you getting commends


        It also shows you are completely toxic and teammates appreciate you..

        Example: I recently saw a legend player with +1300 wins and only 300 commends.. That would suggest they have between 2k-3k games with the potential of 8-12k commends. What does that say about that player?

        주 롄양

          dendi has over 10k commends :^)

          SASA POPOVIC

            Some players belive in urban legend, that if you have many commends and good behavior score it keeps you away from hidden pool and bad and toxic teammates, thus keeps your page green avoiding losing streaks, which simply is not true.

            Also guy above me is wrong, players commend their whole team when they win and report when they lose. Nobody cares if you are toxic but game is won.

            Forget me not

              I got 20 commend and 6 report in the behaviour summary. Still got in lp thought .

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                So you can have this awkward gay moment between your teammates


                  receiving commend willl increase your behaviour score, that's it


                    Not being a dick and being good at a game isn’t something worth striving for anymore, just that sweet sweet + 25 apparently. Pepehands


                      one commedn is equal to 100 behaviiour score. one report is -400 behaviour score. That all. You can get Lp with many commend, but allso few reports doesn`t mean that you will get low priority. The most reports i saw was on Buldog stream he had 15 and still was in normal priority. Most i had was 8 but no low priority, probably because you don`t have any reason to get low priority, bad play isn`t low priority, just drop skill lvl of game. Also more commend doesn` t lead to higher skill lvl.


                        More commends means I can abandon game with no penalty.


                          I still dont get it why 1 commend counted as 4


                            So you can display it on your profile and show that you more commends than number of matches


                              It's good for showoff and making your teammates think you can be trusted.
                              People see me with 120 matches and 300 commends and trust me a bit more (and usually let me take safelane).


                                I think it maybe also affect gameplay cos half of my game is against divine and ancient although I just a petty archon.Maybe it because my 1k commend or maybe not at all.


                                  Commends just increase ur behaviour score a bit. Otherwise it just looks good on the profile when u have a lot of them, I have around 900 commends and 630 matches played


                                    @chinese name 1commend counts as 4 beacause earlier there use to 4 categories to commend to but now only 1