General Discussion

General Discussion2-1-2 laning?

2-1-2 laning? in General Discussion
boni top fan

    Title... pick a strong offlane hero and an aggressive roamer= destroy enemy trilane


      Yeah 2-1-2 trend is getting back slowly as its how it was played at DAC finals.


        what trilane? who does trilanes in 2018?
        well actually 1-1-3 gets played a bit, aggro trilanes.

        the issue with the 2 1 2 is, if your midlaner has a bad matchup and/or gets ganked a lot, you're in trouble unless you have a pos 4 that can be strong in the offlane with your 3 AND roam efficiently.

        this makes for quiet a limited 4 hero pool. basically thats why sk is so strong in the meta

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